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The Sacral Chakra in Reiki

By: Scott Meyers

The sacral chakra is an area on the body that is located between the upper parts of the sacrum. This chakra is important in communicating and opening to universal energies, as well as helping with healing in Reiki. Because of these properties, people use the sacral chakra as a way to help with healing. There are several ways in which a Reiki practitioner will open this chakra so that universal energies can be moved and communicated through the body.

The sacral chakra is also known as the cross center. It is known to hold emotions, sexual energies and creative energy. If one is strong in this chakra center, then they will have an easier time with out of body experiences. Because of this, it is important to make sure that this chakra is not blocked and is able to exchange with universal energies.

The sacral chakra has the characteristics of creative energies as its main function. This is usually developed between the ages of 7 and 14. Many will attribute this chakra with the sense of taste as well. It is known in Eastern tradition as the six petal lotus, which is connected to the element of earth. If this chakra is blocked, there will be an inability for things to physically, mentally and emotionally.

When a Reiki practitioner begins to heal this area, they will place their hands by the sacrum. This may be done either on the front or the back of the person. With females, they will unblock this area by rotating to the right. With males, they will spin to the left in order to clear the area. This is known to not only clear this area, but also to help with reproductive glands or the prostate. Some will choose to associate certain attunements and mantras with this as well.

The first mantra that may be used is a 'vam' sound. The tone that is used in relation to this is on a D. Some may also choose to use aromatherapy when clearing out this chakra. Ylang-ylang oil and sandalwood are the two recommended aromas to use. If one prefers, they can use a gemstone in relation to this. Carnelian and moonstones are the best type of gemstone to use when clearing this section.

When the Reiki process is finished, the sacral chakra should open to the universal energies. One may see that the aura surrounding this chakra will be an orange color in its pure state. Often times, after one has had this section cleared, they will sleep for eight to ten hours in a prenatal state. They may also have visions of moonlight and clear water during or after the process.

When one opens their sacral chakra, they are able to open emotions and creativity to the universal energies. By doing this, it not only helps in healing physical ailments, such as the reproductive area, but also will help in clearing other emotional blocks. Any combination of the latter mentioned techniques can be used when clearing the sacral chakra.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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