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Lightarian Reiki is Used as an Expansion for One's Knowledge

By: Scott Meyers

Lightarian Reiki is practiced by specialists after they have passed the master level of traditional Reiki training. Through this type of Reiki, one is able to call on different universal energies and learn advanced techniques for healing. Lightarian Reiki comprises several unique details and ways of practicing Reiki. It allows for new techniques that call on universal energies.

This type of Reiki first developed in 1997. It is often associated with the Ascended Master Buddha. The idea that was developed in relation to this type of Reiki is to offer those who take the training a form of self-empowerment. Because of this, Lightarian Reiki concentrates on tuning in to Inner Powers.

Lightarian Reiki focuses on advanced techniques for calling on universal energies. By doing this, it allows for the universal energies to be used for healing through higher vibrations that are moving from the universe and into the person that needs healing. Going through this training is also used for accelerated healing that is needed by others.

Lightarian Reiki can be used to benefit your own healing processes. This Reiki method also offers advanced techniques for you to be able to expand your own spiritual and mental vibrations. By moving through this process, you can offer yourself additional ways to heal yourself by channeling universal energies, as well as with others.

One of the unique features of Lightarian Reiki is that it does not add new symbols to the practice. The training and focus is to use your own consciousness and ideas in order to help with advanced healing methods. Lightarian Reiki refers to this as using your higher self connection in order to reach higher universal energies that are inside of you.

The concentration that Lightarian Reiki will focus on is giving those being trained different attunements. Each of these attunements is then used as a tool in order to change the vibrations of energy that are within each person. Through doing this, one is able to accelerate their healing as well as their consciousness levels.

Lightarian Reiki training consists of four different levels, or divisions, which are taught in parts in order to teach students how to master the technique. In each of these steps, you will learn attunements, learn about changes in your vibrations and energy, and learn about different universal energies that are available. Each of these will move deeper into the energies that are available to you. These levels not only help one to expand their energy consciousness, but also are used in training students with other styles of Reiki.

Lightarian Reiki is known to be the most developed and detailed type of Reiki training. Because of the process that is used, as well as the prerequisite for traditional Reiki, it allows students and those involved to use universal energies and their own conscious levels to heal and move into modes of self-empowerment. By becoming involved in Lightarian Reiki, one is able to gain more tools that are related to finding universal energies as well as inner energy.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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