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  • When You Should Fake It  By : Carolyn Bushong
    A therapist tells people that "faking it" is not really lying, but may be appropriate in certain situations.
  • Guilt is Hurtful to All  By :
    Are you feeling guilty about something you feel you should have or should not have done, thought, or felt? Do you sometimes feel guilty for not feeling guilty? Are you aware how this negative emotion is hurting others and you? Would you like to learn how to release your guilt feelings?
  • Slow Down And Get A Life  By : Terence Young
    If you're feeling overwhelmed with your daily schedule, stressed with the impending deadlines and feeling drained from your hectic fast paced life, you're not alone. The secret to a happier life is not about trying to do more, or buying more high tech gadgets to help you with juggling your endless list of daily tasks.
  • The Pain of Bipolar Depression Disorder  By : Andrew Bicknell
    Bipolar depression disorder generally occurs before the age of 30 years and may first develop during adolescence, but most commonly presents its symptoms in the late teens and early 20s. It is a type of mood disorder that exhibits marked changes in mood between extreme elation or happiness and severe depression.
  • 3 Methods for Clearing Mental Clutter  By : Jennifer Koretsky
    Many adults with ADD have a hard time slowing down their brains. Thoughts often come at whirlwind speed, and it can be hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand when so many other thoughts are floating around in the brain. I call this "mental clutter."
  • How To Improve Your Health By Getting Rid Of These 3 Negative Mood Swings  By : Gary Toh
    This article takes a look at how bad and negative moods can affect your health. Find out how to cope with stress and negative mood swings and improve your health today inside...
  • What Is Bipolar Disorder?  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Bipolar disorder, known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that creates unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings from overly "high" and/or irritability to sadness and hopelessness, and then back again, and can have periods of normal moods in between.
  • 5 Strategies for ADDed Effectiveness on the Job  By : Jennifer Koretsky
    For many people with ADD, work life can be difficult. If your working environment is not ADD-friendly, then you may find yourself feeling chronically disorganized and stressed out at work. Whether or not you choose to share your diagnosis with your employer, the following strategies can help you become more effective at work.
  • 50 Affirmations to Raise Your Self-Esteem  By :
    Are you ready to feel good about yourself? That is the key to health, happiness, fulfilling relationships, and success. Negative thoughts hurt your self-esteem and positive thoughts help you feel good. To raise your self-esteem, say, sing, or write the following 50 affirmations (positive thoughts) until they become part of your automatic thinking.
  • Is Bipolar Disorder At The Root Of Your Loved One�s Anger?  By : David Oliver
    Are you involved in a close relationship with someone whose occasional outbursts of temper at times shock and surprise you? While people can and often do become overwhelmed by negative emotions that they�re unable to handle without having a major psychiatric disorder, there is also the possibility that your loved one is suffering from bipolar disorder � and that�s what is causing these angry eruptions.
  • Love Leads To Authentic Happiness  By : John Khu
    True Love is a profound feeling of strong attraction or affection. Love is the route to authentic happiness.
  • Six Quick Steps To Releasing Anger And Feeling Good Again  By : Brenda Shoshanna
    Anger is a lethal force that undermines our lives in many ways. Most do not realize that anger is a choice we make and that we can easily learn to make new choices and feel good again quickly. This article explores different ways to regain peace of mind when anger strikes.
  • What You Need To Know About Bipolar Disease  By : Riley Hendersen
    When many people hear the words, 'bipolar disease', they immediately think of people placed in straitjackets and carted off to the nearest asylum. Many of those very same people are unaware that bipolar disease is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States.
  • Daydreaming - Is it A Dangerous Escape From Reality?  By : Anisa Aven
    Discover how "daydreaming" can actually help you manifest your desires!
