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Acne Treatments for People Twenty Years Old and Above

By: Trevor Mulholland

The need for acne treatments is mostly associated with teenagers since they are said to be the ones who suffer most from pimples, but there are those already in their 20s and above who still suffer from this common skin problem. For adults who still experience pimple breakouts, here are some simple facts that you need to know.

Acne treatments for adults and teenagers are mostly the same. It is not the age of the patient that usually determines the choice of treatment, but the severity of the acne. But when it comes to causes, there are a number of differences.

Causes of adult acne
For teenagers, the onset of puberty coincides with changes in their hormonal levels. These changes result in the excessive secretion of oil by the skin glands which commonly results in pimples or acne. For teeners, it is part of growing up, but for adults, there might be factors that are within their control that cause acne breakouts.

Some people eventually leave their pimples behind once they reach their twenties. But for those whose suffering goes on until their adult lives, a number of factors might be deemed as cause. First, stress. Since acne is mostly caused by hormonal changes, stress can be a factor behind adult pimples. Stress causes our hormones to be out of control which can lead to skin breakouts. Granted that teenagers also feel stressed from time to time, but the responsibilities that adults have to take do make them more prone to stress.

Hormonal changes caused by aging, particularly for women entering their menopause period, can also have an effect on the skin. That is why some pregnant women experience acne breakouts, because of the changes in their hormone levels. Habits that we sometimes develop in our adult lives like excessive drinking, smoking and staying up late night after night can also contribute to the emergence of acne. They might not be the primary reasons, but they do play a role when it comes to the condition of our skin.

How to deal with it
Adult acne can be cured by the same methods used by teenage sufferers. For mild to moderate acne, washing one's face with warm water and salt every night might do the trick. If it's more than a single bump on your skin, topical medications like retinoids, antibacterials and antibiotics can help. For severe types, laser therapy, phototherapy and a number of technologically advanced treatments are already available. But just like teenagers, seeking the opinion of a skin specialist is still needed whether you are in your twenties or in your forties.

Acne treatments for adults can be similar with those used by teenagers, but the causes might be different. Simple adjustments in your daily life, like learning to relax and minimize stress, eating right and increasing daily water intake can help alleviate the zits that have accompanied you in your adulthood.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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