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  • Heading For Dreamland  By : Alex Ellorde
    Most people experience having insomnia from time to time. But if insomnia lasts for a month or longer with no relief, it becomes chronic insomnia. People with chronic insomnia can often get help for their condition from a doctor, therapist, or other counselor.
  • Herbs for Sleep  By : Patricia McDougall
    Mulungu, Lemon Balm (Toronjil), Damiana, Graviola, and Passionflower are powerful sleep herbs that ensure that you get adequate rest by normalizing sleep patterns, relaxing your muscles, and calming your nerves.
  • How Sleep Deprivation Effects Us  By : Keith Londrie
    Sleep is not only one of the most enjoyable pursuits for most people, but also of vital importance to the body and its upkeep. It is generally considered good practice to get from seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night in order for our brain and body to continue working properly, let our brain cells revive themselves, and rest tired muscles exhausted from a hectic day.
  • Sleep Apnea � To Snore or Not to Snore  By :
    There is nothing more embarrassing than waking yourself up with a loud snore. A full night's sleep became a thing of the past and was replaced with morning headaches and fatigue. I was tired all day long and getting through a ten hour work day was getting to be a chore.
  • Sleep Problems | Do You Know What's Robbing You of Sleep?  By : Ray Attebery
    Can't fall asleep? One of the culprits in this article may be keeping you up at night. Discover smart solutions to help you get your Zzzs, Read More here...
  • Calcium Supplements for Better Sleep  By : Steven Godlewski
    Do you get enough sleep? Are you absolutely sure? Most of us actually do not get enough sleep, and we aren't even aware of it. We have just adjusted to not being at 100% during the day without even realizing that we are not at 100%. We just think the energy level that we have is �normal.�
  • Insomnia: Dangers & Treatment of Sleep Deprivation  By : andrew chin
    Losing sleep a few nights a week can significantly impair your ability to function and decrease the quality of your life.
  • The Top 10 Signs You're Not Getting Enough Sleep  By : David Philips
    Most people spend as much as 40% of their lives sleeping! That's a long time. Despite this sobering number, many people still walk around feeling sleep deprived and fatigued.
  • Pulse Oximetry Overnight � Helps in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea  By : Mike Jennings
    Does you partner complain about their sleepless nights due to your continuously struggling to breathe during the night? Using a pulse oximeter to help detect sleep apnea is a non-intrusive, painless and inexpensive procedure.
  • Your Sleep Habits Can Affect Your Health  By : Kevin Sinclair
    In today's fast world, many, if not most people are just getting too little sleep and it is becoming a growing concern.
  • Using Chromotherapy When Dealing With Insomnia  By : Jimmy Cox
    When dealing with insomnia, color therapy can be of some help. Color therapy or chromotherapy is the use of color to promote general health and also to treat particular maladies (including but not limited to sleep-oriented problems).
  • Alternative Treatments for Insomnia  By : Stephen Pierce
    Are you experiencing inadequate or poor-quality sleep caused by a difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as waking up too early? Do you feel restless, unrefreshed and even tired upon waking up in the morning? If so, you may have insomnia. Following are several �alternative therapies� for insomnia that you can use to get the necessary sleep you crave.
  • Don't Let The Bedbugs Bite - Getting a Good Night's Sleep In Texas  By : Melih Oztalay
    There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to sleep. You toss. You turn. Your mind races going over everything that happened during your day. Night noises keep you awake.
  • Bizarre Sleep-Driving Draws Attention to Prescription Sleep Aids  By : Danna Schneider
    You've probably heard of sleep walking, talking in your sleep, and even slightly more bizarre waking/sleep phenomena such as cleaning and other normal activities being carried out while one is technically, and for all intents and purposes, asleep.
  • Creating The Best Room Conditions When Dealing With Insomnia  By : Jimmy Cox
    When dealing with insomnia, after establishing a consistent bedtime routine, it is important to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in your bedroom. The more cozy and harmonic your bedroom is the more relaxed you will feel.
  • Adjustable Beds Promote Natural, Comfortable Sleep  By : Ben Franklin
    That's because your body tries to avoid pressure points which reduce the blood flow and cause you discomfort.
  • Rozerem � Helping You Sleep  By : Brian Welsch
    Millions of people suffer from insomnia on a regular basis. Insomnia is described as difficulty falling asleep, difficulty remaining asleep, or a combination of both.
  • Getting enough sleep makes you a better learner the next day  By : Martin Mak
    How lack of sleep causes memory, concentraiton difficulties and learning problems. No sleep means no new brain cells affecting mental performance.
  • Circadian Rhythm Disturbance  By : Kate Loving Shenk
    Sleep disturbance is a by-product of doing shift work, notably the night shift. Here is a new perspective on 'Circadian Sleep Disturbance" that may help those who work this shift change the way they look at it.