  • You Are Beautiful If You Only New It  By : Bentley Loveday
    This article is an overview of what the so called industry i.e. the fashion modelling and enternament industry percieve as being beautiful. Breasts buttocks thighs lips cheebones and cellulite are all airbrushed by computer to give that perfect beautiful look. An unbiased view is needed to bring some reality back into the minds of those women who have been betrayed
  • What Is A Bipolar Disorder?  By : Riley Hendersen
    Bipolar disorder is a condition that is still being explored by scientists and doctors around the world. As a brain disorder, it is often hard to diagnose and can present itself in many different ways depending on the patient's past history, lifestyle, temperament and behaviors. The disorder can strike male or female, rich or poor and young or old.
  • Two Powerful Techniques To Gain Control Over Stress  By : Abbas Abedi
    Two unusual but effective visual and meditative techniques for dealing with stress.
  • Nerves And Butterflies  By : Gary Crow
    Just imagine it. There you are, mentally ready and eager; but nerves and those pesky butterflies are holding you back. The next thing you know, you are pacing the floor and ringing your hands. Is that the pits or what, your becoming unhinged over a few uncooperative butterflies? Indeed it is! This article helps you get control of those butterflies and give your success your best.
  • Money And Your Longevity  By : Stephen Lau
    Money and your longevity are interrelated. As you age, you need money not only to pay your mounting medical expenses, but also to live, to retire, and to survive. Your longevity cannot do without money. Longevity living requires you to know how to get free money, how to preserve your money, and how to continue to make money to meet your own needs as well as the needs of others less fortunate than yourself.
  • Healing Discomfort With Courage, Grace, Wisdom & Love  By : Joe Hurley
    Healing Discomfort is an article by Joe Hurley designed to help to you awaken to the divine wisdom and love that you have inside so you can heal your symptom/issue and come into a new state of health & well being.
  • 7 Anger Management "Cucumber" Techniques To Live By  By : andrew chin
    Step by step anger solutions that can be applied in all situations of life.
  • Protect Yourself from Him  By : Chris Pizzo
    In close combat fighting your body is the weapon. It is you alone, against an angry and abusive attacker. This is not about revenge or being as bad as they are; it is about the survival of you and your children.
  • Words Do Hurt. Stop Bullying from Affecting Your Health  By : Ainsley Laing
    Bullying affects everyone's health: the recipient, the bully and even witnesses. Find out what to do if it happens to you.
  • 7 Self Help Tips To Improve Your Mental health  By : Rasheed Ali
    Seven simple strategies for improving your life each and every day of the week.
  • Feeling Secure in an Insecure World  By : Mary Foley
    We all want security, but my life experience has forced me to come to a conclusion that I resisted for a long time: Security is an illusion. We�ve all heard that life doesn�t come with guarantees, but do we really want to believe it?
  • Do You Want to Build Your Emotional Strength?  By : Maurine Patten
    Life is not always fair. It can be hard to know who and what to trust because we live in an imperfect world. One thing you can do is build your emotional strength. Even when you cannot control a situation or influence those who do, you can choose to manage yourself. The way you choose to cope makes the difference. It is possible to build your emotional strength and live an engaging and meaningful life by following these recommendations.
  • Understanding the True Meaning of Tolerance  By : Jinger Jarrett
    Tolerance is a term that has been used an abused. When you understand what true tolerance is, then you can learn how to be truly tolerant.
  • The Emotional Side To Health  By : Reuben John
    If you are not able to be emotionally healthy, your emotions will drastically effect your health in many great ways.As you get older, it is important that you are able to be in a good state when it comes to your mental health, as well.
  • Tapping the Potential of the Mind  By : Jimmy Cox
    Before you knew your ABC's and were still struggling to manage a knife and fork, your inner self had been making mathematical and chemical calculations far beyond the abilities of modern science.
  • Five Steps to Increase Your Memory  By : Leon Edward
    How to Improve Memory and stop having trouble being able to remember figures, phone numbers, and people's names. The suggestions in this article are very good ideas and they can actually help you to strengthen your memory ...
  • Tips for Laser Like Focus and Concentration  By : Leon Edward
    Importance of concentration and focus in easily obtaining your objectives is discussed with applications in your success and recognition. Learn easy tips to strengthen your concentration, focus and achieve goals easier and faster...
