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Natural Acne Treatments - 7 Secret Herbal Remedies

By: Myers

Many of us face acne related skin problems during puberty, the reason is quite simple and a clear study can provide the cause of acne and some natural harmless remedial measures.
Actually, the body starts producing androgen hormones during the stage of puberty. Androgen is a hormone that cause over stimulation and significant enlargement of sebaceous glands. Often during menstrual cycle and pregnancy, acne is common and its cause remains the same. Stress is also considered to be a major cause of acne as it influences the cortisol hormone. Again, acne also can be genetic. There are several ways of treating acne and the natural way is the best and the safest. The major seven secret herbal remedies can be an excellent alternative.

Tea tree oil or malaleuca oil is an essential ingredient, this type of oil appears clear but there remain a golden shade. This is a natural alternative that reduces acnes; many people are now using this as an alternative of the chemical drugs.

Licorice root extract are been for different medicinal purposes and these oils are used for more that thousand years for different types of herbal treatments. This oil helps to reduce stomach upsets and the licorice root extract are used for different types of stomach upsets. This oil has anti inflammatory properties and helps to clear up acnes effectively. Instead of taking up the conventional mode of acne treatment, it is a good idea to use Licorice oil.

While considering a natural treatment for reduction of acne, it is also wise to use green tea extracts. In the last few years, green tea extracts have become highly popular for its results.

Many people prefer Aloe Vera extract as it is a mild alternative to traditional medications. Aloe Vera extracts also contain anti-inflammatory agents which boost removal of acnes and scar marks of the face.

Olive leaves offer acne healing properties, the olive leaf extracts are popular and used almost from the genesis of civilization. These leaves are highly effective for removal of skin related issues including acnes.

Among one of the oldest herbs used medicinally is red clover, red clover are ideal for chronic skin conditions and at present it is used for herbal acne treatments.
Many people who seek acne treatment favor Yellow Dock while choosing a natural and herbal alternative to prescribed medicines. Yellow Dock effectively protects skin from infection and inflammation.
There are several herbal treatments that help in reduction of acne and before initiating the treatment; it is prudent to have a clear have a clear idea regarding the different herbal extracts that can be used for yielding best results. Foremost it is required to undergo regular skin care as irregular treatment with the alternative herb may not yield good results. The different natural acne remedies are usually less expensive compared to the traditional medicines. In addition, the natural treatments do not cause irritations. These are few of the reasons behind increasing popularity of natural and herbal acne treatments.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Main Site: www.10acnetreatments.com. Information related to Acne, Acne Treatments, and Acne Remedies can be found in the website.

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