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Articles in Home | Chronic Conditions | Acne

  • Why Choose Natural Skin Care Products for Acne  By : Garey Simmons
    People choose natural skin care products for acne, instead of those made from synthetic materials, because those that are synthetically made are known to cause more harm than good.
  • Keeping Acne Under the Radar: A Guide to Acne Causes, Treatment and Prevention  By : Caleb Anderson
    Almost everyone experiences acne at some point in his or her life. Although there is no exact cause, cure or prevention, there are plenty of resources available for people to be able to choose the best treatment and prevention for themselves.
  • 7 Tips To Get The Best Results From Your Acne Treatment!  By : Ray Baker
    These 7 simple tips will ensure you get the best results you possibly can from your current Acne treatment. Sensible advise written in plain English.
  • Genital Acne Lumps - Acne Appearing in the Genital Areas as Lumps?  By : Trevor Mulholland
    Acne can affect various areas of the body, in fact there can be acne wherever there is skin, and skin is everywhere. Some areas are tender and acne can be more severe in such areas. However, with care and treatment this can be minimized and made less acute.
  • When Adults Get Acne - The Unique Hardships  By : Debbie Allen
    There is a widespread misconception that only teenagers suffer with acne. Not only is this false but the effects felt by adults are often more intense than those expressed by teens.
  • Acne and Its Causes  By : Jenna Adbey
    When you think of acne, most people tend to link it to adolescence. However, what you may not realize is that many adults also suffer from the condition and it can cause a lot of shame and embarrassment.
  • Acne: Reduce the Pimples  By : Dawn Lambie
    Imagine it is the day of your wedding and you want to look the best you ever have. You go to the bathroom to wash your hands and while looking in the mirror, you notice a big zit on your nose. It is just a zit, and many people's worst nightmare. But, worse then just a zit is having tons of zits all over your face, in which you can't get rid of.
  • Acne Treatments for People Twenty Years Old and Above  By : Trevor Mulholland
    Acne treatments for adults and teenagers are mostly the same. It is not the age of the patient that usually determines the choice of treatment, but the severity of the acne.
  • Profiling Some of the More Common Acne Solutions  By : Trevor Mulholland
    Acne solutions can range from simple remedies mixed in your kitchen to more advanced methods like surgery and laser treatment. Whichever method you prefer, knowing what these solutions can do and what potential effects they can have on your health is important.
  • Cure Your Acne And Pimples Naturally  By :
    Many acne or pimple sufferers with blotchy skin will try just one acne treatment and if it doesn't work they just give up.
  • Natural Acne Treatments - 7 Secret Herbal Remedies  By : Myers
    Many of us face acne related skin problems during puberty, the reason is quite simple and a clear study can provide the cause of acne and some natural harmless remedial measures.
    Actually, the body starts producing androgen hormones during the stage of puberty. Androgen is a hormone that cause over stimulation and significant enlargement of sebaceous glands.
  • Acne Scars and Treatment - Which Treatment is Most Suitable for You?  By : Mike Jennings
    Is there any effective way of getting rid of acne scars? The choices available to you are outlined here in an easy to read format.
  • Will Toothpaste Treat Acne  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    Home remedies for acne come in all flavors of weird. There's the egg yolk mask, handyman soap scrub, lidocaine rub and even a urine toner. And like any trial treatment, homemade treatments may work sheerly because of the placebo effect. But, does toothpaste posses any properties that support its usage as an acne treatment?
  • Using a Natural Acne Face Treatment  By : Andrew Bicknell
    For anyone who suffers acne having outbreaks on their face is the worst form of this skin disorder and finding an acne face treatment that works is a high priority. Most people rush out to their local pharmacy and buy some form of topical cream which is spread on the offending pimples. While these OTC remedies may work short term they key to treating acne comes from within.
  • Treating Acne without Side effects  By : Davina Joy
    There are many acne treatments available either over the counter or by prescription. Potentially there is a risk of side effects from all of these. The worst being those of isotretinoin based products which include the risk of birth defects, depression and suicide. Most worrying is recent reports that the side effects may continue after the treatment has stopped. However, many people could treat their acne without taking these risks.
  • Acne Medicine - There Is No Magic Cure  By : Karen Cheong
    You know what I hate about acne medicine? There is no instant cure. Antibiotics have been used successfully in the treatment of acne. Unfortunately, they take a long time to work and may have side effects.
