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Who Gets Kidney Stones - Gender, Genetics and Geography

By: Wade Thomas

Each year between 600,000 and 1,000,000 Americans will be affected by kidney stones. It has been estimated that 20% of the time it will require hospitalization. For unknown reasons, the number of people affected by them has been on the increase over the past 20 years, especially in developed nations. Even though the prevalence of kidney stones is on the rise, stones have been found in an Egyptian skeleton estimated to be over 7000 years old. Many notable individuals have suffered from them, including Louis Napolean III (Emperor of France), Benjamin Franklin, and Lyndon B Johnson.

Seventy-Five percent of stone suffers will have at least one recurrence. The relative risk of forming a second stone in 10 years 60-80%, in 5 years 50%; two-thirds of men experience recurrent with an average of 9 years between episodes. After 20 years, less than 10% remain stone free. An unfortunate 10-15% portion of patients will have aggressive disease with the formation of 10+ stones over their lifetime.


Men suffer from stone formation four times more often than women. Men may tend to produce more stones because they eat more than women including diets that are not healthy and being larger, produce more metabolic wastes than women. In the past few years, there has been a trend where the ratio is closing with an increase in the number of women getting them. This may be in part due the diets of women becoming more similar. Also the anatomy of women is set up to produce more UTIs than in men and the combination of a kidney stone and infection makes for a less positive outcome.


Overall, stone formation is 4-5 times more likely in Caucasians than in African Americans with calcium stones more likely in those with Anglo-Saxon ancestries. Uric Acid stones form more commonly in those of Mediterranean ancestries, particularly those of Portuguese extraction. It is not fully understood why certain stones run in families or common ancestries. It may be due to inherited physiological factors or result of shared family dietary preferences


The peak season of kidney stone formation seems to coincide with the summer months of June through August. This is not that hard to understand when one thinks about the role that water plays in keeping the body producing urine that is not concentrated and the increase activity one has during the summer.

Here in the United States, the SouthEast has the highest incidence of stones. Increased temperature and body hydration may be key factors. Southern diet of green vegetables, brewed tea and fatty foods may also be contributing factors

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Wade Thomas, author of Avoid Kidney Stones, has had 20 years of experience with kidney stones and has discovered natural, herbal and alternative methods for avoiding, dissolving, and dealing with them. Go to AvoidKidneyStones.Comto claim a free report on what foods to eat or not eat now.

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