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Understanding Reiki

By: Gary M. Spolansky, MBA, RMT

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese language and literally means universal life force. It's the same life force energy that gives each of us and all living things their life force. This includes the animals, birds, plants and insects.

Reiki is a healing modality that has its origins in Tibet, while the modern version is of Japanese descent. It is a gentle, non-invasive way of releasing those old hurts, pains and disappointments that underlie our physical and emotional ills. It accomplishes this by gently soothing those areas of blocked, nonmoving energy so that proper flow can be reestablished. As a result, a Reiki session leaves an individual feeling lighter, more confident and secure with themselves and more able to handle whatever comes their way. In addition to stress, tension and anxiety, Reiki can also assist you to let go of the physical discomfort and pain related to old ailments or recent afflictions.

When we experience stress, it often appears that it is the situation causing tension. In reality however, stress results most often from how we react based on our experiences of the past. The memory of this experience is prompting us to do what we can to heal that experience. Often, an illness will manifest physically due to the combination of mental and/or emotional stresses that arise from the triggering of these old issues. Reiki assists the releasing of these old issues even if one is not aware of the source; as it works on all levels at the same time.

You may be wondering what do I have to do in this process? Surely, there must be more to it than just lying back and letting go? Most people who ask this question and are surprised when I tell them - no! It's not necessary! The only thing you need to do is to relax and be open to the benefits that Reiki can provide - it really does work! In the years I have been in practice with this modality, I have seen the healing of many afflictions resultant from anxieties, tensions, and stresses.

Some of the ailments that Reiki has treated effectively include: ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Emotional Depression, Indigestion, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Knee Pain, Menstrual Cramps, Muscular Aches, Nausea, Post Surgical Trauma, TMJ, Toothaches and many other conditions too numerous too list.

Another aspect of Reiki is that it is complimentary to all other healing modalities including Standard Medicine, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Massage, Cranial Sacral, et al, - assisting healing to occur on even deeper, more profound levels. In fact, many doctors and nurses are trained in Reiki and it is used in hospitals across the nation.

During the course of a treatment, Reiki energy is brought in through the practitioner's hands - which are placed above the body in the area of the blockage. It�s not necessary to touch the person receiving treatment to affect healing, although some practitioners do. The recipient of this energy often experiences varying sensations of warmth, tingling, vibration, inner peace, safety and relaxation. Additional benefits that come from a Reiki session include a greater sense of self confidence and poise which continue after the session has concluded. Additionally, many find that they sleep more fully and soundly after a Reiki session.

Although quite profound in its healing ability, Reiki is easily learned and simple to apply. The basics are taught in the form of a workshop that usually spans 4-5 hours and is taught by a Reiki Master. Naturally, proficiency comes from subsequent practice and attending classes designed to enhance knowledge and experience help to provide a deeper understanding.

In the first level of training, the student learns the basic principles of Reiki and gains an understanding of how and why it works. In order for you to be able to access Reiki energy you will be led through a process called attunement. The purpose of this attunement is to open a channel through which the Reiki can travel. Just as a radio cannot receive signals for a particular broadcast unless tuned to the specific station, so too does an individual need to be attuned to this energy. Remember, Reiki is not your energy. It is universal life force energy and this is the reason for the attunement process. Afterwards, you will learn specific hand positions that facilitate the application of this healing energy for yourself and others. Yes, it's true! Reiki can be used on yourself or another.

Although there are many benefits in learning this art, perhaps the most unique is once attuned to Reiki it will always be available to you for the rest of your life, whenever you desire it. Even if you took the workshop and never went to another class, the healing energy of Reiki would always be with you. Hard to believe? Perhaps, but its true!!!!

There are three levels of Reiki, although some teachers will offer four. They are 1st level practitioner, 2nd level practitioner and Master/Teacher. Each level represents a different aspect of the art. The first level is focused on learning to assist the healing of yourself or an individual in person. The second level allows healing to be done from a distance as well as in person. On this level, distance is not a consideration. It is just as effective whether the person is right in front of you or on the other side of the country. The Master/Teacher level incorporates and expands the two earlier levels and allows an individual to teach and attune others into the Reiki

In conclusion, whether your interest in Reiki is to become a practitioner, a recipient of Reiki healing sessions or just for the experience of learning, you will have gained much.

Why not give yourself the opportunity to see
what Reiki can do for you!!!

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Gary M. Spolansky is an MBA, Reiki Master/Teacher, Author of several books and is host of the cable TV program "Spirituality and You!" He has also recorded CD's on Meditation, working with Affirmations and a Relaxation DVD. For more information on the products and services Gary offers please visit his website at www.myreikicenter.

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