  • How To Get Rid Of Zits  By : Sharron Nixon
    A description of the various types of zits so you know what you're dealing with, together with simple ways to get rid of zits and prevent further outbreaks.
  • Holistic Treatments for Acne  By : Scott Meyers
    Most people that suffer from acne rely on creams and topical agents to get rid of their acne. The non-prescription items fill shelves on the pharmacy counter, while the prescription aids can have severe side-effects and must be monitored closely by a doctor.
  • Acne Medicine - The Role of Antibiotics  By : Karen Cheong
    This article explains the role of antibiotics in the treatment of acne and why they need to be taken for a long time.
  • Homemade Acne Treatments Really Do Work  By : Andrew Bicknell
    When it comes to clearing up mild to moderate acne homemade treatments have been used successfully by acne sufferers for many years. These treatments can be used in the place of prescription medications and over the counter creams and treatments.
  • Depressed Acne Scars: How to find the best dermal filler to correct deep acne scarring  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    Softening deep acne scars resulting from severe bouts of cystic or nodular lesions requires a well thought out cosmetic corrective plan. And according to reports in Dermatologic Surgery, popularized scar removal options like laser resurfacing may not satisfactorily smooth away deep acne scars. Yet, patients can readily witness scar depth reductions in indented acne scaring using aesthetic therapies such as dermal fillers.
  • 5 Nutrients that can Help Prevent Acne  By : James Briggs
    This article is about Acne and what you can do to stop it.
  • Acne Scar Treatments: Discover the Best Way to Remove Your Acne Scars in 5 Simple Steps  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    You can customize your hair color, manicure type, vehicle, health care plan and most certainly, your acne scar removal regime. But before you take one step in customizing anything- you plan. When it comes to getting rid of acne marks, you can plan to delete traces of your previous acne affliction in five time and money saving steps.
  • Better Understanding Of Proactive Acne Medicines  By : John Porter
    Articles discusses Proactive Acne Medicine and its proactive way of keeping away regular acne breakouts.
  • Back Acne: The Double Trouble  By : John Porter
    This article discusses some specialized treatment options if you suffer from acne on your back.
  • Remove Acne From Fair Skin  By : John Porter
    How to remove acne from fair skin and how to prevent future outbreaks.
  • Sensational Home Remedy For Adult Acne: The Fire & Ice Method  By : Kyle Richey
    This article describes a very simple yet effective home remedy for adult acne known as the "Fire and Ice" method!
  • Why Acne Is A Problem? Check Out It's Solutions  By : John Porter
    This article discusses some of the causes of acne and ways to avoid and treat it.
  • Best Cure For Body Acne  By : John Porter
    This article discusses the differences between facial acne and body acne.
  • Acne - The Hormonal Disorder  By : John Porter
    This article discusses how acne is mainly caused by an hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Acne Care: Know The Herbal Way  By : John Porter
    This article discusses some of the acne treatments available today.
  • Seven Step Acne Cure  By : John Porter
    This article discusses some acne prevention strategies.
  • Men Coping With Acne Problems  By : John Porter
    Article discusses why men get acne and how to prevent it.
  • Cure Acne With Salicylic Acid  By : John Porter
    This article discusses the effects of salicylic acid and its use in treating acne.
  • Acne Causes: Know Them All  By : John Porter
    This article discusses the causes of acne.
  • Deal With Digestion: Cure The Acne  By : John Porter
    Acne can trouble you anytime in your life. There are many other reasons in your body that can act behind this problem.
  • Severity Of Acne And Its Types  By : John Porter
    Article Discusses the severity of the different types of acne and what they are.
  • Acne Scars: Probability Of Getting Cured  By : John Porter
    This Article talks about the probability of curing acne scars.
  • Remove Acne Through Self-Care At Home  By : John Porter
    This article discusses some at home self care you can do to remove acne safely.
  • Treating Acne Naturally With Diet And Other Treatments That Work  By :
    The main problem with most of the acne treatments and acne products out there is that not everyone reacts the same way to the same treatment.
  • Dealing with Teenage Acne  By : Mike Lee
    Being a teen with acne is often a difficult experience. In this article we discuss some tactics for eliminating that acne so you can get on with life!
