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Urinary Tract Infections Explained

By: Jennifer King

A urinary tract infection can affect men, women, adults and children. Urinary tract infections are commonly caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or some types of parasites. These bacteria and parasites enter the urethra, multiply, then cause an infection which carries many symptoms.

A urinary tract infection can sometimes lead to dehydration and hospitalisation if the infection isn't diagnosed in the shortest amount of time. Some women can misdiagnose a urinary tract infection thinking it is a yeast infection, and will start trying to cure themselves with an over the counter yeast infection medicine.

A doctors diagnosis for a UTI is important

Anyone who misdiagnoses their UTI or leaves it untreated has the risk of the infection travelling up to their kidneys (pyelonephritis), and it is then possible the infection can become life threatening. A doctors diagnosis is needed as soon as possible as soon as any symptoms start to appear. Many bacterial infections of the genitals get misdiagnosed as a yeast infection because it's the easiest infection to purchase a cure for, and is the most common infection of the genitals. Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include...

Cloudy, smelly urine
The frequency of urination will increase
The amount of urine will decrease
The urgency of urination increases
A burning sensation when urinating
Muscle pain and spasms in the genital area
Pain and/or pressure over the pubic bone

If you're UTI has infected your kidneys then other symptoms include...

Lower back pain
Flu like symptoms including fever and chills

Urinary tract infections in men

Although urinary tract infections are more common in women, men can also get them. Because the urethra is longer in men they usually get a UTI because of an enlarged prostate gland preventing the bladder from being completely emptied. This cause usually only happens in older men as the prostate enlarges with age. Another cause for A UTI in men is kidney stones.


A urinary tract infection is usually treated with antibiotics. Because antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body this can lead to other infections like a yeast infection. Your body needs friendly bacteria to fight of the bacteria that causes these other infections and antibiotics are the main cause of chronic bacterial infections in people.

Antibiotics are not always the answer in curing a UTI, and do not represent a long term solution for most people. Once a UTI becomes recurrent you get in the never ending cycle of taking more anti fungal drugs that just aid the bacterial imbalance that id causing the recurrent infections. This is why more people are now curing themselves naturally as a natural cure doesn't upset the bacterial balance like drugs do. A natural cure doesn't have the possible side effects that drugs do either.

Cranberry juice

The most common natural remedy for a UTI is cranberry juice, although this is best used as a preventative rather than just relying on it for a cure.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

To prevent any permanent damage caused by your urinary tract infection you can read some valuable information on a UTI 12 Hour Natural Home Remedy

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