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  • How Reiki Concentration can Fulfill Your Desires  By : Zach Keyer
    Reiki Practice of Concentrationa nd Meditation For Manifestation
  • Reiki Versus World War Three  By : Judith Conroy
    Is World War 3 Inevitable?

    Well, is it? What are your thoughts and feelings on this..?
  • Looking for a Reiki Association?  By : Bronwen Stiene
    Find out more about what makes a Reiki association worthwhile....
  • The Deeper Meaning of the Word Reiki  By : Bronwen Stiene
    Its a simple healing system but its ramafications are profound.

    Find out more about Reiki....
  • What Do I think About When I am doing Reiki?  By : Bronwen Stiene
    It's funny the things you think about when you are doing a Reiki treatment. But are these things going to affect your treatment?
  • Guide to Losing Your Mind Before You Go Crazy  By : Tracy Togliatti
    Your stress level is going to drop significantly and you are going to become more effective with your mind than what you may now think is possible. This might seem like a totally unrealistic goal to you, maybe even completely far fetched. Please bear with me though, with an open mind and heart. We could very well be taking the first step towards changing your life!
  • Reiki - A Path to Wholeness  By : Bronwen Stiene
    Looking at how the mind-body connection works within the system of Reiki.
  • What Is Reiki And How Does It Work?  By : Gregg Hall
    Reiki is a system that was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian Minister Japan. One day a student hit him with the question "do you believe in miracles" and he said, "Yes I believe in miracles," and the student said, "Well show us a miracle." This threw his life in a tailspin for awhile and he went out on a quest.
  • Reiki...So What is it and Where Does it Come From?  By : Judith Conroy
    A startling fact about Reiki which most Reiki Teachers keep quiet about.
  • What is Reiki All About?  By : Mike Herman
    Reiki is a healing method that became popular in the Western cultures beginning in the twentieth century. It is an ancient healing method that has been used by the Japanese for several centuries.
  • What Is Reiki? ...And How Can Energy Healing Help You? Part 1 of 3  By : Taylore Vance
    It is not a religion, cult, or new age. Why are thousands learning about energy frequency and how can this help you have a better life?
  • What Is Reiki? ...And How Can Energy Healing Help You? Part 2 of 3  By : Taylore Vance
    Learn the three main benefits of using healing energy. Why are thousands of mothers, teachers and nurses learning Reiki -- all around the world?
  • What Is Reiki? ...And How Can Energy Healing Help You? Part 3 of 3  By : Taylore Vance
    At one time it was common knowledge to use this energy to raise the frequency and therefore heal the body of illnesses. Down through the ages this health knowledge got lost until a Japanese monk rediscovered it about 100 years ago. Learn the three degrees of energy healing.
  • Understanding Reiki Healings - Part 1 of 3  By : Taylore Vance
    Quantum physics studies prove that focused energy effects time, space and can heal physical bodies. Learn why millions of people are learning Reiki?
  • Understanding Reiki Healings - Part 2 of 3  By : Taylore Vance
    Reiki healing treatments give many benefits. It enhances the healthcare the patient receives in the hospital or from other healthcare providers. Learn the 5 major benefits you might experience when receiving a treatment using this energy healing method.
  • Understanding Reiki  By : Gary M. Spolansky, MBA, RMT
    Reiki is a healing modality that has its origins in Tibet, while the modern version is of Japanese descent. It is a gentle, non-invasive way of releasing those old hurts, pains and disappointments that underlie our physical and emotional ills. It accomplishes this by gently soothing those areas of blocked, nonmoving energy so that proper flow can be reestablished. As a result, a Reiki session leaves an individual feeling lighter, more confident and secure with themselves and more able to handle whatever comes their way. In addition to stress, tension and anxiety, Reiki can also assist you to let go of the physical discomfort and pain related to old ailments or recent afflictions.
  • True Reiki Success Stories  By : Gary M. Spolansky, MBA, RMT
    As I do in my lectures, I ask members of the audience to volunteer to experience the benefits Reiki could provide in releasing stress and related symptoms. As I began to work, Veronica told me she was feeling a little bit of warmth on the side of her face. I continued working and the sense of warmth increased a bit but not very much. I worked with her for only about 5 minutes as there were 25 people in the audience and I had hoped to assist a as many as I could that evening. When I finished I asked her to return to her seat and allow the energy to work as the energy will continue working even though the session has ended. She went back to her seat and I continued with my demonstrations periodically looking over to see how she was doing. Over the few minutes I noticed that her face was slightly twitching. About 15 minutes later, I looked over and saw that the twitching was becoming much more exaggerated. I asked her if she was ok and she nodded yes. Veronica then told me she had been feeling a significant degree of warmth throughout her face, neck and throat but there was no sense of anxiety or fear in her face or in her manner. Gradually, the twitching subsided and she was smiling radiantly.
  • Reiki: Japanese Technique That Provides Spiritual Healing  By : Hector Milla
    Jake worked as a financial consultant for one of the top 10 stock brokers in the country. This meant waking up early every morning and coming home late at night just to analyze a report before giving a good advice.
  • Let's Go Japanese - Reiki on Track  By : Hector Milla
    Reiki is a Japanese term, which means divine life energy force. From the Westside people it is an expression understood to be the "Laying of the hands".
  • 7 Steps to Reiki Self-Insight  By : Zach Keyer
    Insightful Reiki Steps to Revealing Your Inner Strengths
  • A Reiki Healing Session: What To Expect  By : Douglas Hardwick
    Reiki is a form of energy healing that has become a popular complement to modern medicine. The purpose of a Reiki healing session is to channel additional life energy, or ki, to the person who suffers from physical or mental traumas.