  • Is An Acne Cure Out There?  By : Riley Hendersen
    While the prospect of actually having to take time to find an acne cure likely won't please those in the throes of a major breakout, there is hope. The variety of different proven treatments is rather spectacular. With a little effort, it is more than possible for most acne sufferers to find one that helps them out at least a little if not a whole lot.
  • Acne and Make-up Brushes  By : Kristin Adams
    Plagued by acne? Your cosmetic brushes may be the culprit!
  • The Top 5 Acne Treatment Blunders That Are Sabotaging YOUR Clear Skin Goals  By : P.K. Ryker
    So you keep your skin clean, eliminate excess sweets, do minimal amounts of fatty foods, drink lots of water, work out, try "mind over matter", visit a voodoo priestess for a weekly "acne be gone" ritual, yet ... acne still plagues you or continues to get worse? But why and what can you DO about it? Let's take a look...
  • How To Make Natural Treatments For Pimples Work For You  By :
    Many sufferers will try just one acne treatment and if it doesn't deliver they give up.
  • Acne Treatment Options  By : Joe Black
    There are many factors that cause acne. Acne occurs when oily glands come to boy and girls around puberty stimulated by their hormones. Oil naturally lubricates the skin causing a skin protection, under certain circumstances cells that are close to the surface block sebaceous gland openings causing buildup of oil underneath. Bacteria is stimulated from this oil living in everyone's skin generally causing no problem unless it multiplies and causes surrounding tissues to become inflamed.
  • Adult Acne Is A Real Concern For Many  By : Riley Hendersen
    Many teenagers endure the agony that is acne with one thought in mind: Someday it will go away. While this is true for many, the reality is this condition can reappear later in life. For about a quarter of the male population and half the female, adult acne is an unwelcome reminder of adolescence. According to many physicians, adult acne is a fairly common occurrence.
  • Facts About Clearing Up Zits.  By : Richard Tolar
    The easy way to try and fight a zit attack is to run to the drug store and buy the best sounding acne medication. The problem with this easy way is that the side effects of any medication can be worse than the cure. Be very careful what you do.
  • Make Pimples Go Away Forever - Naturally  By :
    Natural treatment methods are cheaper and always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden pimple or acne products.
  • How to get Rid of Pimples Quickly  By : Andrew Bicknell
    The best plan of action if you have to get rid of your pimples quickly is to actually hide their presence while the body naturally deals with the problem. Here are a few tips to help hide or conceal pimples
  • Facial Acne, AKA Zits, Can Devastate A Teen�s Life.  By : Richard Tolar
    Facial acne, also know as zits, can change a persons life; especially a teenager. This article covers a few of the ways acne can be treated.
  • The Amazing Natural Solution For Acne  By :
    While it's easy to find acne treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is what's important.
  • Getting Rid of Acne Scars  By : Ian Reygan
    New information on How to Get Rid of Acne Scars
  • Treating Pimples With Coconut Oil And Other Natural Remedies  By :
    Living with pimples and acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find just the right treatment for you.
  • Personal Struggles With Acne  By : Eugene M. Burchett
    Each and everyday many of us struggle with slight imperfections and constantly search for ways to conform to our own ideals of what is beautiful. For some, this task is relatively simple, however, for others it is a constant battle.
  • From Acne To Acne Scars: How To Prevent  By : John Porter
    How to precent acne scars.
  • Can Acne Lead To Mental Disorder  By : John Porter
    This article Discusses whether or not acne can lead to a mental disorder.
  • Acne Treatment With Right Medication  By : John Porter
    Article discusses ways to keep your skin clean and prevent acne.
  • Top 4 Acne Scar Treatment Options  By : Riley Hendersen
    Dealing with acne breakouts is bad enough for some people. Insult is added to injury, however, when the condition is brought into check, but scars are left behind. An unwanted and often very visible reminder, this scarring can leave people seeking out options for treatment. There are some acne scar treatment options out there, but they might not be for everyone.
  • Nurse's Guide To Getting Rid Of Acne Naturally  By :
    While most forms of acne are merely troublesome or embarrassing, there are some forms of acne that can lead to scarring and pitting of the skin.
  • Laser Acne Treatments For Scarring And Blemish Control  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Learn how laser treatments can help control acne and reduce scarring here. Find out how they work, and whether they are used with other treatments.
