Wellness Articles

Articles in Home | Chronic Conditions

  • Who Gets Kidney Stones - Gender, Genetics and Geography  By : Wade Thomas
    Each year between 600,000 and 1,000,000 Americans will be affected by kidney stones. It has been estimated that 20% of the time it will require hospitalization. Men suffer from stone formation four times more often than women. Stone formation is 4-5 times more likely in Caucasians.
  • Urinary Tract Infections Explained  By : Jennifer King
    Learn why it's important to spot teh early signs of a UTI, and get a diganosis from yoru doctor as soon as possible.
  • Diagnosing Seasonal Affective Disorder  By : Rickie Smith
    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is not recognized by psychiatric professionals as an official, distinct disorder in and by itself. In order to help diagnose seasonal affective disorder, mental health providers perform a thorough medical and psychological evaluation.
  • Do You Hold On To Your Fibromyalgia?  By : Anita Murray
    Those of us that have a chronic illness often define ourselves by that illness. Rather than focusing on that illness, this article encourages readers to think about themselves as strong and healthy individuals and to watch what they think and how they form their identity.
  • 8 Ways To Treat Varicose Vein With Non-Medical Methods  By : Cindy Heller
    If you are worried about having your varicose veins removed by surgery, fear not because there are many non-medical and natural remedies for treating varicose vein now available.
  • Options for Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury Victims  By : Peter Kent
    A traumatic brain injury can be a life-altering or evening life-threatening event. Understanding the treatment options that are available to those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury will enable better recovery overall.
  • Wheat And Gluten Intolerance: An Introduction To Celiac Disease  By :
    An introduction to celiac disease and how it is different than simple wheat allergies as well as how the disease can negatively impact the body.
  • Hypnosis Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome  By : Bunny Vreeland, Ph.D
    The standard medical methods used to treat IBS are of some help. However, up to half of IBS sufferers are dissatisfied with standard medical management, and many continue to have frequent symptoms. Research shows that cognitive therapy and hypnosis treatment have had the highest reported success rates in repeated formal research studies, with improvement seen in 80% or more of all treated patients in some studies.
  • Surgical Treatment for Severe Dry Eyes  By : Peter Raus
    patients with severy dry eyes can actually be treated by a transplantation of labial salivary glands to the eyelids.
  • Simple Answers to Fibromyaliga Gut Problems, Digestion Restored  By : Hailey Harris
    This article walks fibromyalgia sufferers through simple steps they can take to fight back digestive problems. Irritable bowel like problems are often seen in people with fibromyalgia, now there's a plan to fight back and restore balance to your system.
  • What You Need to Know About Neck Surgery  By : Mayoor Patel
    If you have recently begun to feel intense amounts of neck or back pain, you may have a condition that needs treatment from a medical professional.
  • How To Care For Sticky Eyes  By : Jaks Lloyd
    Many people suffer from dry eyes in varying degrees of severity. The symptoms can range from occasional and mild inconvenience to waking up to the eyelids stuck together and even adhering to the eye surface with acute discomfort lasting all day
  • Palliative Care: Comfort at End of Life  By : Pamela Dombrowski-Wilson
    Palliative care is a new term. It is an approach to healthcare that specializes in the relief of suffering and achieving the best quality of life for persons with advanced illness.
  • When Should You Consider Kidney Surgery?  By : Mayoor Patel
    Kidney surgery is perhaps one of the most drastic surgeries that you can undergo, as it always involves the removal of one of your most vital organs.
  • Multiple Sclerosis Facts, Theories, and Effective New Treatments  By : Randy Gilbert
    Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating condition. The MS sufferer often feels worthless and wants a way to survive, a way to be an active, able-bodied person again.
  • Why Is A Brain Surgery Necessary?  By : Mayoor Patel
    Perhaps no type of surgery elicits such a strong reaction among friends and family members as the idea of a loved one facing brain surgery.
  • How Do I Tell My Girlfriend She Has Serious Bad Breath?  By : Jim McDonald
    No one is immune to halitosis. Everyone is at risk for getting bad breath. It can be temporarily caused by food, but sometimes it's a chronic condition. The most likely cause of halitosis is poor oral hygiene, but there are other conditions that can also be at fault. The best thing you can do if a loved one has bad breath is tell them. Don't wait, don't hint, just tell them.
