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Dating Tips For Men, The Basics

By: Lee Blackspur

There are a ton of resources on the Internet with dating tips for men, but how many of them actually work?

Most of them focus on making sure that you are clean, groomed and are a gentleman, but most men want to know what they did wrong on the last date, not to take a bath! What made her decline a second and third date?

When you ask the woman, more than likely she will not disclose why she will not go out with you again. That is the reason that you must look at as many dating tips for men as possible to ensure that you are doing and saying the right things.

1. Pay for the date

If you invited the woman out then make sure that you pick up the tab. While the woman may volunteer it is your obligation to pay for the meal, movie or whatever else. Now later in the relationship it should be a financial split, but not the first couple of dates.

2. Be prepared financially

Dating is not cheap, but neither is being alone. Take her somewhere nice, it does not have to be the most expensive joint in town just somewhere that serves great food or has a great atmosphere. Most women understand that men have to budget just like them and chances are she already has figured out that you are not a multi millionaire.

3. Conversation through the evening

Make conversation throughout the evening, but do not hog the entire conversation. Women love it when you make her a part of the conversation by asking her questions about her life. NO, not personal questions or sexual questions, just things she likes, what she dislikes and her goals in life. Another golden dating rule!!

This is also a very good way to determine what you both have in common. When you learn more about her and her likes as well as hobbies, you can use that to your advantage. And, a big advantage it is!

4. Under no circumstances be rude to anyone

One of the absolute biggest complaints that women have on outings with men is that they embarrass them. It does not matter if the waiter service sucks or that guy pulled out in front of you twice, do not pick a fight and keep your mouth shut. It is ok, to say that someone aggravated you, but do not offer to whip the guy over it. If you do this it will not only embarrass her, but she will wonder if that is how you will treat her when you get mad at her. AVOID IT!

5. Phone calls and other social events

No matter what grand event comes up after you have made your date, decline it. Do not stand your date up or try to reschedule. She will likely find out what you did and dump you on your butt. This is a huge no no. It is also not a good idea to invite your friends or take her to meet your friends on the first date. Give her some time first, she does not want to go to a party with your friends or sit across from your best buddy at dinner. She wants a chance to get to know you, not seek the approval of others yet!

If you get a telephone call and it absolutely cannot wait simply excuse yourself from the table, for a very short period of time. Be polite enough to explain the situation and that is was very important when you return to the table. If you are gone too long or fail to mention the nature of the telephone call, she is going to assume that it was another woman.

If you run into someone that you know, introduce her. If you can not remember the persons name then politely tell them her name and say how you know the person. Such as this is my date Linda, and Linda, I have known this guy from work for years! It is taboo to just ignore her because you could not remember the guys name.

Keep these dating tips in mind and you will very rarely have a bad date.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Lee Blackspur is the owner of My-Dating-Advice.com which provides online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.

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