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Dating Etiquette and First Date Rules

By: Jim Brown

While many of us may not be aware, there are certain dating etiquettes that we have to bear in mind. The first and basic thing to remember is to just be you. Don't pretend to be someone else by making up stories about your career and your past. Don't put up a fake personality. Honesty should be established at the start. Most people agree that if they find out a person has lied from the start, that person is likely to lie again in the future. One of the best foundations for any relationship for that matter is honesty.

On a date, the focus should not only be on you but on both you and your date. Avoid talking too much about yourself and trying to be the center of attention. Keep the date interesting by conversing on light topics about local or world happenings. Get to know more about your date by asking what he or she is interested in, likes and dislikes or what he or she does in life. A great conversation can make both of you at ease with each other and probably go for another date if both of you feel that you have made a connection and would want spend more time on getting to know more about each other.

Many traditions of dating have changed over the years to adapt with the modern changes. It is not uncommon for dates to come in separate cars and just meet up or go on double dates for safety purposes (if it's a date with someone you met online). The man doesn't have to pay for everything on a date. Most women nowadays are okay with going dutch.

Don't forget the minor details or gestures during any first date that will score you points. When you meet your date, compliment him or her for how he or she looks (most individuals would go to great extents in preparing and looking great on their date). This is one way of breaking the ice and will definitely help your date feel more confident.

To drive away the uneasiness that comes usually on a first date, look at each others eyes and be sincere when talking and compromise on what to do on your first date. You should watch or do something that both of you will like doing or watching.

Always practice courtesy especially if you are the man. Simple kind gestures as holding out the door for her, letting her sit first on the chair before seating yourself will be such a gentlemanly act.

As your date ends, never neglect to thank the other for the wonderful time and the company. Your being polite will have you remembered. It is up to both of you to initiate any further contacts if you feel that you have something going on and a possible future together.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

James Brown writes about PlanetOut.com deals, Play Date deals and ChristianCafe.com coupon codes

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