  • Heal Your Pimples Naturally Forever  By :
    It's always best to seek non-invasive and natural treatment for any skin condition.
  • Acne Medication Comes With Many Options  By : Riley Hendersen
    For those who suffer through the embarrassment of acne, getting rid of it is often the number one priority. When acne medication is required to get the job done, those looking to buy will find there are lots of options out there. From natural remedies and over-the-counter medications to actual prescriptions, acne treatment isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition.
  • Acne Herbal Solutions  By : Rick Coelho
    Despite a person�s age, one of the most frustrating known conditions to deal with is acne. Although we often label this condition as a teenager�s problem, it�s something that can last well into our adult lives. In fact, some people may struggle with acne their entire lifetime. Finding acne products that work...
  • Heal Your Acne With Coconut Oil Treatment  By :
    The problem with most acne treatments and acne products is that not everyone reacts the same way to the same treatment; what worked for one may not work for another.
  • Cystic Acne In Women  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Learn which treatments women with cystic acne should avoid, and those which won't work. We also discuss the characteristics of this more severe skin problem.
  • Comedones - Whiteheads, Blackheads, And What Makes Them Worse  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Comedones are the bane of nearly every teenager, and many an adult. Learn what makes them worse, and the difference between the two types.
  • Top Rated Lasers for Treating Acne Scarring  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    Since a substantial portion of laser devices attain FDA approval based on the effectiveness of previously approved devices, how is the consumer to discern which laser is best for removing acne scarring?
  • 3 At-Home Remedies that Stop Deep Acne Scars Before They Start  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    When it comes to acne, a pimple reduced, is a scar avoided. That is, preventing the arrival of deep acne scars is a simple matter of controlling the size of an arising acne lesion. You can do it in three easy steps.
  • Understanding the Cause of Acne  By : Riley Hendersen
    Many several different factors contribute to the cause of acne. Some factors work alone and some work in conjunction with each other to produce acne. In some cases, the cause of acne can stem from male sex hormone levels which increase during puberty and cause an increase in oil production within an individual's skin.
  • Searching For a Miracle Acne Cure  By : Riley Hendersen
    The development of acne can cause emotional distress and embarrassment. People spend millions of dollars a year trying to find a miracle acne cure. Ultimately, each individual has their own unique skin, so what works for some, may not work for all. Finding an acne cure depends largely on each individual's distinctive skin type.
  • Clear Up Your Acne With Coconut Oil Treatment  By :
    While it's easy to find acne treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is what's important.
  • Best Cheap And Natural Acne Treatments That Start Working Now  By :
    Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure for your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem.
  • Can Pistachios Make Your Acne Treatment More Complete?  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    Pistachios boast the skin enriching nutrients vitamins A, C and E plus, zinc and folic acid. Yet, new research from University of Toronto's Department of Nutritional Sciences could add pistachios to a growing list of acne treatments that already includes benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics.
  • When You Should Use Antibiotics For Acne  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Chronic breakouts are a frustrating condition, but in what instances should you try antibiotics for acne? Given that these have side effects, it is wise to limit their use to the times they are really necessary.
  • Management and Prevention of Adult Acne  By : Riley Hendersen
    When a person suffers from adult acne, it is imperative that they be examined by a dermatologist who can recommend appropriate treatment options. During an exam the dermatologist will try to discover the root cause of the adult acne. Several factors can influence the onset of adult acne including hormonal fluctuations, diet, environmental factors, medication, and stress, among others.
  • Nurse's Guide To Natural Solutions For Pimple Problems  By :
    Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure for your acne, zits, pimples or blackhead problems.
  • Pimples Inside the Nose - What a Nuisance!  By : Matt OConnor
    Pimples, spots, zits, call them what you will. Chances are they've all reared their ugly "heads" at some stage of your life or another!
    Generally speaking, although unsightly and sometimes stressful, acne is not a life-threatening condition and is relatively easy to treat.
  • From A Nurse - Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally Now  By :
    Keeping your skin clear doesn't have to be a trying experience with so many cheaper natural treatments available today.
  • Pimple Tips And Natural Treatments  By :
    Natural treatment methods are cheaper and always a better choice for acne and pimples due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.
  • Acne - Get Rid Of Acne Naturally Now  By :
    While most forms of acne are merely troublesome or embarrassing, there are some forms of acne that can lead to scarring and pitting of the skin.
