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  • How To Lower Your Cholestrol Effectively  By : Carl Hoffman
    Experts say that people who are over 20 years of age should pay more attention to their cholesterol level and advise them to do everything they can to lower their levels of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Lower Cholesterol Or Risk Death  By : Erol Orderland
    Do not put off until tomorrow, what needs done today. Do not invite a heart attack or stroke. Instead, do everything possible to stay healthy and vibrant, lower your cholesterol.
  • The Facts About Your Cholesterol Level  By : Riley Hendersen
    Understanding cholesterol level and its implications on health can save a life. At the very least, the information can help a person make conscious decisions about their health and what they can do to improve it. Heart disease is a silent killer, but there are warning signs. Cholesterol level is a rather loud and clear sign.
  • How to improve the Cholesterol levels naturally?  By : Ahmed Fouad
    You have many ways to lower the Cholesterol levels naturally .Be away from the drugs that control the Cholesterol levels because they can be dangerous for you ,as they may cause liver and immune problems ,general weakness and weaken the muscles ,and also it may be cancer risk.
  • Paying Attention To Cholesterol Level Reports Can Save Your Life  By : Riley Hendersen
    It's called the silent killer for a reason. A heart attack can strike without warning, and leave behind a wave of chaos within the body that some people will never recover from. Fortunately, there are some signs people can look for to help them avoid this occurrence. One of these signs involves individual cholesterol level checks.
  • Children and Cholesterol  By : Adrian Kennelly
    Many people assume that high cholesterol is a problem that affects middle-aged adults only. In fact, many people don't even worry about their cholesterol when they are younger, eating all the fatty convenience foods they want, assuming that their early diet makes no difference.
  • Low Cholesterol Diet Ideas Don't Have To Be Bland  By : Riley Hendersen
    In general a diet that is low in cholesterol will contain some staples that are not conducive to eating lunch and dinner out of brown paper sacks. But, the actual meals that can be prepared with items that are naturally low in cholesterol can be fantastic. There's no reason for a person on a cholesterol sensitive diet to think great meals can't come their way.
  • Lower Cholesterol For Better Overall Health  By : Riley Hendersen
    When a person manages to lower cholesterol levels, they generally do so by adding healthier foods to their diet, removing not-so-healthy foods and even by exercising. In the process, as the lower cholesterol levels are realized, many other wonderful things can happen. For example, weight loss, increased health due to better diet and exercise.
  • High Cholesterol Should Be Avoided  By : Riley Hendersen
    No one wants to be told they need to change their habits, but in the case of high cholesterol it's an unavoidable, but necessary statement a doctor might have to make. While high cholesterol isn't a condition in and of itself, it's a marker for some serious problems that might plague a person down the road.
  • Natural Help With Cholesterol and High Triglycerides  By : Mike Fletcher
    With so many westerners suffering from high cholesterol, there has to be natural alternatives to the over-prescribed prescription drugs to treat this condition. There is hope, there are natural safe alternative ways to get your cholesterol back under control.
  • HDL Cholesterol Is Actually Good For You  By : Riley Hendersen
    Everyone knows that cholesterol is bad. It can block the arteries and lead to heart attacks. But, what many people don't know is that there are two different kinds of cholesterol. LDL and HDL cholesterol are two very different things and one is actually good for the body.
  • Benefits Of Normal Cholesterol Level Reports Are Great  By : Riley Hendersen
    Doctors will perform cholesterol level checks on people generally from the age of 20 forward. If reports come back with normal cholesterol level ranges in place, no further action will be taken. If they aren't, however, a person might be asked to make some adjustments to their lifestyle to ensure a healthy heart down the road.
  • A Low Cholesterol Diet Doesn't Have To Taste Bad  By : Riley Hendersen
    Anyone who has been told they need to adopt a low cholesterol diet will likely be lamenting a loss of their favorite foods. While fatty foods won't be allowed on daily basis, there's no reason this particular kind of diet should signal an end to great tasting foods. A low cholesterol diet might even taste better than one that's high in the bad stuff, if all the choices are fully explored.
