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What Is Reiki? ...And How Can Energy Healing Help You? Part 1 of 3

By: Taylore Vance

Until around 2000 years ago most people with varying degrees of success practiced laying-on-of-hands as a healing method. Of course, there were the famous few who were really proficient at healing. These great ones were thought to have a special gift because of their healing results.

Very few realized that everyone is gifted similarly. The great ones such as Apollonius, The Buddha, and the most well known, Jesus, to name the three you may have heard the most about simply had learned the procedure more thoroughly.

Reiki (pronounced "ray-key") is a spiritual healing technique, which involves, but is not limited to, the laying-on-of-hands. It was rediscovered in the late 1800's by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan, and is thought to have originated as a health practice thousands of years ago.

Reiki is a very simple, yet powerful healing art, you can use on yourself as well as on others, and anyone can be easily taught how to do it. Even children are inclined toward Reiki. It helps them cope with the outside world.

Reiki is not a religion, cult, or new age, but it is spiritual in nature and connects you to the Source Energy that most people call God. Its practice brings inner peace and joy.

Easy To Learn And Use

"Reiki" is derived from two Japanese words -- "rei," meaning "soul" or "spirit," and "ki," meaning "life force energy." It is Universal energy that seems to have its own consciousness (a mind of its own) and is able to provide exactly what is needed on all levels. The practitioner using Reiki should be neutral and simply flow the healing energy.

We all are hard-wired to flow the Universal Life Force Energy. It's a natural ability for the human body to be able to flow this healing energy.

Just like your computer (if you have one) is hard-wired to run Windows or do Word processing. All your computer needs is the program -- the software. You already have the ability to flow this healing energy for yourself and for others. The Reiki training--includes attunements and symbols which are like installing software into the mind. It is a "program", which gives you permission to become a healer and flow source energy.

Training teaches you how to go about using the healing techniques and the attunements (software)that multiplies the amount of Reiki energy you can flow.

Reiki Treatments Work By Dissolving Or Eliminating Toxic Energy

Toxic energy and emotional energy blockages are found on many levels of being: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Energy healing will ease the pain on all these levels.

Becoming Reiki helps people connect to Source Energy, which brings joy, happiness and a deep sense of well-being. The 911 attack on WTC caused such terror in the hearts that the trauma disconnected people from Source Energy. That is the main reason everyone felt so bad.

Reiki reconnects you with Source Energy. In the center of chaos you will still feel safe and protected.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Taylore Vance is a founder of Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energetic Healing. Visit: www.laserreiki.com/ and www.Reikiranch.com Reiki treatment, many times, result in instant release of pain, anxiety, stress and tension. Home business success for energy healers www.prosperity-tips.com

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