  • BetterCommunications Between Patients and Doctors  By :
    This article is a effort to remove the mystique of of the all knowing doctor and the submissive patient. It encourages patients to ask questions and development a partnership between doctors and patients.
  • Amazing Benefits For Fibromyalgia Sufferers Through Exercise  By : Hailey Harris
    Learn the proven benefits to fibromyalgia sufferers that exercise has to offer. Learn the tips you need to know so that you can help your body heal, not overdo it and accomplish amazing health benefits to aid you in your healing process.
  • Treatment Protocol for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)  By : Bunny Vreeland, Ph.D
    Do you have IBS? If you do, you are among the 20% of the population who suffers from IBS. Dr. Bunny Vreeland offers some reasonabable and realistic solutions for those with IBS.
  • Early Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and How You Can Fight Back  By : Hailey Harris
    Learn the early symptoms of Fibromyalgia and what you can do about them. There is hope and treatments that work and can allow you to start living life to the fullest again. No more pain, fatigue, or other early on symptoms.
  • Dealing with "itis" (Inflammation)  By : Bruce Forciea
    Discusses conservative treatments for tendonitis.
  • The Search For A Common Cold Cure Continues  By : Jimmy Cox
    Despite a large number of "cold cures" the American Medical Society consensus is that there is no "official" cure for the cold; that most colds seem to last about one week; but that some colds clear up rather quickly, within 24 hours or so, without running the full, longer course.
  • Cold Sores - Causes and Treatments  By :
    Millions of people in the US and in other parts of the world are affected by the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores and other diseases as well.
  • Mesothelioma: How Do You Predict?  By : John Porter
    Article discusses some of the cancerous symptoms of mesothelioma.
  • What is Crohn's Disease?  By : Bunny Vreeland, Ph.D
    Crohn's Disease can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are much like other gastrointestinal diseases. This article helps to explain the particular symptoms and challanges with Crohn's disease.
  • Stop Suffering from Chronic Bad Breath or Halitosis  By : Jim McDonald
    Chronic bad breath can be very distressing. There are several reasons why you might be suffering from chronic halitosis. Fortunately, most chronic halitosis can be quickly and easily cured by extra emphasis on your oral hygiene habits. Brush and floss after every meal, and don't forget to clean your tongue.
  • Complete Recovery From Bulimia Without Drugs: Serotonin From Foods?  By : Ksana Vera
    A serotonin-friendly diet that is tailor-made to fight bulimia must, therefore, include in plenty foods like complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and protein preferably from vegetarian sources.
  • More Interesting Facts About Bipolar  By : Riley Hendersen
    More often these days, people are hearing the term 'bipolar' when addressing behavior problems or issues in friends, acquaintances and family members. The term evokes images of evil behavior in many, while others merely shrug, unaware of what the condition is or how it presents itself in someone's daily life.
  • Help Understanding Fibromyalgia  By : Robert Ryles
    What is fibromyalgia? What are the symptoms/ How is it diagnosed? Find out the answers to these questions and much more about the specifics of this illness.
  • Cord Blood Donation: Your Baby's Cord Blood Can Save Lives  By : Alvin Toh
    Umbilical cord blood contains blood-forming cells that can be used to treat life-threatening diseases and conditions. Expectant parents who do not want to store their baby�s cord blood for private use can donate it to a cord blood bank. Donated cord blood is available for public use and research, and has proven to save many lives.
  • Effective Fibromyalgia Treatment Reached Through a Healthy Diet  By : Kevin Pederson
    A healthy, well-balanced diet can help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Caffeine, alcohol, and sugar should be avoided on a fibromyalgia diet
  • Hip Surgery  By : Robert Ryles
    An in depth, dasy to understand overview of hip replacement surgery, the reasons behind having one, the operation and what to expect and do after the operation.
  • How To Reverse Kidney Disease Naturally  By : Janet Emerson
    Discover secret to reversing kidney disease naturally without drugs or surgery.
  • When a Loved One Has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - What Do You Do?  By : Tom Nuckels
    Most certainly, you know someone who has been stricken by this misunderstood and debilitating illness. You want to be positive and supportive but what do you say or do?
  • The Degenerative Diseases and Focal Infections.  By : Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S
    Quite often Price referred to the high number of "rheumatic group lesions" which resulted from dental infections. That terminology produced some confusion as it placed extreme emphasis on rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Dealing With Disease  By : Reuben John
    Diseases that are not life threatening can still be damaging to your life because it might impact other areas of your life and your health.