  • Sleep Walking  By : Alex Wilson
    Sleepwalking occurs when an individual is walking or performing otherwise normal actions while they are completely asleep and unaware. Sleepwalking occurs during slow wave sleep and for some reason a variety of behaviours are initiated resulting in the individual walking in their sleep.
  • RBD Sleep Disorders  By : Alex Wilson
    RBD sleep disorder entails a loss of muscle control of an individual who is in the rapid eye movement stage of sleep. During this loss of muscle control, the individual flails about in his or her sleep and may cause injury to themselves as well as any other individual in the bed with them. The convulsions may range from small to severe and frequently an individual is acting out their dreams without even knowing that they are doing so.
  • Realising The Difference between Rest and Sleep  By : Alex Wilson
    Sleep is generally a bit different from rest. When someone is sleeping, their body shuts down much more than when they were in a form of rest. The individual who is sleeping will go through the stage of REM sleep and four stages of non-REM sleep. Sleep is often referred to as the natural state of rest.
  • Sleep Paralysis Information  By : Alex Wilson
    Sleep paralysis is when an individual experiences a temporary paralysis of the body immediately when they wake up or prior to falling asleep. Sleep paralysis is more common in the time period right when the individual wakes up than before they fall asleep.
  • Music and Relaxtion for Good Sleep  By : Allan Wilson
    There are numbers of reasons of not getting good night sleep but most prominent are the ones, which are result of stress and tensions
  • Better Sleep; Tips and Herbal Remedies for a Good night's Sleep Tonight.  By : Ted Crawford
    Dr. Crawford reviews good sleep hygiene habits and over-the-counter safe and proven herbal remedies for a better night's sleep.
  • Want to Know About Sleep Apnea?  By : Alex Wilson
    This is now a problem that quite a lot of people are faced with and also need help to treat it. There are up and coming new discoveries that could help to find new ways to get treatment for these sleep breathing disorders such as sleep apnea.
  • Do I Really Need Eight Hours Of Sleep Each Night?  By : Kevin Sinclair
    What if you were told that there is no definitive answer for why we need to sleep? Your initial reaction might be, of course we need to sleep! Health professionals and news reports are always advising us to get our eight hours each night.
  • Issues Regarding Children�s Sleep Problems  By : Alex Wilson
    Every now and again children can suffer from sleep problems. These problems can go from some infrequent not very serious issues to very frequent, quite serious episodes.
  • Snoring Relief and Sleep Apnea  By : Steve Hudson
    Statistics show that about 45% of adults snores from time to time while around 25% snores regularly.
  • Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams  By : Nitin Chhoda
    Learn valuable techniques to improve the quality of your sleep. Simple tips and tricks to sleep better and longer.
  • Insomnia and What You Can Do To Sleep Better  By : Dan Farrell
    If you aren't getting a good nights rest check out this article.
  • Comparison of White Noise Machine Products  By : Christine Harrell
    This article will compare and contrast four different makes and models of white noise machine units and discuss the strengths of each for various uses.
  • Insomnia Symptom: Should You Ignore It Or Deal With It?  By : Michael Jones
    Is an insomnia symptom causing you concern, either for yourself or a loved one? Are you wondering whether you should seek medical advice or just put up with the problem? Using this guide make an immediate appraisal and decide whether to ignore it or deal with it.
  • Beating Insomnia. Seven Secrets to a Peaceful Sleep  By : Graeme Lanham
    It's 4am and you're wide awake.You could be the one in three who have trouble sleeping. So what are the culprits and remedies for insomnia and how much sleep do you really need to beat the bedtime blues?
  • Comfort And Reliable : Adjustable Hospital Beds  By : Jason Uvios
    One can expect a lot from hospitals as they are the places where patients go hoping to cure their illness. Hence hospitals are ought to provide all the comforts that a patient requires.
  • 5 Drug Free Ways to Fall Asleep  By : Christine Harrell
    In this article you'll learn about 5 completely drug free ways to get a natural, healthy night of restful sleep.
  • Six Non-CPAP Ways to Treat Sleep Apnea at Home  By : Scott Fromherz
    Don't get me wrong, there is no substitute for CPAP when it comes to treating Sleep Apnea. This list is not necessarily an alternative to CPAP, surgery, or oral appliances, but rather supplementary methods that decrease the probability of airway collapse.
  • The Comforts Of An Adjustable Bed  By : Keith George
    The main benefit of the adjustable bed is that it can be molded according to the person�s body structure and it provides utmost comfort and relaxation.
  • Want Better Sleep? Tame That Busy Mind!  By : Wendy Owen
    During the day our minds are taken up with our day to day activities but as soon as we lie down at night, our minds seem to come alive. One thought follows another and another and soon you are worrying about everything, including the fact that it's 2.30 am and we're still not asleep!
  • Do You Experience Sleeping Problems  By : Kadence Buchanan
    You must remember when being a child that due to the excitement you felt before a planned trip, it was impossible for you to sleep. Unfortunately, your sleeping problems are not today the outcome of an expected and desired journey.
