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  • Hearing Loss Prevalent In Baby Boomers  By : Alvin Toh
    Hearing loss has always been a problem in those over 65 years old. But now, more youngsters and baby boomers are being diagnosed with hearing loss. Exposure to excessive noise levels is the main culprit.
  • Review Of Hearing Aids: Siemens, Beltone, Phonak & Starkey  By : Alvin Toh
    Hearing aids are available in analog or digital version. Analog hearing aids have been on the market for quite some time and are the least expensive type of hearing aids. Today, most hearing aids are digital as these provide better amplification, cleaner sound quality and can be programmed by computer. They are becoming more affordable as their prices have fallen.
  • What To Expect From Wearing A Hearing Aid  By : Alvin Toh
    If you are new to wearing a hearing aid, it may take some time to get used to it. Remember that hearing aids cannot restore your hearing back to normal. They can only improve your hearing, thus increasing your quality of life significantly. So, what is it like to wear a hearing aid?
  • 7 Tips On Buying Hearing Aids  By : Alvin Toh
    Do you need a hearing aid but don�t know where to start? With so many features, styles, brands and prices to choose from, it�s no wonder why shopping for a hearing aid can be a daunting task for a new user.
  • Discover How Digital Hearing Aids Work  By : Mike Jennings
    Have you ever thought about a digital hearing aid and are not quite sure how it works? Find out about this latest advance in hearing aid technology providing greatly improved hearing much more discreetly.
  • Hearing Aid Prices: What Are You Paying For?  By : Alvin Toh
    There are a variety of factors that go into making up hearing aid prices. Besides paying for the hearing aid, there are other costs associated with medical examination, hearing test, adjustments, technology, batteries, warranty and service. These costs cannot be avoided altogether.
  • Hearing Aids: 4 Tips On Choosing The Right One  By : Alvin Toh
    When the symphony doesn�t sound as sweet and the laughter of your grandchildren is slowly fading away, wearing a hearing aid is one of the best ways to improve your hearing ability. There are several factors to consider when buying a hearing aid, such as your budget, hearing aid style, technology, lifestyle concerns and hearing loss level.
  • Digital Hearing Aids Review: The 4 Leading Brands  By : Alvin Toh
    Today�s digital hearing aids are smaller than ever and come with advanced features. No matter what your budget or hearing amplification requirements, there are hearing aids designed to meet your needs. Digital hearing aids provide better sound quality than original analog hearing aids. Most leading brands offer only digital technology since the analog aids are outdated and digital hearing aids are becoming more affordable.
  • How To Find Cheap Hearing Aids  By : Alvin Toh
    Most people who suffer from hearing loss can benefit from wearing hearing aids. Although hearing aids cannot restore normal hearing, they provide amplification so you can hear and communicate better. Hearing aids are available from a myriad of companies. They come in various models and styles to suit individual needs and budget. Here's 5 tips on how you can find cheap hearing aids.
  • Siemens Hearing Aids: What You Need To Know  By : Alvin Toh
    Siemens is a leading manufacturer of hearing aids worldwide. In business for more than 125 years, Siemens is the largest manufacturer of hearing aids. One in every five hearing aids sold is a Siemens hearing aid.
  • Is Tinnitus a Disease or a Symptom ?  By :
    If you have Tinnitus then you are most probably familiar with some of the most common causes.
    There is a whole list of them for you to choose from.
  • Learning to Cure Tinnitus the Easy Way  By :
    How much screaming will you tolerate before taking decisive action.
  • How to Tame Tinnitus into Submission  By :
    Tinnitus-A persistant high pitched screaming only you can hear. You can hear it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Sometimes the noise is enough to make you feel you are loosing your sanity
  • Tinnitus: The Ringing in the Ear Syndrome  By :
    Tinnitus is a disorder that affects millions of individuals all around the world. Commonly people suffering from tinnitus, also known as ringing ears, find it hard to concentrate and lead a normal life. The reason for this is that in some cases the ringing of the ears is so loud that people suffering from tinnitus often develop some sort of sleeping disturbance, most commonly insomnia
  • What Causes Tinnitus?  By :
    For any tinnitus sufferer, it can be overwhelming to try and stop the ringing. When doctors tell you that there is only so much you can do, and stress becomes a major setback, life just doesnt seem fair.
  • Treatment for Tinnitus  By :
    If you have Tinnitus, or ringing of the ears, then you certainly want relief and you want it fast. The treatment options for Tinnitus vary significantly depending upon the cause of your problem.
  • Digital Hearing Aids � What You Need To Know  By : Alvin Toh
    Digital hearing aids can help to combat depression in those who suffer from hearing loss. In fact, hearing aids have been voted among the top 25 innovations that have changed people�s lives, according to CNN. It�s no wonder that the hearing aid business has been expanding and will continue to do so as the baby boomer generation reaches geriatrics.
  • Hearing Aids Review: The 4 Leading Brands  By : Alvin Toh
    Are you looking for a hearing aid but don�t know where to start? Here is the definitive guide to the leading brands of hearing aids. I will review some of the top names in hearing aids...
  • Hearing Aids - Why you Shouldn't be Afraid to Use One  By : Tyson J Stevenson
    What is a hearing aid?
    A hearing aid is a battery-operated, electronic device, which amplifies and changes sound to allow improved communication. Hearing aids receive sound through a microphone, which then convert the sound waves to electrical signals.
  • Home Remedies For Ear Aches  By : Kevin Pederson
    Earaches can be slightly painful to extremely painful. An ear ache is caused by a fluid buildup due to some infection or pressure build up in the middle ear. Swimming, bathing, allergies or even cleaning your ear with cotton bud can lead to discomfort, bacterial growth and infection in the ear.
  • Ear Wax - Useful As Well As Menace  By : Kevin Pederson
    It is a liquid which is secreted by cerumen glands which are present only in the ear canals. If it is not treated it can cause deafness, irritation and soreness to your ear which is not at all pleasant.
  • Essential Hearing Aid Tips  By : John Morris
    Hearing loss is such a devastating condition. It completely shuts down your ability to listen to your surroundings and appreciate the acoustic beauty found in nature's visual landscape...
  • Understanding The 3 Basic Types of Hearing Loss  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Our ears have these two main functions; allowing us to both hear and maintain our balance. However, throughout the duration of a lifetime, the hearing function of our ears become worn out and less effective. In fact, one of three adults over the age of 65 has a hearing loss and half of seniors over the age of 75 have a hearing loss. Such loss is commonly due to over-exposure to noise, heredity or both.

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