  • Knee Replacement  By : Robert Ryles
    An explanation of the ins and outs of having a knee replacement operation. It discussed the reasons behind the surgery, the actual operation, the immediuate post operative days and the details of the recovery process as a whole.
  • New Study Finds Doctors Overprescribing Antibiotics For Sinus Infections  By : Alvin Toh
    Doctors are unnecessarily prescribing antibiotics for sinus infections. According to the study published in the March issue of Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, US, antibiotics were prescribed for 82 per cent of acute sinus infections and nearly 70 per cent of chronic sinus infections.
  • Pain Fighting Strategies For Fibromyalgia Sufferers That Work  By : Hailey Harris
    This article walks Fibromyalgia sufferers through techniques that will reduce and eliminate their symptoms of Fibromyalgia. These work and are proven through countless studies and should be incorporated to eliminate fibromyalgia symptoms.
  • Genital Herpes Diagnosis and Treatment  By :
    Finding the causes of genital herpes and transmission of the disease will help you understand how to prevent speading and control breakouts.
  • 3 Top Tips to Help You Live With Fibromyalgia  By : Hailey Harris
    This article walks sufferers of fibromyalgia through 3 steps they can take to help them live with fibromyalgia more easily. These strategies have helped countless numbers of people deal with the horrible symptoms of fibromyalgia more effectively.
  • Fight Cystic Fibrosis With Vitamins And Over The Counter Products  By : David Cowley
    Use vitamins and over the counter products to treat Cystic Fibrosis and improve the quality of life
  • Fight Cirrhosis Of The Liver With Vitamins And Over The Counter Products  By : David Cowley
    Use Vitamins and over the counter products to treat Cirrhosis of the Liver and improve the quality of life
  • 3 Steps to Becoming Pain Free and Rested Through Treating Fibromyalgia Naturally  By : Hailey Harris
    This article walks Fibromyalgia sufferers through a 3 step program that can completely eliminate the pain and fatigue they are suffering from. Discover the simple techniques that can completely change your life and provide optimal health so you can live pain free.
  • Natural Remedy For Irritable Bowel Syndrome  By : Sandra Clair
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a disorder that affects about 50 million Americans. Read on to find out how it can affect your and some natrual remedies that can help.
  • Constant Muscle Twitching and Benign Fasciculation  By : Dr Keith Scott
    Excessive muscle twitching may be due to either an annoying, yet harmless condition, called benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS) or more serious neurological conditions. It is important to have a correct diagnosis as BFS can be treated successfully with antioxidant-rich food supplements.
  • Are You Suffering From a Yeast Problem?  By : Mike Fletcher
    Candida Albicans can cause havoc in your body and to your health. Learn what you can do to protect yourself from this yeast problem and alternative therapies to treat the problem.
  • A Spoon Full of Sugar - How to Save on Prescription Drugs in Texas  By : Pat Carpenter
    With the cost of prescription drugs continuing to skyrocket, you need to stay savvy regarding the use of money-saving strategies. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, prescription drug expenditures, in Texas as well as throughout the U.S., grew at double-digit rates during almost every year since 1980.
  • Do your patients understand you?  By : Kelly Robbins
    Let's take a look at how much energy you put into making sure your patients understand what you are telling them. Are they truly understanding your diagnosis and all of the options available to them? What do you as a practitioner do to ensure your patients comprehension?
  • Decubitus Ulcers Are Among Many Signs of Neglect  By : Nick Johnson
    How do you know if your loved one is being neglected in a nursing home?
  • Alternative Treatment For Eczema: Cupping Therapy  By : Evelyn Lim
    Find out more about Cupping therapy, an ancient form of healing, used for people with chronic skin ailments.
  • �So What� Attitude is Driving Health Care Costs Skyward  By : Adam Kessler
    There is an attitude going throughout the country that has been discussed on the Tyra Banks show called "So What." This attitude is affecting our health care system in a very negative way as illustrated in a 60 Minutes piece. If something isn't done soon, our Medicaid system could be wiped clean.
  • There Are Many Yeast Infection Treatments Available  By : Graham Winmill
    For the person who suffers from yeast infections, whether they are recurrent or not, there are many yeast infection treatments available these days which can bring relief to you. Some of these are available as prescription medications and some of these are available as over the counter medications.