  • Ten Steps to Finding the Right Pillow for You  By : Nick Preston
    One of the key ingredients to getting a great nights' sleep is using a pillow that supports not only your head and neck, but your sleep habits and body style as well. Deciding which pillow is the right pillow for you can be as confusing as programming your VCR or setting up a new computer.
  • What Is Insomnia?  By : Scott Fromherz
    Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty falling back to sleep? Do you wake up earlier than your alarm and have difficulty falling back to sleep? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you might have Insomnia.
  • Eight Tips to Help You Cure Insomnia  By : Abbas Abedi
    Tips to get you some relief from insomnia.
  • Memory Foam Mattresses: The Best Solution for Sleep Disorders  By :
    The importance of a good night's sleep can't be overstated. No one functions well on lack of sleep. Are you suffering from insomnia? Using a memory foam pillow or a memory foam mattress can be the best solution.
  • 8 Simple Remedies To Beat Insomnia  By : Susan Jan
    Insomnia affects millions around the world. Sleep is fundamental to every human being for a healthy way of life. Without regular sleep, people are not able to function properly. Some may only need a few hours of sleep a night, but most generally need a minimum of eight hours to function properly during the day, without which their health, life, work and relationships suffer.
  • How to Get a "Good-Night" Sleep  By : Minh Nguyen D.D.S.
    Sleep is something we tend to take for granted, but lack of good sleep is becoming a wide-spread problem in the United States.
  • Sleep Apnea Cures  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Whilst sleep apnea is a very serious and progressive disorder, it is also highly treatable in a variety of different ways. How sleep apnea is treated depends entirely on the cause and type of sleep apnea.
  • An Overview of Obstructive Sleep Apnea  By : Nicky Pilkington
    Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea, and is caused by an obstruction within the airways as a person sleeps.

    There may be many reasons why a person suffers from obstructive sleep apnea, and here are some of them..
  • Can Sleep Disorders Cause Depression?  By : Mike Eggert
    A recent steady has shown that millions of Americans and on a lesser scale a great number of Europeans have sleep disorders of one kind or another. Many say no matter how hard they try, it is hard to get good a night sleep.
  • Various Sleeping Disorders - Learn to Recognize the Signs  By : Khieng Chho
    For a lot of people sleeping disorder is a big problem. Sleeping is an important part of our day. This is the time that the body and mind gets to rest, resuscitate, and prepare for the busy day that is in store for them the next morning.
  • Completely Exhausted But Still Can't Sleep? Ten Proven Tips To Drift You Off to Dreamland  By : Kim Loftis
    Does this ever happen to you? You go to bed after a stressful day, feeling so tired you're certain you'll fall asleep immediately when your head hits the pillow. Then, as you snuggle under the covers, all the worries and anxieties of the day begin to plague your mind. Here are ten proven tips to clear your mind and drift you away to golden slumbers.
  • Insomnia Cures And That Elusive Good Night's Sleep  By : Thomas Choo
    We all need to sleep in order to function. It is part of life, like breathing and eating. When you feel rested, thanks to a good night's sleep, you maybe feel like you could tackle something that came your way. But if your night was interrupted by certain factors resulting in a restive sleep, odds are you may be suffering from a certain degree of insomnia.
  • Insomnia Cure And A Glimmer Of Hope  By : Thomas Choo
    If you suffer from insomnia, and is actively looking for an insomnia cure, you are not alone. It is estimated that some 60 million people in the USA suffer from varying degree of insomnia each year, Insomnia is the failure to fall asleep or stay asleep. Insomnia can also be described as the inability of waking up from your sleep feeling rested and refreshed.
  • Tempur Pedic Adjustable Bed Provides Quality and Comfort  By : Jessica Deets
    Combining space-age technology that's been improved upon with some common sense, the Tempur company has made a name for itself by delivering on its claims for more than a decade. Many who choose to try out the adjustable bed models swear by them not only for the comfort and support they offer, but also the decent night's sleep that's delivered.
  • Insomnia or Sleep Deprivation  By : John Mac
    Insomnia or sleep deprivation causes, treatment & prevention tips. Why is it that you cannot sleep ?
  • Memory Foam Mattress Pads And No More Sleepless Nights  By : Rory H. Hawkins
    Memory foam mattress pads are widely popular due to several reasons. Have you ever thought what is your priority when it comes to a comfortable sleep? It is no doubt the mattress on which you rest your body.
  • Benefits of Electric Beds  By : John Morris
    Adjustable beds are all the rage since they enable people to have a good night's sleep as well as being able to cure their erratic sleeping patterns as well as other illnesses that are attributed to poor sleeping habits...
  • Fight Against Insomnia  By : Kevin Pederson
    Lack of sleep may not seem to be a harmful disorder for many, but due to this the body clock and many of its functions go for a toss...

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