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Reiki: Japanese Technique That Provides Spiritual Healing

By: Hector Milla

Jake worked as a financial consultant for one of the top 10 stock brokers in the country. This meant waking up early every morning and coming home late at night just to analyze a report before giving a good advice.

The work was very challenging and this executive will only get 3 to 4 hours of sleep every night. Since the body needs rest, a friend advised Jake to take a class on stress reduction and relaxation known as Reiki.

Reiki is an old Japanese technique that provides spiritual healing. It is done by sitting on one's hands and making the person believe that there is this "life force" which is very similar to "Chi" in Chinese culture that flows throughout the body.

Many believe that if this energy is low, there is a strong chance one will fall ill while those who are high will always be healthy and happy.

The word Reiki comes from two words. The first part "Rei" means God's wisdom while "Ki" means energy. When these two are combined, it stands for a spiritual guide of life force energy.

Reiki is not that hard to learn because it is been proven to be a simple and safe method that will give the person spiritual healing and self improvement. This usually begins when the master offers this to a student. The process how this is bestowed is known as attunement.

Some people who have passed through attunement have claimed to feel a sudden change happening inside. This is because the process does not only affect the mind but the entire body.

When this passed on to a student, Reiki will remain as a part of the person's life. This help the individual have an increased amount of physical energy, clarity of mind to solve personal problems, increased psychic activity and a raised level of consciousness.

The process of attunement may be done once but people who want to feel it again can go back similar to how a person will need to undergo a refresher course to remember this gift that has been passed down.

There are 4 levels in Reiki and each step the person takes is another one which can make turn the student into a master.

Here are the usual practices that have to be done before undergoing another attunement.

1. The individual must not eat fish, fowl or fish for the next three days. The person must also not consumer anything but water or juice before the ceremony.

2. The person must spend a lot of time in meditation or in peaceful walks instead of staying at home and watching television. During this time, the student must release all the negative tensions such as anger, hate, jealousy or worry to prepare oneself to let the positive energy in.

Anyone can learn Reiki. This technique may be spiritual in nature but is not a religion as some might perceive. The person is not required to believe in any dogma but may use the teachings to be closer to the religion that one believes in.

Those who want to learn will just have to sign up for a class which usually happens over the weekend. Once this is passed on by the master, the person can get up and also pass this to others since everyone may benefit from the techniques of Reiki.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Hector Milla is editor of www.maestroreiki.com/, a website about Reiki Master Teacher, Thanks for reproduce this article in you web site or ezine keeping a live link.

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