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Safety Precautions for Single Parents Dating Online

By: Shelley Lowery

Online dating is the single most used service on the Internet. It is used far more frequently than online shopping or online banking. All of the research combined that is done online doesn't hold a candle to the frequency with which online dating services are used.

There are no statistics to prove it, but it's likely that there are millions more online dates every day than real world dates. America is a mobile society and the divorce rate is in the stratosphere. It is no wonder that there are more and more single parents out there that are participating in online dating.

Mothers and fathers who find themselves as single parents are faced with a whole set of problems that they never dreamed existed and are certainly not prepared to deal with. They quickly find that children take time and energy and that when one parent is gone, the entire burden is theirs alone to bear. They also find out rather quickly that baby sitters don't work cheap. The single parent is faced with a nonexistent social life and loneliness for adult companionship like they never believed possible.

Before they leave for their work day, they must see to the needs of their children and provide care for them. After work, every bit of their remaining energy is used to feed and bathe the children and get them into bed. There isn't much time and certainly no energy left to pursue a social life of their own, even if they could afford the price of a baby sitter. The solution that most of them find is to simply boot up their computers and join an online dating service.

The things that are important for these single parents to remember is (1) that the same honest-is-the-best-policy that they teach their children is also the best one for them to live by themselves when dating online and (2) that the same safety precautions that they use to protect their children in the real world are the same ones that need to be employed for themselves and their children when dating online.

When a single parent posts their profile online, they need to make it clear that they have children. Springing the fact of kids after a relationship has begun to develop is not honest and it is a sure show stopper. A person who is a single parent needs to say so up front. There are other single parents out there and there are those who will accept children in a relationship.

The single parent shouldn't spend time whining to an online dating partner about the ex-spouse who left them in the position of being a single parent. The fact that you have kids, that you love your kids and that they come first with you is enough information.

Remember, when dating online, a single parent is the only person standing between his or her children and the child predators on the Internet who would do them harm. Do not ever give out information that would allow children to be identified and this includes their names as well as the names of the schools or day cares which they attend.

Online dating can be a real benefit for single parents. It is about the only way that they can engage in conversation with other adults after the children are tucked in for the night. And, who knows, it is very possible that a single parent can find love online.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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