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How to Get Rid of Your Neediness Around Women

By: Scott Patterson

I'm going to be honest with you here...

Women HATE guys who act needy or desperate!

While a woman wants a man who pays attention to her, she doesn't want to be smothered by a wuss who NEEDS constant attention from her. Instead she wants a guy who is confident enough to enjoy her company, but doesn't need it for his self-identity. In essence, they're attracted to the guys who have the "I love women, but I don't NEED them in my life" attitude!

Now if you're a guy who has issues with being too needy, then I urge you use the following 3 tips to eradicate this undesirable personality trait:

Tip #1 Forget what's happened in the past-

Usually guys show neediness because of some event in their past. So if you're having trouble with this issue, then you should look deep inside and figure out why you're acting this way. I bet it probably has something to do with a relationship which went sour.

Bottom line: If you want to build a new relationship with women, you have to be willing to forget the past and NOT let it affect your interactions with women.

Tip #2 Find other activities-

Guys are often needy merely out of boredom or a lack of things to do. They have too much free time and look at women as the ONLY escape from boredom.

If you're one of these types of people, then it's really important to occupy your free time with a hobby or interest. By having stuff to do, you'll occupy your mind and time with fun stuff which isn't centered on only meeting woman. As a result, you'll feel the constant need to have ANY woman in your life.

Tip #3 Be more confident-

Neediness often comes from a lack of self confidence!

If you can develop your self confidence, then you'll quickly reduce your levels of neediness. When you're confident you'll embrace the philosophy of having your own life and being an individual person.

Now if you're having trouble with build self confidence, then I recommend you take a look at the Hypnodate system. This resource is one of the places I've personally used to eliminate needy actions and thought patterns.

Neediness is VERY undesirable personality trait. So if show this characteristic, then it's important to implement these three tips in your life.

You'll find that it's easy to eradicate needy feelings and become the kind of guy who is fun to be around while not acting like a wuss.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now: www.ChickMagnet101.com

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