  • Graphology and Self Analysis  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Character sets the individual pattern of handwriting and is inseparable from it; consequently, a voluntary handwriting change, once achieved, produces a corresponding change of character. It has been proved that that a man has three characters:
    a.The one he exhibits
    b.The one he actually has, and.
    c.The one which he thinks he has.
  • Why You Should Join A Small Group  By : Mike Fletcher
    No one should go through life alone. Being busy is no excuse. We all need friends. That is why the Christian small group movement is sweeoing the country.
  • Our Emotional Triggers  By : Abhishek Lodha
    'Anger', the pronunciation of this word conjures up fearful and unpleasant images in our mind; an emotion which we generally associate with senses of abuse, hurt, violence and destruction. The symptoms of anger are not just to be found in our emotions, but also in our bodies, mind and behavior as well.
  • How The Ego Dominates And Hides Your True Self  By : Saleem Rana
    Your ego is not your friend. It is that part of you that distracts you by trying to survive. It hides your true Self.
  • 5 Psychological Benefits of Living a Healthy Lifestyle  By : Yuki Shoji
    The benefits of living a healthy lifestyle are two fold. Not only does maintaining a healthy weight result in a better quality of life, but it also elevates your mood, making you feel happier and more selfconfident about yourself.
  • "Is 'The Secret' Real or Not" Is The Wrong Question to Ask Yourself  By : Daniel Klatt
    Everyone's jumping on "The Secret" bandwagon, yet no one's talking about a fundamental part of the equation... until now, which determines whether it'll help them become successful.
  • How To Help Your Teenagers Stay Healthy: Mental Health  By : Adrian Adams
    Many mental health problems begin during the teenage years, probably because it is such a difficult time. Teenagers deal with the daily stress of school, peer pressure, and relationships.
  • What Everyone Should Know About Crank Calls and Stalking  By : Arnold Hernandez
    The basics of crank calls and stalking.
  • Is Emotional Eating Making You Fat?  By : Terry Brussel Gibbons
    Emotional eating can make you fat. Here's how to gain control over your emotions, and achieve the healthy body and youthful appearance that you deserve.
  • 5 Ways to stay connected to someone suffering from mental illness  By : Mary Logan
    Dealing with mental illness in the family can put a strain on family relationships. Here are five ways to stay connected to someone with mental illness.
  • Fear of Fainting  By : Dee Smith
    Fainting spells are common at all ages and can be caused by any number of physical stimuli. In many cases there are few serious effects, but fainting spells should be viewed as possible symptoms of underlying disease.
  • The Real You Under the Mask  By :
    Masks are commonly used beauty products. Are they any good. Dr. Lycka, one of the foremost authorities on cosmetic surgery and beauty procedures will tell you the scoop.
  • 5 Ways to Become Attractive  By : Yuki Shoji
    While you're sitting there reading this you're going to learn that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to being attractive it all starts with how you feel about yourself. If you don't think of yourself as attractive you won't be able to exude this image when in public. So to better help you begin feeling attractive.
  • Spending Valentine's Day Alone  By : Ryan Smith
    Here is a few ways to have a fun and happy Valentine's Day even if you are alone. So spoil yourself without feeling lonely.
  • Rites of Passage: Innocence Found  By : Jeffrey T Junig
    The discovery of a teenage prank sparks anger, but leads to reflection on modern times. The initial thoughts of modern vandalism flow into memories of innocent mischief in the past, and the hope that all is not changed.
  • Consequences of Unresolved Conflicts: Relationship and Projection  By : William Smith
    Relationships are often more complex than we think they are or wish them to be. Relationships, especially intimate relation, brings out many of our unmet needs, anxieties, and unresolved conflicts with individuals from our past, parents, caretakers, friends, and former intimate relationships.
  • Single On Valentines Day?  By : Richard La Ruina
    Single on Valentine's Day? It's not all doom and gloom- at least you avoided the hassle and expense of gifts, dates and the pressure of coping with high expectations. Take heart that there are many more single women out there in a worse situation than you agonising over why it is that they still can't get a boyfriend- that means it's the perfect time for you to land your dream girl!
