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The Second Principle of Reiki Don't Get Angry

By: Scott Meyers

The second principle of Reiki states: "namely today don't get angry." Even though this principle is rather short, it communicates well several ideas and truths. And all of them find practical application during the Reiki healing process. However, they are not only used for the Reiki healing processes, but also for changing one's day to day consciousness, created by the interactions with the world.

Reiki teaching states that when person gets angry he or she looses the ability to observe the world. For, anger blocks your energy outflow, which joins the universal flow of energy. That is why when practicing Reiki it is crucial not to get angry about anything. The same way as it is with anxiety, anger can produce energy blocks and you will have to work on getting rid of them. Unblocking of these energy blocks is supposed to be done not only within the Reiki setting, but outside of the Reiki classroom as well.

If one follows the second Reiki principle of not getting angry, it is observed that the Reiki energies can change. If we can stop our anger we will be able to learn, observe and discover the small manifestations of the surrounding world. Becoming more observant of the surrounding world helps persons in developing different types of reactions.

Often times, anger stimulates our reflexes and evokes certain quick reactions. Such reactions are caused by nervous system responses, which communicated to your brain, to producing certain actions and reflexes in relation to someone or something. Such reactions, being rather impulsive, can in return evoke even greater anger accumulating around you. Thus, these reactions can block of the Rei, universal energy, from manifesting itself around you. However, if one responds to the surround energy with the full awareness of what is going on, instead of responding with anger, he or she allows those energies to make an outflow.

Some Reiki leaders also relate to this second principle as to allowing oneself to become a part of the higher consciousness. Though, when this consciousness is asleep, you may be moved to reaction instead of observation. By awakening this awareness you may substitute anger with different kind of observation and manifestation.

It can be said that by awakening of this consciousness one allows the Soul to become aware of the general universe flow and to open up to the surrounding goodness. Then this principle will work for healing. Using this principle for opening up one's consciousness to the energy, one can learn to react in different ways and to change many things around him or her.

The second Reiki principle is often times used for unblocking the energy on the inside of people. When someone is released from anger and tension, such person can open up to creating new consciousness and awareness within his or her being, because such awareness allows one to observe and open up for the universal energies to flow through them.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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