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The First Principle of Reiki Deciding Not to Worry

By: Scott Meyers

The first principle of Reiki states that "namely today don't worry". For the one who practices Reiki this phrase is very meaningful in everyday life. The origins of the first phrase of Reiki principle have several purposes and applications. When someone decides to practice Reiki, this principle expands and turns into an everyday life philosophy for such person.

We can say that the origin of this principle was taken by Reiki from several different sources. All the sources assert that a happy thought can produce good words and deeds. Relying upon these assertions, Reiki has come up with a way of seeing virtue in the lack of worrying and anxiety.

Reiki principle can find several ways of practical application. It can be used as a cure for restoring and releasing the blocked energies. When a person is afflicted with worries, it creates extra energy, but this energy is blocked. Such block hinders a Reiki healing practitioner from creating proper energy flow. However, if one decides not to worry, he or she allows the universal flow of energy to move through them and to unblock their inner energy flow.

The idea of making the decision not to worry at all is closely related to Reiki. For, after completing the Reiki class, one may find it easy to block away the anxieties of every day life. However, it should be stated that such practice can also block one out from seeing the universal energies of the world permanently.

After going through Reiki class or working with the Reiki practitioner, one has to be able to become more sensitive to the universal energies, as well as to obtain more joy and contentment in life. However, if you are blocked by worry and anxiety, you will have a hard time continuing to receive Reiki from the universe. It may also cause the other energies to become blocked again.

By deciding not to worry you open up yourself to universal energies, which surround you both inside and outside of the Reiki session. However, by doing this you may unblock possible negative energies surrounding you. The followers of this principle discover that their world begins to change. This begins to show not only through the reactions they begin to develop with others, but also through the mind set they develop in themselves.

The first principle of Reiki is the key for opening a door and letting in all the good of the universe and for unblocking the negative energies that are inside of you. Following the first principle of Reiki on a constant basis allows you to live a more relaxed life. It as well makes possible for the Reiki ideas to become a strong part of your life. By deciding not to worry, you open up yourself to the universe and let the joy and goodness of it enter your life.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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