  • A Yeast Infection By Any Other Name Is Still A Yeast Infection  By : Graham Winmill
    Since a rose by any other name is still a rose, it stands to reason that a yeast infection by any other name is still a yeast infection, or rather, a yeast allergy. You could take this to mean that you have an allergy to all things yeast and that you can't have it any form, but in this instance yeast allergy is aimed more towards internal yeast problems which can affect your health.
  • The CAUSE of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  By : Kate A Montgomery, ND
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not a disease but a musculoskeletal disorder. Kate Montgomery, author therapist, defines Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and the true Cause of it. The Healthy Body vs. the Strained, RSI Body and what can be done to bring it back into balance without surgery.
  • Spider Vein Creams - The Five Best Active Ingredients  By : Eileen Gravelle
    A good spider vein cream can be a simple and affordable method of treatment for unsightly spider veins. Many women prefer to avoid clinical treatments or just simply can�t afford to visit a private clinic. If you are in this situation, spider vein creams offer a way forward. But what ingredients should you look out for and do they really work?
  • Spider Veins - Ten Things You Really Ought To Know  By : Eileen Gravelle
    Spider veins are surprisingly common - around one in four of the population suffers from spider veins at some time in their lives. They may be common but most people know very little about spider veins - beyond the fact that they want them gone. If you want to get rid of spider veins, here's ten things you really ought to know.
  • Natural Remedies help Soothe Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome  By : Marcus Martinez
    If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you do not have to live in constant discomfort. Studies have show that through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes, one can reduce and even eliminate most symptoms.
  • Precautions While Using Home Remedies  By : Kevin Pederson
    Precautions While Using Home Remedies is an article which explains that while natural remedies are convenient, affordable and effective in treating toothaches, toenail fungus, sore throat, piles and many such common ailments in our daily lives, one needs to consult a qualified doctor during health emergencies such as a cardiac arrest and be wary of using ingredients that cause allergies.
  • Keeping Healthy Without Medicines  By : Kevin Pederson
    Keeping Healthy Without Medicines is possible by maintaining a healthy combination of exercise, meditation, good food, relaxation and taking a break from time to time. Read this article on Home Remedies to ensure good health without the hassles of medication.
  • Chronic Yeast Infections  By : Graham Winmill
    The recurrence of chronic yeast infections can be a difficult obstacle to overcome for many people. Although there are preventative methods, cures, and over the counter medications available in the fight against yeast infections, chronic yeast infections can at the best of times hold out against all of these.
  • Do You Recognize The 7 Early Warning Signs Of Catarrh?  By : Alvin Toh
    There are early warning signs of catarrh that you can be aware of. If you have these symptoms, make sure you seek treatment as soon as you can. The sooner you treat the catarrh the better. Often you can stave off a more serious infection.
  • Diet and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  By : Dr Phil Hariram
    To gain control of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you should adopt a day to day strategy as well as attempting long term control. Finding and staying on the right diet for your IBS is an important aspect of your day to day control.
  • Visiting Someone in the Hospital: 14 Helpful Tips  By : Lisa Copen
    Visiting someone in the hospital doesn't have to be awkward and uncomfortable. Real people share what makes a difference to them when someone visits.
  • How To Get Rid Of Catarrh  By : Alvin Toh
    The conventional drug treatment is decongestants which should only be used for the short term. There are non-drug catarrh remedies that are safer for adults and children. These include homeopathic, home and natural remedies. They can be helpful in easing the symptoms of runny nose, stuffy nose or swollen sinuses.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome and bacterial overgrowth.  By : Dr Phil Hariram
    Treatment of SmallI Intestine bacterial overgrowth in Irritable Bowel Syndrome has shown significant improvement of symptoms. This raises the possibility of bacterial overrgrowth as a cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Fibromyalgia, CFS and MLD: Autonomic Immunity and Connective Tissue: Part 2  By : Mark Shaw
    Changes in autonomic immune function present as lymphostasis in Fibromyalgia and CFS patients. Targeted Manual Lympatic Drainage techniques can directly increase lymphatic flow, reducing congestion and swelling and so reducing symptomatic experience of muscular pain, stress levels and overall fatigue for these patients. The article carefully examines reflexes, immune function and connective tissue in relation to the lymphatics.
