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How To Use Creative Visualization to Manifest Your Ideal Mate

By: Anisa Aven

Using the Creative Visualization process to manifest your ideal mate, it's important that you envision your ideal partner, and empower yourself and your vision.

Next comes the practice of detachment visualization. Reach for the ideal, optimal state that you desire while letting it all go at the same time.

Once you've created (or regained) a sense of positive self-esteem, move towards experiencing the feeling of joy and love. Reach for thoughts such as "I am grateful," "I am in love," "I am loving, "I am joyous." Then, be willing to never have it happen.

What???!!!! Yes, it's true, you have to be willing to never have it happen. You have to be willing to trust in the Divine Order of life and let it all be okay, no matter what. You have to practice detaching yourself from this vision, in order for the vision to have a chance to manifest.

"Want it, and allow it, and it is!" - Abraham

One exercise (a detachment visualization) that I find particularly easy and effective is to visualize my goal. Then when I feel a sense of joy that it is coming to me and I can confidently expect it, I surround the vision in a pink bubble and allow it to float away. I imagine it floating loftily away in the wind, getting smaller and smaller, floating into the clouds and finally disappearing.

I wave lovingly (not longingly) to it, speaking confidently, "I surrender to this or something better coming into my life in perfect timing, and I let it go now. I accept that all things are perfect, exactly as they are and I am at peace. I am at peace with the Divine Order of life and I detach from this vision, knowing that what is meant to be, will be, now. I am at peace, and I let it go."

Now for the secret key of Creative Visualization - Manifest at the speed of light with the Manifesting Mambo!

Now, I'm going to share with you the secret to manifesting with the speed of light. This is the secret that all successful conscious creators use to manifest anything they desire quickly, and effortlessly. I call it the manifesting mambo! You have to get down with your vision. You have to get into it! Get into your desire by shouting, dancing or sprinting around your house if necessary.

Don't just sit there like a yit, reciting your ideal scene, actually stand up, jump up and down, or punch the air if needed in order to get it on with your dream. Your physiology needs to be a vibrational match to that emotional state you are trying to create.

You want to FEEL the emotion of love, not just say it. So dance around, hop on one foot, flap your arms, jump around, or whatever it takes to get yourself excited and feeling powerfully passionate about your vision. Fake the feeling, until the feeling becomes real to you.

One client of mine danced her way to the altar -- the manifesting mambo has the power to create with the speed of light, all of your dreams.

So let me outline how to visualize successfully:
A) Clarify what you want
B) Envision your desired outcome
C) Monitor your emotions, and adjust your thoughts
D) Detach from your desire
E) Do the manifesting mambo

If you are not willing to take these steps, then you need to know that somewhere down inside you don't really want what you say you do. There must be some pay-off to not having your desire. You'll want to identify, surrender to and shift your priorities or prepare yourself for more of the same. It's your choice. You are a Divine Creator and your possibilities are unlimited!

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Receive Anisa's FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting by visiting www.creatavision.com/creative-manifesting.htm. Read more about manifesting and conscious creation by visiting www.CreataVision.com and www.ManifestingProsperity.com.

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