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Articles in Home | Chronic Conditions | Snoring

  • It Is Essential That You Know How to Stop Snoring  By : Scott Goodman
    You could be one of the many millions of people on the lookout for a successful way to stop snoring. This is not something that is strange as most households will have at least one member that snores. This often disturbs the family members and gives rise to a need to stop snoring before it gets out of hand.
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea Help?  By : Vital Streak
    Sleep apnea is when someone involuntarily does not breath during sleep. It can be either central or obstructive. Central apnea, which is less common, is when the brain forgets to tell the body to breath. Obstructive apnea occurs when the muscles or soft tissue in the throat prevents the normal movement of air. The signs of obstructive sleep apnea include severe snoring, breath holding, fatigue, and morning headache.
  • Live With A Partner That Snores? Easy Home Remedies for Snoring  By : Scott Goodman
    If you live with someone that snores on a nightly basis, you may be searching for home remedies for snoring that will ease the noise and give you a night of peaceful sleep.
  • Snoring Surgery Should Be Considered As A Last Resort  By : Scott Goodman
    For many, snoring is a health concern that extends much farther than a simple loss of sleep. However, every potential option should be researched and attempted prior to the contemplation of surgery.
  • A Technical Discussion of Snoring  By : Jimmy Cox
    Technically, snoring is defined as any resonant noise from the respiratory tract that emerges during sleep. Biologically, snoring refers to a vibration in the airway connecting the nose and the mouth; a vibration that can emerge through the mouth, the nose, or (as some non-snorers are painfully aware), it can emerge through both!
  • How to Get Rid of Snoring Fast  By : Dave Zegers
    Snoring is a problem that was overlooked by many of us and we simply tolerated this annoying disorder.
  • When Snoring Becomes a Problem  By : Matthew Hick
    People often make fun of those who snore. The truth is, snoring is a real problem and affects around 90 million Americans. It is even the cause of some domestic disputes. If one spouse is afflicted with this condition, it can result in couples sleeping in separate rooms.
  • Tips To Stop Snoring  By : Lesley Chew
    Getting a good night's sleep is not easy for people with snoring problems. However, there are some simple remedies that can relieve the snoring problem that you can try.
  • Causes Of Snoring And How To Treat It  By : Melvin Ng
    Treatments or anti-snoring devices have a big and profitable market. Even a cursory glance at the Internet can reveal the hundreds and thousands of websites touting products that have been designed to help people who wish to stop snoring.
  • Stop Snoring By Knowing It's Causes  By : Melvin Ng
    Snoring is a very common problem and it can be especially trying for couples or people who share rooms. Very loud snorers can even prove to be a problem to other people several rooms away.
  • 7 Great Tips To Help You Stop Snoring  By : Susan Jan
    Snoring is a serious problem that can drastically affect your life and that of those around you. Sleep is essential for a healthy and stress-free life, and if your sleep is being disturbed by your snoring or by that of your partner, it is high time you take some action to remedy that.
  • Heavy Snorers May Be At Risk for Sleep Apnea  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Sleep apnea causes soft tissues to repeatedly block the airway during sleep, causing the sufferer to literally gasp for air.
  • Don't Let Snoring Ruin Your Marriage  By : Hugh Harris-Evans
    Snoring is one of those annoying habits that can put a great strain on a relationship and can even lead to a breakup of a marriage. This article explores how snoring affects the different stages of a typical marriage and suggests a possible solution.
  • Snoring 101  By : Barney Garcia
    Snoring takes place when the air passage is blocked which hinders easy and normal breathing during sleep. When you are awake, the muscles in the throat keep the throat open. When you are asleep, the muscles are in a relax mode and sag inward.
  • Snoring - An Involuntary Disturbance while Sleeping  By : Barney Garcia
    Snoring means noisy breathing through the mouth or nose during the time one is sleeping. If you are a quiet sleeper, the unhindered air will pass from your nose and throat to your lungs silently.
  • CPAP: Relief for Snoring  By : James Hunt
    CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure helps people with a chronic snoring problem find relive without surgical intervention. Nasal CPAP delivers air...
  • The Trouble With Snoring and Sleep Apnea  By : James Hunt
    There's no doubt that snoring becomes a real problem when someone else is around to hear it. However, snorers may face a more serious issue than an upset partner and a night on the couch...

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