  • Surgery to Remove Acne Scarring  By : Kim Novak
    We cover the basics of surgery for the removal of scars left behind from years of acne problems. A must read before you make your appointment for your acne surgery.
  • Cure Your Acne With Coconut Oil Treatment  By :
    Keeping your skin clear doesn't have to be a trying experience with so many cheaper natural treatments available today.
  • Get The Lowdown On The Best Natural Pimple Treatments  By :
    Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure for your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem.
  • Choosing the Right Acne Medication  By : Riley Hendersen
    Although acne can be treated and does not present any severe detriment to your health, for many, acne can cause anxiety, embarrassment, and the lowering of self- esteem. Utilizing an appropriate acne medication can help eliminate acne and assist in achieving healthy skin. But when choosing the right acne medication, the task can also seem somewhat confusing and overwhelming.
  • Cure Your Acne Naturally Now  By :
    Living with acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find just the right acne treatment for you.
  • Natural Tips To Heal Your Acne  By :
    Below are some helpful, cheap and natural tips on what to do to keep your acne under control and keep your skin clear.
  • Acne : The Testosterone Connection  By : Danna Schneider
    Acne is a skin condition that affects both young men and young women alike. Not only that, acne is increasingly occurring in adults, and is an embarrassing problem for millions of men and women well into their thirties and forties. Has acne gotten worse over the past twenty years, or are we just imagining it? Read on for more information on how controlling testosterone production is the key component in controlling acne.
  • Guide To Salicylic Acid For Acne Sufferers  By : Rebecca Prescott
    Find out the advantages of salicylic acid over alpha hydroxyl acids, and which other acne products you should not mix it with. We discuss possible problems with this treatment, and guidelines for its' use.
  • Choosing The Right Acne Treatment Option  By : MIKE SELVON
    Do you dream of finding an acne treatment that actually works? The myriad of products and claims made by nearly every acne treatment on the market can quickly leave you disillusioned and disappointed.
  • Natural Acne Tips And Treatments - Save Your Skin And Money  By :
    Keeping your skin clear doesn't have to be a trying experience with so many cheaper natural treatments available today. Below are some helpful, cheap tips on what to do to keep your acne under control and keep your skin clear.
  • Minimizing An Acne Scar  By : Riley Hendersen
    Dealing with an acne outbreak is painful and difficult enough, but when you have an acne scar to contend with following the outbreak, the pain is compounded. It's no wonder that acne can cause depression and anxiety among sufferers. Luckily, there are measures that acne sufferers can take to significantly reduce the risk of developing an acne scar and minimize the long lasting impression of acne.
  • Yoga as a Cure for Acne  By : Matt OConnor
    It is only a very small and very lucky few who have never suffered the stress and strain of acne in some form or another. Be it an unfortunately constant barrage of stubborn pimples or just the odd zit every now and again, most of us are familiar with those dreaded little spots.
  • Acne Myths  By : Asanka Samaranayake
    Acne myths helps to remove the haze and hype around acne and acne treatment. If you really want the truth about acne read this, and it will make a difference to yours.
  • Save Money on Acne Scar Removal  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    How much will removing your acne scars cost? That depends on several factors like, how severe is your scarring is; how deep on the scars are and will do you the scar correction yourself or pay a skin care professional. Regardless of how your get rid of your scars, you can save big money by using these three simple tips.
  • Cure Your Acne Forever  By :
    If you or someone you love suffers from acne - what you want to know is what you can do about it.
  • Home Remedies For Acne And Zits  By : David Maillie
    Some great ideas and remedies to get rid of acne and zits.
  • Does Vitamin E Help Acne Scars Heal Faster  By : Naweko Nicole Dial
    Options for removing acne scars include the Fraxel laser, microdermabrasion and chemical peels. You may have also considered the readily available and affordable supplement vitamin E for removing acne marks. For decades people have trusted vitamin E to speed wounds healing and counteract natural aging of the skin. Yet, is this extra slathering of vitamin E justified, or is your time and money better spent on proven scar removal technologies?
  • The Best Natural Pimple Treatments  By :
    Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure for your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem.
  • Best Acne Treatments For Sensitive Skin But Choose Wisely  By : Robert Sheehan
    You should know the best acne treatments for sensitive skin and understand the precautions you must take to avoid painful acne.

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