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Use Your Emotional Body With Reiki

By: Daniele Protti

When you step into your emotional body and use Reiki to get in touch with the alignment of your head and spine, what does it remind you of? Think back to an earlier time in your life (but only if you want). Were there times in your life you remember when these parts of your body were key players in specific events? If you can pinpoint these events - then you can send loving Reiki in order to heal your past timelines. When those events are healed within your emotional body (use all 3 level 2 symbols), it is likely the pain in those physical body parts that hold those painful emotions will also smooth and release. It is like erasing the effects of the pain while still being fully capable of keeping the memories for your soul growth and wisdom with how you can live your life now when the fears over those events no longer have any power over you on any level. Start to realize (manifest) the freedom of your Radiant indwelling light.

You must be a very unusual person if you've never had one single unpleasant encounter with another human in your entire life. Often times we let people do things around us because it is more uncomfortable to confront them than to just continue to let them take advantage of our inability to say anything that would make waves.

This would be a good starting point as far as emotional healing goes, it will help open your throat chakra and when that is flowing nicely, it will be easier for you to get in tune with where in your body you would like the Reiki to go next. There is a reason we call it a "bottleneck" when it comes to finding a fitting term for jammed traffic and this is a prime spot for blockages in flowing energy in the human body too.

If you say there is no location in your body, so please evaluate, does that mean your entire body is in constant pain? I understand that this is your body and I have no way of
comprehending fully what it is you are going through.

I do have compassion but want to help you understand that when you are no longer in pain, that people will still have compassion and will be able to interact with you in a much more fulfilling way than in the past when the interaction was only one way. Because your throat chakra is opening up and connecting lovingly with your heart now (the power of the divine will within connecting with compassion and unconditional love) you will be able to communicate in a way with those around you that helps them understand that they need not be threatened by your ability to cooperate and honor them and yourself at the same time.

Just as a test I would hope you might agree to go searching through your body now and find an area of a few inches. Use your awareness only, don't poke and prod yourself. Find and area where it is the most comfortable or, at least, more comfortable than the rest of the body. Pretend that this area is beaming with light of Reiki. If this is difficult imagine a black piece of construction paper with a hole in it and what it would look like if you held it up to the window.
Let that light from that area of your body shine out in all directions but especially inward.

What happens when you have 2 rooms and one is dark and the other has a light on in it and you open the door between the 2 rooms? The dark room does not spill over into the light room; it's the other way around. If both rooms are dark and Reiki shines in them, it is the same way. Light always spreads. Dark always retreats unless you embrace and revel in it. Gently and forgivingly evaluate the past with this insight in your toolbox. Always forgive yourself and others because everyone is only doing the best they can in every moment, but know that now that you have more power it is easy to release the past moments into the light of transforming love.

Focus again on the one area of your body that is relatively comfortable. Relative is the key word, and that amount of comfort will spread if you talk to your cells with love and accept that your
body is trying to let you know that it wants you to love it.

The spark of divinity that is you will react with the flame of divinity that is Reiki and the both will create your desire for wholeness and healing at the rate that you are willing to breathe deep and recognize light is already inside even if you could not see it before - it has always been there - just waiting, for you to open the door.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Daniele Protti provides information on reiki techniques and news from the alternative healing worldhealing-reiki.blogspot.com/.

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