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Genital Acne Lumps - Acne Appearing in the Genital Areas as Lumps?

By: Trevor Mulholland

Genital lumps acne is something that most people are not aware of or have even heard of. Acne is something that not only affects the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest area but can affect the genitals also. In this area it appears in the form of lumps.

Genital lumps acne affects the area more severely than the areas of the face and neck and shoulders. However, as Genital lumps could also be a sexually transmitted infection, it will have to be diagnosed by a doctor before you jump to conclusions and start any kind of treatment. Once it has been confirmed that these Genital lumps are acne then treatment should be started without any further delay.

It might come as a shock to those who develop genital lumps acne, because one would think that this is a disease that comes because of unhygienic habits, but this is not so. This problem could arise due to any allergic condition and because of the blocked pores in the area. Sometimes harsh cleansing agents and soap or any other solutions could also cause an allergic condition which blocks the pores. In fact the person may be extra careful with their hygiene and still get genital lumps acne.

Another reason for this kind of acne to be brought on is with sweating and sports wear. If you are a sports person make sure that you change your sports apparel regularly and keep it clean and also wash yourself after you have had an exerting game.

If you think that the detergent or soap that you are using is causing the problem then try changing it and see if the genital lumps acne subsides. However, it is always better to get professional advice too instead of relying on self medication. Any kind of treatment for genital acne takes a minimum of at least two months to show any signs of getting better, so do not change or stop the treatment with the idea that this mode of treatment is not really helping your acne.

Have patience and wait for this period before thinking about any change in treatment. Do not get unduly perturbed if the problem becomes wore for a while, because this can also happen after you start treatment. In the meant time it is better to retain the habits that you have developed of changing your under clothes often and of washing the area even with plain water, but making sure that you do not allow those areas to be sweaty and damp.

Proper hygiene and medication is bound to have positive results and it will not be long before the genital acne disappears and leaves the area clean once again.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Get clear skin now with free tips for acne provided by www.acneteam.com, a popular acne fighting website that provides tips, advice and resources to include information on genital acne lumps that really work to relieve your skin blemishes.

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