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Reiki and the Crown Chakra

By: Scott Meyers

The opening of the crown chakra in Reiki is usually the first step that is taken with the healing process. The chakra is known to be the place where the consciousness can be awakened, making it an important first step in the healing process. In relation to this, there are several ways and techniques that Reiki practitioners will use when working on and with the crown chakra.

The crown chakra is located from the top of the head and moves upward and outward past the body. This chakra will always be the first portal to be opened. This is because it is the point where the soul and the physical body cross over.

The crown chakra is also known to be the part of the soul that is the pure being. Many will refer to this as the seventh chakra, or the one-thousand petal lotus. Many will also refer to the crown chakra as the part of the soul that is purest. This is the place where the consciousness is awakened and where one is able to transcend into different types of thinking and mastery.

In relation to this are several different types of methods that can be used to awaken and unblock the crown chakra. When one refers to the aura of the chakra, it is said to be a violet, white or gold. When a master looks at the chakra, they will be able to see whether it is blocked by seeing the color of aura and energy that is related to it. Depending on the type of Reiki that is being used, and the techniques in relation to it, they can then work on opening the crown chakra.

If a Reiki master is using mantras and chanting, then they will use the mantra of 'ohm' in order to awaken the crown chakra. Usually, the awakening will not completely happen unless one is in a half awake state of mind. This is because it allows the mind to relax, which then can allow the mind to awaken.

Other Reiki masters will use gemstones to help with opening the crown chakra. Amethyst and rock crystal are the two most popular types of gemstones that are used when awakening this chakra. Others will choose to use certain aromas in relation to the crown chakra. The aromas that will work best include lotus and olibanum.

From here, symbols as well as more attunements can be used in order to help the crown chakra to open. Each of these actions helps with the energy that is moving into the chakra. Once this portal is opened, it will allow for easier healing to be done and will begin to awaken the consciousness of the person who is using Reiki as a healing technique.

After the crown chakra attunements are completed, the Reiki master will then move into other areas of being able to help the person who is using Reiki to heal. When this chakra is opened using these attunements it will help them in consciousness, awareness, and practicing the different techniques of Reiki.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Reiki.

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