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7 Tips To Get The Best Results From Your Acne Treatment!

By: Ray Baker

Looking after your skin properly plays an important role in treating acne. By following these 7 skin care tips, you will help improve your treatment results:

1. Wash your face gently with a mild cleanser and pat it dry with a soft cotton face cloth - Do this morning and night. Do not scrub your face, research has shown that vigorous scrubbing can irritate your acne and make things worse - Remember, acne is NOT caused by poor hygiene. The best way to improve your acne is choosing the right acne products for you and good skin care.

2. Always apply your acne medication as directed and make sure you give the products enough time to do their job. Generally speaking it takes 4 to 6 weeks before you will start to see a significant improvement, although you should start to see signs of slight improvement earlier, after the first couple of weeks or so. If you are unsure, always ask your doctor or pharmacist how long a product needs to start working - don't give up!

3. Moisturize - some acne medications can cause the skin to become flaky and dry. If that is happening to you, ask your pharmacist for a noncomedogenic moisturizer (If you just ask for a moisturizer that doesn't clog pores they will know what you mean). Noncomedogenic moisturizers don't clog your pores so are safe to use if you have acne - in fact any hair, makeup, toiletries or sunscreen products you use should always be noncomedogenic.

4. There is no 'One size fits all' magic cure for acne. If you are not getting results from your current after the right amount of time, don't be afraid to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on another product - I know acne medication can be expensive, but what works for one person might not work for you!

5. Try to resist the urge to pop, squeeze or pick your acne spots, this can, and usually will, make acne worse. Let your medication do this work for you, when you find the right treatment it will reduce the spots and remove the temptation - trust me, you will be glad you did! The one area where you might need some assistance is with blackhead removal. If these don't clear up, it is recommended that removal is carried out by an experienced health care professional.

6. Try to avoid too much exposure to sunlight, including the use of sun lamps and tanning booths. Despite what many people think, in the long-term, tanning does not get rid of acne. In the short-term your acne may be less noticeable, but only because the sun reddens your skin and the acne will blend in more.

7. Be persistent - acne is a chronic condition that can be very stubborn to treat. Have realistic expectations of how long your medication will take to work, and when you find a treatment that works, make sure you keep applying it even after your acne is gone (If you are advised to) that way your acne will stay away FOREVER!

If after following these tips your acne is not improving, make an appointment to see a dermatologist. Almost every case of acne can be treated effectively and cleared - don't give up!.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Ray Baker writes articles on acne and Proactive Acne Cream for Expert-Acne-Patient.com - a free site designed to help you make the right treatment choices.

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