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Reiki and the Throat Chakra

By: Scott Meyers

The throat chakra is one of the steps that Reiki practitioners will focus on during the healing method. When the chakra is opened, it allows for better communication to occur on many different levels. In relation to this, there are several techniques that can be used in the opening of the throat chakra.

The throat chakra is located between the inner collarbone and the larynx of the throat. It is known to be the center for communication and inspiration. Some will call the chakra the communication center. If there are blocks in the throat chakra it may cause problems with how one communicates with others and will not allow energy to flow freely to other chakras.

The throat chakra is also the part of the chakras that are used for resonance. This resonance is for both hearing and being. It is associated with the sixteen petal lotus with how the aura is shaped. The aura color of the chakra should be a pale blue when cleared. Some will also see a silver and turquoise color aura that is associated with the throat chakra.

If a Reiki instructor is working on your throat chakra, they will first place their hands by your collarbone and throat. For females, this energy can be cleared by rotating left, and for males, the Reiki practitioner will rotate right. Many say that this will not only affect the throat, but also the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Other Reiki practitioners may use Reiki toning when clearing the throat chakra. The attunement, or mantra, that is used in relation to clearing this chakra is the 'ham' sound. This allows for a vibration to change the energy flow in the communication center.

Other Reiki healers will use gemstones in relation to the communication chakra. The best gemstones that can be used include aquamarine, turquoise and chalcedony. These gemstones can either be gently placed on the persons' throat chakra, or they can be placed in different areas where a person rests, which will clear the blocking over a longer period of time. Several practitioners may also use aromas to help with this clearing. Sage and eucalyptus are known to be the best methods of clearing with the communication center. These aromas will then move into the energy center of the throat and help in removing the blocks.

When one is clearing the throat center, it is said those four to five hours of sleep on either the right or left side will help with the clearing. It is also said that having visions of water and sky is a common practice to help with the clearing of this center. When one clears the throat chakra through different attunements, it helps one to be able to communicate better. It will also help with a couple of the lower glands in relation to this. Reiki methods that are used in order to clear the blocked energy in the throat chakra will allow for this portal to open to the rest of the body.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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