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Profiling Some of the More Common Acne Solutions

By: Trevor Mulholland

Acne solutions can range from simple remedies mixed in your kitchen to more advanced methods like surgery and laser treatment. Whichever method you prefer, knowing what these solutions can do and what potential effects they can have on your health is important. To give you a better idea on what options are available to you, a brief profile of the more common treatment methods is provided.

Acne solutions made at home
Acne solutions prepared at home are good enough for mild to moderate conditions. Often considered as overnight solutions, most of these home remedies are surprisingly effective and safe since most of them are made from natural ingredients. Some common options are garlic dabbed on affected areas, toothpaste applied on zits for an overnight result, facial wash made from warm water and salt, lemon juice applied on pimples, facial paste made from oatmeal and egg white used as facial mask.

Topical remedies
Topical medications can be antibacterials, antibiotics or retinoids. For antibacterials, the more common and said to be the most effective are those that contain benzoyl peroxide. These antibacterials can be in the form of creams or gels that are applied to the affected area over a period of one to two weeks. Meanwhile, topical antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria making a home in the clogged pores of the skin. Although oral antibiotics can also be used, most skin specialists recommend the topical form since oral medications can cause stomach problems and other negative reactions.

Retinoids, another form of topical solution for acne, are mostly known for their ability to keep a balance in the life cycle of follicle cells. Most retinoids have vitamin A as their base ingredient and are good for mild to moderate acne. These medications are also used in eradicating wrinkles and other skin spots.

Advanced treatment
Laser therapy, although better known as a scar-removing option, is already being used as a treatment method for acne. It works by burning away the sebaceous gland responsible for producing excessive oil and the follicle sac which blocks the skin pores. Phototherapy is another option that has gotten the attention of skin specialists and acne sufferers. This method employs visible light to kill the bacteria in the skin. Dichroic bulbs, light-emitting diodes and lasers are usually the sources of the visible light.

Surgical procedures
The use of surgery is more focused on removing the marks left by acne. Dermabrasion, collagen injection, punch excision, skin grafts and laser therapy are just some of the surgical options designed to erase the marks left by severe acne. They can work by removing the damaged surface skin and promote regeneration or elevate the skin in cases of crater-like scars.

Acne solutions are available for mild to moderate to severe cases. For those that already have scars, surgical procedures are the most likely option. Whatever condition your skin might be in, seeking the opinion of a specialist is necessary to make sure that you will be making the best treatment choice.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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