  • Laws To Live By  By : Kate Loving Shenk
    If we consciously live by Laws that operate whether we know about them or not, and we study these Laws and apply them, we will excel beyond our wildest dreams!!
  • Tips for Dealing with Difficult People: Part 1  By : Joshua Uebergang
    Unfortunately, the world is not filled with great communicators and is more dominated by difficult people. Dealing with difficult people is a must to be happy, successful, and develop fulfilling relationships. Here are list of tips for dealing with difficult people to transform their attitude and keep your relationship from declining.
  • Three Lessons Learned From Living With Trichotillomania  By : Abby Rohrer
    From the ages of twelve to thirty-nine, I suffered from compulsive hair pulling. For the past twelve and a half years I have been successfully healed from this compulsive behavior. Along my journey I learned many things. Here are three of the most important.
  • Is A Self Help Group Right For You?  By : Joe Robinson
    Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Unfortunately, many of us tend to deny this and don't speak out when we need to. A self help group could be the resource you need to recover.
  • Fighting Hard For Selfish Justice  By : Roger and Eileen Himes
    There is no such thing as 'selfish justice,' but it has become a fictional reality in the lives of many people.
  • Are You Fit�Emotionally?  By : Ainsley Laing
    What is emotional fitness and how does it affect your physical fitness?
  • Your Greatest Compliment  By : Kate Loving Shenk
    Think Back Over Your Life, And Remember A Compliment That Changed Your Life Forever
  • Being True To Yourself  By : Ada Porat
    Truth has a way of expressing itself even when we deny it. The body never lies - when you deny or cover up your truth, the body will give you away. By learning how to read the body's signals, you can recognize when you - or others - are not in alignment with truth. This is one of the first steps to personal freedom and power.
  • Confidence Is Sexy  By :
    Confident people are more attractive. People who walk with their head down tend to attract less attention than those that hold their head high and strut.
  • Reflections  By : Stacey Shipman
    December is often a time for reflecting on the events of the past year. This article provides you questions to ask yourself in order to make 2007 a year of abundance.
  • True Leadership is To Be a Role Model  By : Peter Capili Haahr Hansen
    Every person needs a good role model, a person who is worth following. But who is your role model? Is that someone you know? Does the person have a positive influence on your life?
  • What is EFT Emotional Freedom Technique  By : Richard MacKenzie
    Many Emotional Freedom Technique practitioners (including the creator of EFT, Gary Craig) believe that this process deals with meridian energy lines that run around the body.
  • Your Family Is In Danger Without Anger Management  By : Dan Farrell
    Uncontrolled anger can be a danger to you and your loved ones.
  • Living Single as a Woman; Blessing or Not?  By : Caroline Therancy
    I was in a bar with a male friend a while back. I was sharing about the few the cute guys that I would have liked to have a conversation with. I added that I was finding it difficult to be with someone. He replied: "I know what your problem is Caroline; you want to be with someone too much"
  • Making Positive Changes  By : Pj Germain
    We all know that certain lifestyle changes are good for our health. But, what some people may not realize is how difficult it can be to follow through with their decision.
  • The Most Accurate Daily Horoscopes are Those From the Transiting Planets  By : Beverly Broeker
    Transiting planets make contacts to your natal planets which produces a feeling, a mood, and events. These are based on your natal birth chart, therefore, these horoscopes are highly personalized.
  • Psychiatry: The Path to Destruction  By : Marie Pace
    An expose on those who "in the name of help" actually destroy your health... find out who, why and where...
  • Giving Thanks  By : Let it Flow
    Thanksgiving is November 23 and it�s that one day when we are asked: �What are you thankful for this year?� Since I was a young girl I�ve always wondered why we need 1 special day out of 365 to stop and reflect on what we are thankful for.
  • 10 Steps to Healing Emotionaly Painful Trauma & Reactions  By : Thomas Digges
    Article describes an energy psychology process designed to desensitize people from negative emotional reactivity and restimulation of traumatic incidents.