  • Rhinitis � Natural Remedies To End The Misery Of Rhinitis  By : Alvin Toh
    Rhinitis is caused by an inflammation or irritation of the mucus membranes in the nasal passages. There are some natural remedies that can put an end to the misery of rhinitis.
  • Why Post Nasal Drip Occurs So Rampantly (When There Are Quick Natural Cures)  By : Alvin Toh
    Post nasal drip is a condition where thin, watery mucus discharge drips into the back of the throat from the nasal passages. The nose and throat glands produce mucus continuously to wash away dirt, fight infection, moisten the nasal passages and humidify the air. Repeated use of drug medications may lead to swollen nasal passages. Over the counter medications to dry the sinuses only mask the problem and can make you drowsy.
  • Do You Recognize The 7 Early Warning Signs Of Nasal Polyps?  By : Alvin Toh
    Nasal polyps are small nodules inside the nasal passages. They can be the cause of post nasal drip, sinus problems and can even obstruct breathing. Knowing the early warning signs of nasal polyps can help you diagnose and treat the problem. If you have any of these symptoms or warning signs, you should discuss them with your doctor.
  • Treatment Of Inflammation And Chronic Systemic Inflammation  By : Dr Keith Scott
    Chronic systemic inflammation is a condition that underlies many common illnesses from heart disease and diabetes to depression. This article examines the causes and the ways to prevent it from occurring.
  • Catarrh � What You Need To Know  By : Alvin Toh
    Catarrh is mucous blockage or discharge often caused by swelling of mucous membranes and by excess mucus. The symptom is frequently associated with a cold but is also found with other conditions such as sinusitis, ear infection, and tonsil or adenoid infections.
  • 3 Old Home Remedies That Can Kill You  By : James Allen
    In the not-too-distant past, many folks relied on old home remedies and traditional folk medicine when they needed a cure. Although some are still used today, many of these treatments were actually deadly. Here are three home remedies best avoided...
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the Mind.  By : Dr Phil Hariram
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the Mind are strongly interconnected. It explains why symptoms vary in different Irritable Bowel Sufferers and why hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, biofeedback and cognitive behavioural therapy are so effective.
  • Lack of Energy-Causes and Treatments  By : Lambert Klein
    In an age where fewer people are eating nutritious, healthy meals every day, it�s not surprising to know how common a lack of energy is. A deficiency in vitamins can lead to disease and illness, so it�s crucial for your health you get enough vitamins in your body everyday.
  • Diagnosing and Curing an Iron Deficiency  By : James Penn
    The best way to diagnose an iron deficiency is to see a doctor, however, there are lots of early signs and symptoms that you can be on the lookout for - just in case. An iron deficiency is more than just a lack of iron in your blood, it also decreases your red blood cell count, leaving you tired, pale, and unable to sleep.
  • A Shopping List For Your IBS Symptoms  By : Sandra Kim Leong
    You need to carefully plan for what to shop in the supermarket especially if you want to cope with your IBS symptoms better. Find out what food items are considered safe.
  • Prevent Medical Errors: Find Hidden Clues in Your Medical Tests & Procedures  By : Margo Corbett
    Margo tells the story of how ignored medical test results almost cost her husband his life. She relates the lessons learned and the changes they have made in the way they now manage this aspect of their healthcare. She clearly outlines how to find and use the hidden clues in medical tests and procedures.
  • Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  By : Dr Phil Hariram
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a chronic condition but in spite of extensive research, the true causes still remain elusive.
  • Symptoms of Bronchitis  By : Amanda Too
    It is crucial to know what are the symptoms of Bronchitis as a lot of people think that coughing and colds are considered ordinary illnesses. However, it is quite unusual as it persists for more than a week, as it may be Bronchitis.
  • Tamiflu for Flu Prevention and Treatment  By : Olivia Andrews
    Tamiflu flu medicine is the first choice of doctors. It is approved for prevention and treatment of influenza in adults as well as in children aged 1 year and older.
  • Living With Multiple Sclerosis  By : Jeff Wilson
    A disease of the central nervous system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves; living with multiple sclerosis is debilitating. Myelin, also known as the myelin sheath, is a fatty tissue which surrounds and protects the nerve fibers of the central nervous system ...