  • How to Design a Lower Cholesterol Diet  By : Jimmy Cox
    Eating is one of the things that can affect your cholesterol level a great deal. If you have too high cholesterol, the foods you eat can be one of the things you can control to most effectively and quickly lower your cholesterol.
  • Lower Your Cholesterol and Live Longer  By : Miranda Gomez
    Is about cholesterol composition and how it affects overal health. Adecuate control of cholesterol types can lead to a longer life.
  • Fight High Cholesterol With Vitamins And Over The Counter Products  By : David Cowley
    Use vitamins and over the counter products to treat High Cholesterol and improve the quality of life
  • Low Cholesterol Lipitor - The Weight Control Formula  By : John Porter
    Lipitor FYI that you should read in regards to cholesterol rise.
  • Cholesterol Diets and the way forward for healthier living  By : andyx5
    A look at how important cholesterol control is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • 5 Tips for Lowering Your Cholesterol  By : Yuki Shoji
    Having high cholesterol is a serious problem which can lead to even more serious problems such as a heart attack or stroke. If you have high cholesterol then the time to give up the junk food and fast food dining is now, before matters take a turn for the worst.
  • How To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally  By : Gaetane Ross
    No medications can do a better job than treating your high cholesterol naturally. And, if you are one of those lucky people who do not have cholesterol concerns, you may want to take steps to keep it that way!
  • What You Should Know About Mediterranean And Cholesterol Diet  By : Karen Fusco
    This is called the Mediterranean diet because the eating plan comes from those who live along the Mediterranean Sea. This was first discovered after the end of the Second World War by an American doctor but never became popular until the 1990's.
  • Factors Contributing To High Cholesterol And Its Consequences  By : Jimmy Cox
    Besides diet, other causes of high cholesterol are lifestyle, gender and the heritage of the individual.
  • Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol  By : George Mello
    Cholesterol is just one of the substances that the body can make on its own. Unfortunately, eating food that is high in oil and saturated fats creates an imbalance. If precautions are not taken now, the chances of a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases get higher as the person ages.
  • Why is High Cholesterol so Bad?  By : Riley Hendersen
    You may wonder why your cholesterol level is so important. A high cholesterol level is bad because it can result in heart disease, heart attack or stroke when cholesterol is allowed to build up in your arteries. High cholesterol should be taken very seriously and steps taken to reduce your level.
  • Non-Medical Ways to Maintain a Normal Cholesterol Level  By : Riley Hendersen
    While there is a plethora of drugs on the market that promise to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good cholesterol, taking medication is not always the best option. There are side effects associated with cholesterol medications such as liver damage or muscle pain and weakness.
  • The Low Cholesterol Diet Doesn't Have to be Low on Taste  By : Riley Hendersen
    Your doctor has prescribed a low cholesterol diet. Good news, a low cholesterol diet doesn't have to be low on taste. By finding new, lower fat ways to prepare foods, and choosing foods with a lower cholesterol count, you may find you enjoy the new healthier you.
  • Cholesterol Can Affect Anyone  By : Debra Arko
    How on natural doctor helped her husband lower his cholesteral in 60 days using natural herbs and vitamins.
  • How Fiber Helps Lower Cholesterol  By : Erol Orderland
    Among the list of self-help steps to preventing high cholesterol and promoting good health are increasing dietary fiber intake.
  • The Basics of Your Cholesterol Level  By : Riley Hendersen
    Cholesterol is a lipid which is naturally produced by the body to maintain cell membranes. The body makes all the cholesterol it needs for its functions. Our cholesterol level becomes high when either our bodies overproduce cholesterol or we take in too much cholesterol through the foods we eat.
  • Fiber Does More Than Just Lower Cholesterol  By : Adam Kessler
    Does fiber really help lower cholesterol? Yes it does. It also provides other such health benefits that many Americans are not receiving because of lack of fiber in their diet.
