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Gold Reiki Practice focuses on a Certain Universal Energy to Help With Healing

By: Scott Meyers

After the formation of Reiki by Usui Reiki, several other forms of Reiki were developed by devotees of the practice. Each of these, while holding the traditions of Reiki, has used different powers and energies in order to help encourage the healing process. One type of these new forms of Reiki that has become popular is known as Gold Reiki. This specific Reiki practice focuses on a certain universal energy to help with healing.

The practice of Gold Reiki does not differ greatly from traditional Reiki, but it does have a special emphasis on a specific source of energy that it calls on from the Rei, or universal energies. This call on those energies is known as the Golden Ray. The Golden Ray has several specific qualities and attributes that can be used in order to focus healing energies on a person.

The first attribute of the Golden Ray is in relation to purification. It is known that this energy can cleanse out certain blocks of energy that are in a person very easily. Because it is associated with a pure form of energy, it is said that it can move into one and cause a higher vibration of energy to move through that person, which will cause the healing.

A second attribute of the Golden Ray that is used in Reiki is being able to transform darkness and fear attributes. It can move these with its energy source into forms of light and happiness inside a person. If you are having problems with phobias, depression, etc. then using Gold Reiki as a source will help you to solve these problems.

There are three major attunements that are used when learning Gold Reiki. These will open certain channels where the Golden Ray energy can move in relation to your energies while allowing you to relax. If you decide to use these attunements on your own, then it is best to use each one in a period of five days. This will cleanse out each chakra one-by-one. After the last attunement is achieved, you can call on specific universal energies to help with your healing.

If you are interested in learning about Gold Reiki, you can go one of to several places on the web, or in your local area to find one who is trained with this universal energy. There are several places that offer home study, as well as private training. By learning this, you will know which attunements and symbols to use in order to call on the Golden Ray energy in your Reiki healing sessions.

The use of Gold Reiki is not as common as other forms of Reiki. Its purpose is to focus on the specific universal energy of the Golden Ray. But Golden Reiki is valuable to you because it helps focus on specific forms of healing; Golden Reiki will help you to move past some energy blocks that are in your body.

Gold Reiki deserves research if you would like to release your energies and improve your life.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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