  • Tramadol Best Pain Relief  By : Olivia Andrews
    Tramadol is a prescription medication approved by the Food drugs Administration (FDA). Tramodal is used to relive moderate to moderately sever pain.
  • SBOs: 21st Century Probiotic Resolves GI Disorders for Animals and Humans  By : Stephen Becker
    SBOs help you, and your pets, to get healthy and stay healthy. They are a lot less costly than doctor visits and medications!
  • Air Travel Tips for Travelers with Health Issues or Disabilities  By : Helen Hecker
    Travel by air for people with health issues, handicaps, disabilities or special needs, can be challenging. The following air travel tips will help make your flight and trip, whether domestic or international, easier, cheaper and safer.
  • Music For Healing, Relaxation, and Wellness  By : Stephanie Davies
    This articles describes how music alone can help with wellness, health, depression, physical illness and more
  • Drugs for Everyone  By : Simon Evans
    Should we accept the notion that prescription drugs are a normal part of the aging process. Absolutely not. Some drugs have great benefit for some people but that doesn't mean that we all should take them just because we turn 55. There are plenty of options if you know where to look and what questions to ask.
  • Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis  By : Kathryn Lively
    In this modern age of travel and jobs that require less physical labor, we are fast becoming a sedentary race, and unfortunately this is causing various health issues like deep vein thrombosis. Fortunately, this is an easily preventable condition that doesn't take much work.
  • Fibromyalgia, CFS and the Alexander Technique: Part 4. Inhibition and the Four Concepts.  By : Mark Shaw
    This article examines concepts 3 and 4 of the four concepts of good use. It finishes with an exploration of Alexanders key concept, that of "inhibition" or "pausing before action". I examine the importance of breaking free from the constraints of time and so the very source of tension and stress in modern humanity, and how inhibition alongside the 4 concepts can be used to shortcircuit the onset of Fibromyalgia and CFS symptoms.
  • Beat Osteoporosis With These Bone Building Secrets  By : Graeme Lanham
    Osteoporosis is caused when bones become less dense, lose strength and break more easily due to calcium loss. It can occur at any age, but is most common after 60 when one in two women and one in three men will suffer a bone fracture. Breaks are most common in the spine, hip and wrist and often occur after only a minor fall. Read on to discover what you can do to stop bone loss and increase bone mass?
  • Herpes Virus Family Facts  By : John Trout
    Some estimates suggest that as many as 1 in 6 people may carry some form of the herpes virus in their body, either active or inactive. Could you have some form of the herpes virus right now and not even know it? Get some straight facts about the various viruses that make up the herpes virus family.
  • Medical Alert Devices  By : Mark Fynn
    Medical alerts provide round the clock medical protection for the elderly. By just one press of a button the call center will put into motion complete medical assistance by contacting the emergency services in an instant.
  • Advice On Dealing With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  By : Colin Pike
    Carpal tunnel syndrome (or CTS for short) is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist. CTS is more common in women than it is in men, and has a peak incidence around the age of 50.
  • Diverticulosis-Treatment and Prevention  By : Pj Germain
    Diverticulosis is very common and occurs in 10% of people over age 40 and in 50% of people over age 60. Most people will have no or few symptoms from diverticula, but the result can be quite serious.
  • Coping with Bell's Palsy  By : Pj Germain
    Bell's palsy develops as a result of damage or trauma to the facial nerves, likely from inflammation in response to a virus. Facial nerves lie on either side of the face, and typically Bell's palsy affects only one side.
  • Taking Trileptal To Treat Seizures  By : Heather Colman
    Trileptal is a brand name for oxcarbazepine, an anti-convulsant, and mood stabilizing drug that is meant for treating epilepsy (recurrent seizures) and bipolar disorders (manic-depressive illness).
  • Kaposi's Sarcoma-A Warning Sign of HIV Infection  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a malignant neoplasm, and in association with HIV infection, the lesion may be more aggressive and sometimes quite resistant to therapy.
  • Oral Yeast Infection-Candidiasis (Moniliasis, Thrush)  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Candida albicans is the most common cause of oral fungal infection. Four major Candidiasis types are pseudomembranous, hyperplastic, erythematous, and angular cheilitis.
  • Birth Marks - A Blast From the Past  By : Robert Shields
    Birth marks have always been a mystery. Where do they come from and why are they there. There has never been a simple and logical answer until now.

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