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The Power of Reiki Referrals In Your Reiki Practice

By: Zach Keyer

Referrals may be the most important marketing method you use. Most referrals will be free promotion. Word of mouth is the most effective advertising.

For example:
You have a close friend who has similar taste in books and movies. When they call you to say the movie they saw the night before was wonderful, what will you do? Likely, you will go to that movie. It's the same thing with a reiki practitioner. If your friend discovers a wonderful new practitioner who makes them feel wonderful - chances are that you will give them a try.

You may have to remind your clients that you accept referrals. Some people automatically give referrals, others need to be "trained".

Training referral sources -
You have a client who is getting wonderful results. Whether it's a person who has horrible headaches, or a pregnant woman who has gotten relief, these people can become valuable referral sources for you.

Several ways to suggest referrals -
- Ask if they have friends with similar health issues.
- Pick one "symptom" a week and focus on it in your office.
- Offer handouts about the benefits of Reiki for specific complaints.
- Share Success Stories of conditions you helped. (Don't use any client names without proper permission.)

Each of these scenarios is easy when talking with your clients. This can also be done by sharing your testimonial book. You can divide the book by health concerns. You can also have a health article book with articles by various experts on the benefits of Reiki. These things can help your existing clients think about friends and associates who could benefit from your services.

Have you asked your clients for referrals? Did you ask if they have friends who might need a Reiki Practitioner? Are your clients familiar with the full range of services that you offer? These are all wonderful ways to ensure your clients know its all right to refer new clients to you. It would amaze you to know that many clients said they didn't think their Practitioner wanted more work. Make sure your clients don't feel this way.

Assuming reiki leadership, among all of your other tasks, is of paramount importance - especially in these times of need.

Effective reiki leadership is more than being able to lead others into doing certain tasks. Rather, it is about increasing both your personal and organizational success by guiding, teaching, and directing others for the benefit of everyone around, including their own benefit, and eventually drawing out the Reiki leadership qualities in them.

Hence, before assuming Reiki leadership - accepting big responsibilities and influencing others - you may need to consider a variety of things. Try contemplating the following questions:

- Am I physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually prepared to accept Reiki leadership?
- Do I have a vision that will guide my team and myself into bringing success?
- Do I possess a strong sense of character that I can use in facing and dealing with different problems that I might encounter along the way?
- Am I capable of inspiring others into action?
- Am I ready to face competitions, accept criticisms, admit mistakes, or even accept defeat and failure?
- Will I be able to contribute immense benefits to the team?
- Am I ready to produce Reiki leaders among the team - who can help us to lighten the load?

You have a lot of time to think these over, prepare, grow, and learn more. Remember, a true leader does not just give up. They keep on learning and understanding what these potential weaknesses are, and continually tries to overcome them to become better and stronger for the team.

Now is the right time to assume your role in this reiki leadership.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Zach Keyer is Author of "Reiki Marketing", "Reiki Power Animals", and "The Reiki Workbook For All Levels" -- All available on Amazon.com www.ReikiMarketing.com

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