  • Lowering Your LDL Cholesterol With Niacin  By : James Penn
    Have you got your lipid profile checked yet? If not, you need to do so as soon as possible. You may wonder why, and what this is all about. It is about lowering the cholesterol level in your blood so as to reduce the risk of getting a coronary heart disease, which may prove fatal
  • LDL, HDL Cholesterol - Which is Good and Which is Bad?  By : Riley Hendersen
    When your doctor spouts off your cholesterol levels in terms of LDL and HDL, does your brain shut off? You know in the back of your mind that one is good and one is bad, but which is which? And why is one better that the other?
  • Lowering High Cholesterol: Good Fats, Bad Fats  By : Erol Orderland
    When doctors discuss lowering high cholesterol, a major topic is a heart healthy diet. Patients need to concentrate on eliminating the bad fats, and understanding good fats.
  • Lower Your Cholesterol By Creating New Habits  By : Erol Orderland
    Many people are walking around, feeling absolutely wonderful, with a ticking time bomb lodged in their arteries. No, the explosive device will not literally blow a body to smithereens. However, the probable concussion is capable of causing deadly heart attacks and strokes. Until the volatile situation is diffused, an individual is walking a minefield of detonation apparatus.
  • Personal Responsibility In Lowering Your High Cholesterol  By : Erol Orderland
    Probably the most common reaction to high cholesterol is unbelief as to the serious repercussions. Many individuals believe the problem is no big deal. Tending to put off until tomorrow what should be dealt with today, could lead to disaster.
  • Low Cholesterol Diet, Health Prevention Techniques For The Next Generation  By : Wycliffe Williams
    A low cholesterol diet can prevent illness and allow you to live a healthy life. Building this type of diet into your lifestyle can be the foundation for an excellent preventive program that is dedicated to giving you and your family many more healthy years.
  • Lower Your Cholesterol For A Healthier Life  By : Dawn Robertshaw
    It is important that you keep your cholesterol at a healthy level. While high cholesterol can be hereditary, a lot of our cholesterol problems come from the food we eat and lack of exercise. The best way to lower your cholesterol is to lose weight.
  • Low Cholesterol Foods, Revealing Great News About Good Old Peanut Butter And Trans Fats  By : Wycliffe Williams
    Low cholesterol foods are still in abundance. The recent ban in New York City restaurants has awakened many people to the dangers of trans fats. Unfortunately, it has also caused a great deal of confusion.
  • Cholesterol: Good, Bad or Ugly?  By : Simon Evans
    Cholesterol has a bad reputation for hindering your health, but is it deserved? Many researchers and physicians say no. And now there is new evidence to fuel the fire. Studies show that reducing cholesterol may do nothing to prevent death and might even increase the odds of getting Parkinson's disease.
  • What Are My High Cholesterol Medicine Options?  By : Erol Orderland
    Changes in diet are one of the first lines of defense against high cholesterol. However, when changes in diet are not sufficient, high cholesterol medicine may be required.
  • The Good Doctor's Advice On Controlling Cholesterol Naturally  By : Mary Desaulniers
    In the face of far too many television commercials harping on drugs to control cholesterol level, reading the Good Doctor is like getting a breath of fresh air because of his recommendation that common foods can lower cholesterol.
  • The Good Doctor�s Advice on Controlling Cholesterol--Naturally  By :
    In the face of far too many television commercials harping on drugs to control cholesterol level, reading the Good Doctor is like getting a breath of fresh air! That's because he recommends common foods and supplements that can lower cholesterol levels naturally.
  • Achieve Low Cholesterol With The Basic Tips  By : Ray La Foy
    To get your cholesterol to the right level, you need to follow a few basic rules.
  • Use Cinnamon Essential Oil For Cholesterol And Digestive Problems  By : Lee Dobbins
    Can cinnamon help lower cholesterol? Learn about the amazing healing properties of cinnamon essential oil.
  • Eating Tips To Lower Cholesterol  By : Donnell Koh
    These eating tips will guide you to lower your cholesterol and help you lead a healthier lifestyle.
  • Lower Cholesterol With Garlic  By : Donnell Koh
    Himalayan Snow Mountain Garlic can be taken to lower cholesterol
  • Good Cholesterol is Your Friend  By : Eddie Lamb
    Cholesterol is something that we all encounter and battle with at one point or the other in our lives. But, first and foremost let us explore what is cholesterol and why do we look to increase one level and decrease the other; what role does it play in your body?