  • Becoming Happy Through Self Help  By : Tomas Labas
    To be happy is relatively easy, concentrate on seff help and decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.
  • Who? Me? Them? - Secrets of Multiple Personality Disorder  By : Andrew Wilson
    Multiple personality disorder is a way in which one disassociates from traumatic childhood experiences in order to protect oneself mentally. As a result, disassociation towards the event and the feelings that were associated with it occurs.
  • Untangle Emotional Overeating and Overspending And Become More "User-friendly" Toward Yourself  By : Luise Volta
    Unconscious living can lead us into the trap of putting on unconscious weight and piling up unconscious debt.
  • Are You Carrying Emotional Baggage?  By : Mark Webb
    Avoidance of your feelings can be self destructive. This is a encouraging article to help people face their past.
  • Do You Have Trouble Keeping Your Mouth Shut  By : Mark Webb
    Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. If you answered yes to the title question I am sure you have realized the truth in this quote by Ambrose Bierce.
  • Do You Know that You Have Been Conditioned ?  By : ian Williamson
    We are first conditioned by our parents,relatives and other well meaning people. A lot of these suggestions are beneficial to us, such as stay away from that, it is hot;do not eat that it will make you sick; or you may want to do that differently.
  • The Truth About Numerology and Why It Works  By : Jon Weaver
    Numerology is often trivialized as a parlour trick, or a carnival attraction. Most do not realize it is an extension of mathematical functions and can lead to a more unique understanding of life. Here you will find the lost information of why Numerology will work for you and your goals.
  • Energy Enhancement and Emotional IQ.  By : Swami Satchidanand
    It is through experiences like this, that we see what it is possible to do with a large emotional IQ. And what is necessary to do.
  • The 12 Impossibles - Your Own Testament Of Courage  By : Hirini Reedy
    We all have lived through seemingly impossible situations where we were lucky to survive. We all have overcome incredible odds to reach success. Too often we forget about them. It is important to remember such experiences because they remind you of your inner power. Your own testament of courage and will power.
  • When you're down to nothing  By : Saleem Rana
    The story of the Ugly Duckling has profound spiritual meanings. When we don't fit in, and when we're down on our luck, a greater game may be afoot.
  • Why I Travel Alone (Sometimes)  By : Victor Pryles
    Article about solo travel and its many benefits.
  • Be as Happy as You Want to Be  By : Janette Marie Freeman
    Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke. Be happy now!
  • Manage Your Energy, Mine Your Potential  By : Randy Siegel
    Much of our success in life depends on our ability to manage energy. By becoming conscious of our energy level and those around us, we tap into our potential and electrify our careers. We attract people to us like moths to a flame.
  • Concentration Gives Mental Poise  By : Sean Cash
    Why You Need To Get Tougher Mentally, Or Else
  • How To Put An End To Your Troubles  By : Saleem Rana
    The way to make positive, meaningful change that puts an end to our troubles is not necessarily to get better information about what to do about them, but to revise the opinions, beliefs and attitudes we have that cause our resistance to progress. When you revise your inner experiences through self-inquiry, the outer experiences change as well.
  • Starting your Family History  By : Jessica Deets
    Do you have a deep-seated desire to know more about our ancestors, what they were like, and where you come from? Here's some things that can be useful to you as you think about getting started doing your own personal Family History research.
  • Business Results Through Psychic - Concentration  By : Zach Keyer
    Business Results Through Psychic - Concentration
  • Get Rid of Resentments - A Fast, Easy Technique  By : Rosella Aranda
    How to get rid of gnawing resentments and free your mind from hostility.
  • Why Invest in Laughter  By : Mike Moore
    Life is a mystery to be enjoyed in spite of its pain. Discover why invetsing in laughter is a fantastic investment paying huge dividends .
  • The Importance Of Healing The Past  By : Saleem Rana
    The first step to true self-help is willing to be candid, notice what hurts, and find the therapy that is necessary to remove the psychic burden. Those who do this will find that their whole life will open up.

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