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The Root Chakra in Reiki

By: Scott Meyers

The root chakra is also referred to as the first chakra, or base chakra. During a Reiki session, this chakra will be opened in order to communicate with universal energies that can be used for healing. There are several different attributes of the root chakra. It's important to understand how it relates to the healing methods that can be used in Reiki.

The root chakra is located between the anus and genitals. It is known to open downwards. This is for the purpose of connecting us with the earth and allowing the energies from the world in which we live to be able to connect with our bodies. The connection of this chakra to the body is important in order to be connected to certain characteristics and attributes.

The root chakra is said to be at its height when one is between the ages of one to seven. It allows one to establish instincts for survival. It also helps us to understand the idea of a physical being and presence. Often, this chakra will be related to the fou-petal lotus. The root chakra is known to relate to the element of earth because of its relations to the physical elements of the body.

The root chakra is also associated with the sense of smell. When looking into the aura of one who has the chakra intact, it will be red. When a Reiki practitioner is helping to open the root chakra, they will touch lightly around the thigh and lower stomach area. With women, they will then move to the left, and males will move to the right.

There are also other techniques that can be used in relation to this one. The Reiki practitioner chants 'lam' while finding blocked energies. This energy will help to clear the area and allow new universal energies to move in. They may also use aromas in relation to clear the area. The most common are the smells of cedar and clove, as it allows one to relate to the earth element.

There are also gemstones that are used in the practice of opening this chakra portal. Agate, bloodstone, garnet, red coral and ruby are all used as methods for clearing and communicating with the root chakra. These are said to hold the same energies as the root chakra.

When one's root chakra is cleared, then the suprarenal glands will also be healed. One may notice that after this is cleared, they will either have visions or feel a relation to the dawn, sunset and fresh soil. These are all representative of the mode of this chakra.

The clearing of the root chakra allows for one to be able to understand and revert to physical instincts that are necessary for survival. By doing this, it helps one to clear blocks that they may have had in relation to this type of energy. There are several methods that can be used in order to allow for the energy here can be cleared and used as a portal for universal energy.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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