  • Lower Your Cholesterol While Still Eating What You Love  By : Ben Franklin
    Most people look at a low cholesterol diet as a diet restriction. It is not, in fact so. It just is a healthy diet. It just requires a little bit of tweaking as regards your regular everyday diet.
  • NAC Effect On Cholesterol  By : Rich Marsiglia
    The article gives an inside view about what is termed as bad cholesterol and how NAC is useful in curing it.
  • Lowering Your Cholesterol With Medications  By : Heather Colman
    High levels of cholesterol have been linked to heart disease. When these measures alone are not sufficiently maintaining the cholesterol levels then cholesterol medications may be required.
  • Fighting Bad Cholesterol With Crestor  By : Heather Colman
    Crestor (rosuvastatin calcium) is prescribed for reducing the high amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. It thereby reduces the overall cholesterol, triglycerides, and apolipoprotein B (a type of protein, which is needed to make cholesterol).
  • 11 Things You Can Do To Lower Your Cholesterol Today  By : Lee Dobbins
    Do you know what foods to eat that will help lower cholesterol? Or what lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your cholesterol? Here's 11 things you can do to start lowering cholesterol right away!
  • Tips That Doctors Know That Teach You How To Lower Cholesterol  By : Jimmy Cox
    High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of heart disease and heart attacks in the world today. Millions of people are afflicted with high cholesterol whether it is because of heredity or diet.
  • Do You Suffer From High Cholesterol?  By : Angie Hembree
    My story of how I lowered my cholesterol 55 points in almost 2 months.
  • Cholesterol. . . Not Bad After All  By : Mark Kimathi
    Do you know that total amount fat and cholesterol in the diet whether high or low, has no real link to heart diseases as widely believed? There are bad fats that increase risk to certain diseases and good fats that lower this risk. Cholesterol in food is not exactly a health problem.
  • Lower Your Cholesterol By Sowing Your Oats  By : Stephanie Shank
    High fiber in oat bran significantly reduces "bad" cholesterol.
  • Lower Cholesterol With Supplements And Eliminating Some Items From Your Diet  By : Gregg Hall
    Studies indicate that vitamin E may have a positive impact on lowering cholesterol when taken in fairly large quantities - up to 800 IU per day. This is more than you can get from your diet alone. Larger amounts do not seem to cause any harm.
  • Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally  By : Gregg Hall
    If you are overweight, the chances are almost 100% that you have a problem with high cholesterol. You can lower your LDL and elevate your HDL just by dropping some pounds. Eat fewer fatty foods and more fruits, vegetables, grains and beans and it's a pretty good bet that you will slowly but surely lose weight.
  • Keep Your Cholesterol Down!  By : John Morris
    Everybody knows that cholesterol has much to do with heart disease. Do not worry too much about the dangers of high cholesterol. Knowing what cholesterol is and how it affects you will undoubtedly help you avoid high cholesterol...
  • Cooking A Cholesterol-Free Feast  By : John Morris
    When it comes to lowering one's cholesterol levels, it is a must that one changes his or her eating lifestyle. Cholesterol buildup in the body is actually caused by eating way too much of the sinful types of food like processed meat, fried food, sugar rich foods and beverages like chocolates (although dark chocolate, the bitter kind is actually proven to help lower one's cholesterol levels) and soft drinks.

  • Cholesterol Control  By : Kevin Pederson
    Newspapers have reported on the drawbacks of having the diet high in fat. High fat diet has been linked to high cholesterol and ultimately to the heart attacks. Hence people have started avoiding beef and eggs. But cholesterol is not bad.
  • 10 Easy Tips to Eat Your Way to Lower Cholesterol This Month  By : Nicky Pilkington
    So you have high cholesterol and need to lower it? That is no surprise considering how many people have high cholesterol these days. To help lower your cholesterol, here are 10 tips you can get started with today.

    As with anything health related, diet and exercise are the two crucial components. What you eat is critical to lowering your cholesterol levels, so that is what is included here.
  • Cholesterol In Review  By : Rich Marsiglia
    A personal review of cholesterol

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