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A Reiki Healing Session: What To Expect

By: Douglas Hardwick

Reiki is a form of energy healing that has become a popular complement to modern medicine as well as an alternative healing therapy used throughout the world. Although its roots can be traced back centuries, it developed in its modern form in Japan in the early twentieth century. And, it is from two Japanese words (rei and ki) that we get the word Reiki. Roughly translated, Reiki means "universal life energy".

Practitioners of Reiki believe that there is a type of subtle energy that flows in and around everyone and everything in the universe. It is this universal life energy that a Reiki practitioner attempts to channel to the afflicted person during a healing session.

Reiki practitioners believe that all illnesses have non-physical components. The purpose of a Reiki healing session is to channel additional life energy, or ki, to the person who suffers from some type of physical or mental trauma. The additional energy clears blockages and establishes an increased, and more efficient, internal flow of energy within the person. As this occurs, true healing can begin.

The time needed for an individual healing session varies depending on the client and the particular problem addressed. However, Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for 45-60 minutes. The client remains fully clothed during a Reiki session. He or she may lie flat or sit upright. It is especially important that both the healer and the person who has sought out healing feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the healing session. Soft lighting and relaxing music are often used by Reiki practitioners to increase these feelings.

When the client is comfortable, the therapist places his or her hands lightly on, or slightly above, the person's body. The hands of the healer are held palms down with fingers and thumbs extended. During the session, the Reiki therapist will move his or her hands to particular locations on the body, following a specific routine. There are 12-15 Reiki hand positions which correspond to energy centers. The healer will stop at each of these locations to transmit energy. The healer will pause at each location until the flow of energy seems to subside or stop. When the energy flow subsides, the therapist will move to another hand position, working from head to feet. It is important to note that a Reiki healer does not direct the energy in an active sense. The Reiki practitioner is merely a conduit. He or she simply adopts the intent to heal. The life energy itself is intelligent. It goes where it is needed.

A sensation of heat is often taken as an indication of Reiki energy flow. However, a wide range of personal perceptual experiences may be reported by both the healer and the recipient. Among other things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the sensation of colors may be experienced.

According to Reiki therapists, people typically leave a Reiki session feeling very relaxed and tranquil. However, recipients of Reiki therapy sometimes experience what therapists call a cleansing crisis. They may feel headachy, nauseous, dizzy, or weak. For Reiki practitioners, these symptoms are the result simply of the body getting rid of toxins and realigning itself to the flow of ki. Rest and increased fluid intake are often recommended to help the person cope with these symptoms.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Douglas Hardwick, Ph.D., has extensive interests in issues of holistic health and human development. He is a primary contributor to the information website: www.holisticwebworks.com - Holistic Health and Healing Resources

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