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Get Rid Of First Date Jitters

By: Jim Brown

Everybody wants to make a good impression most especially on a first date. Being out of the dating scene for quite some time can make some of us apprehensive on going on a date. Most people naturally get nervous as thoughts on whether your date will turn out to be a good one always goes through the mind.

Butterflies on our stomach and first date jitters can be get rid of if we just relax. While saying it is totally way easier than actually doing it, relaxing will help you focus on getting to know more about your date and having a great time.

Meditating can actually help you relax. You don't have to meditate in such a manner that will put you in such a deep state. As simple as closing your eyes, breathing in and out and just letting go of any negative thoughts is considered a simple type of meditation. Breathe deeply. You can do this for as short as 5 minutes. The time is not important what's more important is how focused you are.

Singing can actually help you relax. While people may find this very uncomfortable to do of course in public, you can sing at home or while in your car to relax.

Stretch those muscles and you'll feel your tension slowly disappear. Stand with your feet apart, lift up your heels and stretch out your hands as if trying to reach the sky. Do this for as long as you can and slowly release.

Take a short walk. You don't have to go out of the house to walk around the neighborhood. A walk to your bedroom or along the corridor can help control your feelings of nervousness and anxiety. With your body moving, you can get your endorphins flowing.

If possible give yourself a quick massage like maybe on the hands or on the feet. Applying any massage cream with a peppermint ingredient can help relax your senses.

Nothing beats planning. Give yourself ample time from what to wear and to probably where you will be taking your date (if you will be giving the calls). If you just allow yourself to prepare, you won't be stressed at all. Rushing and doing things at the last minute can add to the anxiety, nervousness and uneasiness of a first date when you practically don't know that much about each other unless you are long time friends or acquaintances.

With you relaxed, you might be able to let your date relax too. A date is meant to be enjoyed so have fun.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

James Brown writes about AmericanSingles.com discount codes, ChristianCafe.com coupon and Date.com discount codes

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