  • Energy Healing 101: Pranic, Tantric, and Reiki  By : Tim Maher
    This article seeks to give a short overview of three types of energy healing, Pranic, Tantric and Reiki. Pranic healing has to do with studying the "auras" that cover our bodies and different personality types will have different colours.Tantric is associated with sex and spirituality and is said to remove impurities during orgasm. Reiki stands for universal energy and can tap this for healing purposes. Energy healing practise is non invasive.
  • Reiki Heals Pain And Depression  By : Taylore Vance
    Learn nine ways Reiki immediately helps a person overcome bad health and depression. Understand how stuck emotions are easily released with natural energy applications.
  • Reiki and Stress  By : Jane Houston
    Stress harms the body on more than just the physical level. This article describes how Reiki can help.
  • Reiki - History, Techniques, and Instruction  By : Corie Cornwell
    The Usui Natural Healing System, named after its founder Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, is the traditional system used to 'channel' the energy known as Reiki energy. Two versions of the origin of the Reiki are known: One is that ...
  • Reiki Attunement Training and History  By : Corie Cornwell
    Reiki was originally developed as a modern revision of some of the ancient Japanese healing secrets by Dr Makao Usui. Dr. Usui was a Christian and teacher who through study of ancient Buddhist and Hindu practices, meditation and research, developed the system of natural healing by the laying on of hands.
  • The Power of Reiki Referrals In Your Reiki Practice  By : Zach Keyer
    Keys for rejuventaing your reiki practice using the free technique of getting referrals.
  • Reiki Courses and Levels  By : Corie Cornwell
    All training courses in the United States originate from the Grand Master, Mrs. Hawayo Takata who claimed to be a student of one of the students trained by Usui. Although some of her claims are not able to be confirmed, such as the statement that no Reiki Grand Masters in Japan survived World War II, she trained at least 21 masters in the years between 1970 and 1980 in the traditional Usui method.
  • Reiki Self-Attunement  By : Corie Cornwell
    Usui Reiki attunement is the process of cleansing the body and mind and inviting the intelligent power or life force to be a conduit for healing of oneself and others. Traditionally, this attunement was supposed to be carried out by a person who had attained the status of Reiki Master, carried back in history to the original sensei.
  • Details of Reiki Therapy  By : Corie Cornwell
    Reiki therapy is an ancient healing art, practiced in one form or another by many different groups, but developed in modern times by a Christian educator and teacher in Japan, Dr. Usui. He studied techniques and belief systems of the Buddhists and Hindu peoples and through his work was able to quantify a method not only of treatment but of teaching others how to accomplish the same ends.
  • The First Principle of Reiki Deciding Not to Worry  By : Scott Meyers
    The first principle of Reiki states that "namely today don't worry". For the one who practices Reiki this phrase is very meaningful in everyday life.
  • The Second Principle of Reiki Don't Get Angry  By : Scott Meyers
    The second principle of Reiki states: "namely today don't get angry." Even though this principle is rather short, it communicates well several ideas and truths. And all of them find practical application during the Reiki healing process.
  • Reiki and the Throat Chakra  By : Scott Meyers
    The throat chakra is one of the steps that Reiki practitioners will focus on during the healing method. When the chakra is opened, it allows for better communication to occur on many different levels.
  • Reiki and the Crown Chakra  By : Scott Meyers
    The opening of the crown chakra in Reiki is usually the first step that is taken with the healing process. The chakra is known to be the place where the consciousness can be awakened, making it an important first step in the healing process.
  • The Heart Chakra in Reiki  By : Scott Meyers
    The heart chakra is one of the most important portals in the Reiki method for transfers of certain universal energies. This chakra has a unique mission of connecting the other chakras to it. Because of this, it is important for Reiki practitioners to open up the heart chakra for healing.
  • The Sacral Chakra in Reiki  By : Scott Meyers
    The sacral chakra is an area on the body that is located between the upper parts of the sacrum. This chakra is important in communicating and opening to universal energies, as well as helping with healing in Reiki.
  • Do Reiki Guides exist?  By : Patrick Hamouy
    Where does the Reiki enegy come from? Do we channel guides when we give Reiki Healing. Find out..
  • Lightarian Reiki is Used as an Expansion for One's Knowledge  By : Scott Meyers
    Lightarian Reiki is used as an expansion for one's knowledge. It is practiced by specialists after they have passed the master level of traditional Reiki training.
  • Gold Reiki Practice focuses on a Certain Universal Energy to Help With Healing  By : Scott Meyers
    After the formation of Reiki by Usui Reiki, several other forms of Reiki were developed by devotees of the practice. Each of these, while holding the traditions of Reiki, has used different powers and energies in order to help encourage the healing process. One type of these new forms of Reiki that has become popular is known as Gold Reiki.
  • The Root Chakra in Reiki  By : Scott Meyers
    The root chakra is also referred to as the first chakra, or base chakra. During a Reiki session, this chakra will be opened in order to communicate with universal energies that can be used for healing.
  • Reiki - The Energy Which Heals The Body  By : Daniele Protti
    Reiki is the term used by Japanese to call the Energy. It has been used since a very long time to indicate the energy of the universe and its use to heal the body of living beings
  • Use Your Emotional Body With Reiki  By : Daniele Protti
    When You understand what your Emotional Body is and how to use it you can really help yourself and other people for physical problems

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