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Articles in Home | Chronic Conditions | Asthma

  • An Intro to Asthma  By : Rodger Bailey
    What is Asthma?
  • Five Foods to Fight Asthma  By : Marcus Martinez
    Most of us take breathing for granted. But if you suffer from asthma, the simple act of inhaling and exhaling can be a painful, even life-threatening struggle. Asthma causes dramatic tightening of the bronchial tubes, making breathing difficult or even impossible. It can be triggered by a number of factors, ranging from airborne allergens to exercise and stress or certain foods.
  • Living with Asthma : A Personal Story  By : Danna Schneider
    My story of living with asthma started when I was about seven years old. Up until that point in my life, I had lived an asthma-free life. Then, for reasons unknown, one day I got my first asthma attack, while running up a hillside with my mom and dad at a local park. I felt a tightness encase my chest area, and a sudden inability to breathe in and expel the air that I was so used to easily processing with my lungs...
  • Fight Asthma With Vitamins And Over The Counter Products  By : David Cowley
    Use Vitamins and over the counter procducts to treat Asthma and improve the quality of life
  • Effective Asthma Treatment Methods  By : Yuki Shoji
    For the asthma patient, there is no hope for a cure. The symptoms and onset of asthma attacks can be very uncomfortable and overwhelming for the victim. There is hope for treatment of the symptoms and attacks that are associated with asthma. If you or someone you know suffers from this non curable disease, please read on as we will be covering some effective methods of asthma treatment.
  • Alternative Asthma Treatment Ideas  By : Yuki Shoji
    Asthma can be a very frightening and dreaded illness, but with the proper medication and frame of mind, it can be controlled. Often, asthma patients use inhalers and/or nebulizers to bring relief. However, there are many asthma patients that feel as if they are not reaching their maximum potential with these treatments and opt for other treatment methods.
  • Natural Asthma Treatment Tips  By : Yuki Shoji
    One of the best and most effective natural asthma treatments is to avoid triggers that can induce an asthma attack. Depending on the severity of the asthma, triggers may be different areas and things that you should avoid.
  • Asthma Treatment Medicine Offers Hope for Asthma Sufferers  By : Yuki Shoji
    Asthma is a serious disease, marked by attacks of shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and tightness of the chest. This is due to the inflammation of the airways. The inflammation causes the airflow in and out of the lungs to be restricted.
  • Using Herbs for Asthma Treatment  By : Yuki Shoji
    In addition to the most common treatments for asthma, there are other means of controlling the symptoms that are not the regular, conventional means. Many asthma patients rely on unconventional treatment means as to not have to endure any possible side effects of medicine that could pose more harm than good.
  • Asthma Treatments Work to Control Asthma Attacks  By : Yuki Shoji
    There is no cure for Asthma; however, there are treatments that assist in controlling the disease. The fact that there are asthma treatments available to the sufferer gives hope to approximately 17 million people in the U.S alone.
  • Alternative Asthma Relieving Techniques That You Can Trust  By : Eddy Kong WW
    Asthma condition in the 21st century has changed our lifestyle completely. Suffering from asthma is obviously no fun and can have quite a negative affect on the daily lives of sufferers, especially to children. Conventional treatments and remedies almost always help to a certain degree, but one must ask, are there any other effective methods to supplement my existing treatment?
  • Controlling Asthma With Biofeedback  By : David Silva
    Asthma is one of a dozen or so conditions that have been successfully treated by using biofeedback to control what are usually involuntary and unconscious muscle reactions.
  • Better Living With Asthma  By : Bjorn Gutter
    If you have asthma, managing it is an important part of your life.
  • Asthma Treatments - Relievers and Preventers  By : Bjorn Gutter
    A comprehensive explanation about the different relievers and preventers in asthma treatments.
  • What is Asthma?  By : Bjorn Gutter
    A comprehensive explanation about asthma and its causes.
  • How To Recognize Asthma Symptoms?  By : Bjorn Gutter
    How to recognize immediately asthma symptoms.
  • Adult Asthma: Adjusting Can Be Difficult  By : Paul Johnson
    Most of the time asthma is developed in childhood and if it is taken care of well at that time, it is easier to take care of when you're an adult.
  • More About Allergy Induced Asthma  By : Paul Johnson
    If you have allergy induced asthma you may already know it is a very common form of the disease.
  • Asthma Attacks -- Breathing Exercises May Help Relieve Symptoms  By : Jane Peters
    Alternative medicine enthusiasts have long claimed that breathing exercises have helped reduce asthma symptoms. Current research lends some support to these claims and pinpoints certain kinds of exercises that may help.
  • What Every Asthma Sufferer Should Know  By : Adam Henley
    Learn all about Asthma, and how to avoid Asthma attacks.
  • Is There A Link Between Asthma And Exercise  By : MITCHELL HAMPSON
    A significant feature of understanding how they interact is to be conscious of why physical activity can fetch on an attack. On the whole, physical application increases your body's necessity for oxygen, which makes you breath more rapidly and harder. This can bring about the feelings of breathlessness,
  • Six Tips to Help Reduce Asthma Symptoms  By : Jessica Deets
    If you've ever had an asthma attack, you know how miserable it is to be doing something and then not be able to breathe. The following information is not intended to replace medical advice (Asthma is a serious condition that should always be checked by a doctor), but these tips may be helpful to reduce some of your asthma symptoms.
  • Asthma Patients Should Use Inhaler  By : James Hunt
    If you've ever seen someone using an inhaler, you've witnessed the effects of asthma. Asthma restricts your ability to breathe normally by blocking your airway...
  • The Simplest Asthma Solution  By : Keith Londrie
    During the Democratic convention the Reverend Al Sharpton quoted a shocking statistic: One third of the children in Harlem suffer from asthma. This shouldn't be completely surprising since asthma cases have been consistently increasing over the years, especially in the cities, escalating recently during the rollback of some key environmental laws, but it is a trend we must turn back.
  • Don't Let Asthma Control Your Quality Of Life  By : Dean Caporella
    Asthma sufferers certainly wouldn't choose asthma if they had a choice but asthma doesn't have to control an asthmatic's way of life.
  • Are There Other Asthma Treatment Reliefs  By : Eddy Kong WW
    This article is to discuss are there any other asthma treatment reliefs.

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