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Looking for a Reiki Association?

By: Bronwen Stiene

There are many Reiki associations across the globe and there are many reasons for their existence and growth (or non-growth).

When we first arrived back in Australia in 1999 we joined an association that was run by a Reiki Master. We paid our joining fees and received an annual newsletter that focussed on the teachings of that teacher and advertised her courses. This wasn't what we had expected of an association (we were simply supporting her Reiki business!) and soon left. The word association means an organisation of persons having a common interest and we knew that it was certainly not our interest (nor in our interests) to be a part this association. The association did not survive much longer either.

At this point we started thinking seriously about what makes an association worthwhile. We realised that we were looking for an association that had community, was interested in setting some standards for Reiki practices and promoted the system in the greater community. To be successful in its own right an association needed to fulfil certain requirements by providing support to would-be clients and students of the system of Reiki as well its own members. It is not about building the practise of another individual, school or organisation.

It was then we found the Australian Reiki Connection or ARC. It appeared to have proven itself in many ways - one way is simply that it has been in existence since 1997. An important factor is that it is not run by one individual but rather by members for members . The president and the committee are not getting any 'kick backs' from their positions and instead dedicate themselves to creating an environment where members can come together to create a vibrant and progressive Reiki community in Australia. Positions within the association are voted on by members each year, a bi-monthly newsletter brings everyone together along with a website that has a member's section. As this is not an advertisement for ARC we wont list the benefits and discounts members receive but, in short, we found what we were looking for.

If you're in Australia we'd recommend this association to all Reiki practitioners and if you're not - there are many other associations around the world that are trying to promote, educate and support too. It's a fabulous way to meet others and promote the growth of Reiki in a positive light through active membership.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Reiki Master/Teachers Frans and Bronwen Stiene are authors of www.reiki.net.au/copy.asp?id=books"> The Reiki Sourcebook and founders of the International House of Reiki and the podcast The Reiki Show. Visit www.reiki.net.au">www.reiki.net.au..

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