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Articles in Home | Chronic Conditions | Lungs

  • Why Is A Lung Surgery Necessary?  By : Mayoor Patel
    When it comes to invasive surgical procedures, most of us don't have any real clue of what happens during the procedure or what type of precautions are taken to ensure a successful procedure.
  • Necessary steps for lung cancer prevention  By : Darren Dunner
    Research continues to show that the most common cause for lung cancer is the use of tobacco. Lung cancer typically develops over a long period of time. The first pre-cancerous changes that form in the lungs mutate and produce chemicals that result in the formation of new blood vessels.
  • Characteristics and Causes of Lung Cancer  By : Ben Franklin
    Cells from the tumor can break away and travel to other parts of the body where they can continue to grow.
  • Something on Lung Cancer  By : Darren D
    Lung Cancer is the most common and lethal of the cancers that one can be diagnosed with; however there are also effective treatments for patients suffering from lung cancer.
  • Cord Blood Stem Cell Breakthroughs: Lung Disease, Kidney and Lupus  By : Alvin Toh
    Researchers at the University of Minnesota have been able to differentiate cord blood cells into a type of lung cell. These cells help to repair the airway in lungs after injury. This is a significant discovery because until now the use of brain stem cells was the only way to conduct viable research of this type.
  • Lung Disease: What Is It and how Can You Prevent It  By : Barney Garcia
    Did you know about 35 million Americans are suffering from one kind of lung disease or the other? Did you know that lung infections are believed to be one of the most important causes for infant mortality in America?
  • Lung Cancer in Non -Smokers  By : Mary Desaulniers
    The incidence of lung cancer in non-smokers has increased over the years.Smokers and non-smokers alike are vulnerable to a disease which is largely incurable. .In the face of a disease that seems to have neither rhyme nor reason, what can we do to protect ourselves?
  • Lung Cancer - SURGERY As A Treatment Option  By : Carlie Edwards
    For some lung cancers in the early stages, an option that offers the best chance for a complete recovery is surgery...
  • Emphysema - Problem Caused To Your Lungs  By : Kevin Pederson
    It may be a fairly uncommon disease but emphysema is one of the most common reasons for the increasing number of death rates. It is a pulmonary disease which damages your lungs due to the toxic air we breathe.

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