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How To Succeed At Speed Dating

By: Lee Blackspur

Speed dating is an advanced technique that is designed to allow individuals to meet with several potential partners during short intervals of time.

The reason that speed dating is so successful is because people actually choose others based on a subconscious intuition. Sounds like a big word, huh, well it kind of is. Basically what this means is that you are attracted to certain things without even knowing it. It comes naturally and you may not be aware of the attraction at all. For example, think about whether or not you choose to like dark skin or light skin, what about eye color and, even better, personality. These are all things that are at a subconscious level, so use this to your advantage in speed dating. After the session is over the organizer of the event then matches people based on their comments and profiles.

Succeeding at speed dating is relatively easy, during your conversation with a date, even though it is only five minutes or so, you already know whether or not there is a connection. This is because your mind has already made the determination. There is a certain level of emotional attraction that has already taken place. You can certainly enhance or make the experience better by the things that you do and say so follow these guidelines for how you can improve your speed dating session.

1. Be Sure Of The Time And Date

Make sure that you are available for the time and date that you sign up. First and foremost you do not want to waste the money paid for the session nor do you want to miss any opportunities. It is a good idea to keep a note of the schedule and mark off the date in time so that you do not miss the session.

2. Be Ready With Questions

Before you go to the speed dating session think about the things that you want to know about others. You may even want to make a list so that you have it with you to refer back to. If you have a list you will be more ready to ask things that you really want to know and avoid idle conversation. Here are some of the more common questions that people want to know

Career and education level
Goals in life
Hobbies, pastimes and like to do
Religious beliefs and or fate
Previous marriages and or children
Type of relationship that they are interested in

Of course everyone wants to know different things so it is a good idea to think about these things before hand and go to the session prepared. Also remember that that other people you will be speaking to will want to know about you as well and will generally have similar questions so prepare your own answers. Granted you would not want to have pre written answers, but to think about the answers to common questions and rehearse them is not a bad idea. If there is something that you do not wish to share with others then keep it quiet and avoid that conversation.

On the other hand if there is something that you feel is important about you then you may want to bring up and let the other person know.

Those that succeed in speed dating are typically individuals that are ready for a change and are willing to take a chance. Though speed dating is less hurtful than other types of dating it can still be a letdown after some sessions. Try not to focus on any negativity and give it another shot. Remember the speed dating session is only as effective as the people that are there. The right one for you may not have been at that session, and you never know who will be at the next. Dating at any level is about taking a chance, making changes and discovering who you want to live your life with. You can have a great time while speed dating you just have to get out there and do so.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Lee Blackspur is the owner of www.My-Dating-Advice.com which provides free online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.

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