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Details of Reiki Therapy

By: Corie Cornwell

Reiki therapy is an ancient healing art, practiced in one form or another by many different groups, but developed in modern times by a Christian educator and teacher in Japan, Dr. Usui. He studied techniques and belief systems of the Buddhists and Hindu peoples and through his work was able to quantify a method not only of treatment but of teaching others how to accomplish the same ends. Reiki therapy today may be practiced in different ways, but the traditional form requires that the Reiki Master or sensei demonstrate that he or she is able to teach the method to others.

During the treatment session, the Reiki practitioner will usually ask the client to sit or lie down, removing shoes at times. Clothing of natural fiber is recommended but not required. It should be non-constricting. The practitioner may dim lights so that they do not interfere with the mood of relaxation and rest. Soft music will help the Reiki practitioner and the client alike.

The standard Reiki therapy can either be done with the hands touching the body or some Reiki therapists prefer to maintain a distance of 2-4 inches from the body. Either method gets good results. A Reiki therapy session can even be done at a distance if the client is willing.

There are twelve hand positions utilized in order to treat various ailments. The premise of the treatment is that the Universal Life Energy must be aligned and treated so that the client will be able to utilize the power within him to treat disease, both emotional and physical. The practitioner first uses their own hands as a channel to redirect the life giving properties of the clients own Universal Life Energy.

A typical Reiki therapy session will last as long as 1.5 to 2 hours, but shorter sessions will be therapeutic as well. To a large extent, the length of time required will be determined by intuition of the practitioner. As the therapist gains skill and understanding of the process through practice and application of the techniques, the process will become more directed and will be more effective.

Even though just one part of the body may be showing symptoms, Reiki therapy treats the entire body as a whole, realigning the flow of energy to where it is needed to bring all parts into harmony and balance. Some of the symptoms which have been helped by the use of Reiki therapy include nausea, chronic pain, depression, wound healing, insomnia, arthritis, headaches, and fibermyalgia. Hospitals are studying and incorporating the techniques of Reiki into their regular post-surgical care and finding it successful in treating many of the problems which have plagued surgical recovery in the past.

Since Reiki therapy is non-invasive, it does not distress the patient in any way, nor does it require touching the patient. It doesn't even require being in the same room. An added benefit is that the process of giving the Reiki therapy also helps the practitioner be more relaxed and capable which can be a great benefit in a hospital setting. Many health professionals such as nurses and therapists are adding Reiki therapy to their arsenal of treatment methods.

Due to the demonstrated effectiveness of Reiki therapy, organizations such as the National Institute of Health are providing funding for further scientific studies of the techniques and effectiveness.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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