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Four Date Tips for True Success

By: rod hewitt

Dating single women and men has never been more easy, thanks to the internet. It is now possible to meet and establish a relationship with someone half-way across the globe from the comfort of your own home. The traditional practices of dating have been surpassed by today s standards of more practical and easier ways of dating. However, old etiquettes and traditional rules should definitely not be easily forgotten. Along with all the new features of the millennium dating style, comes these important adult date tips:

1. Meeting on the internet has brought a sense of insecurity to many online singles where trusting can often create a real dilemma in your vital decision making. There is nothing more important than establishing a trusting and honest relationship with your potential encounters. The most important of all adult dating tips is that you should take your time, get to know and feel comfortable with your new online romance.

2. Establish a personality check. Find out as much as possible about your person of interest. Don t be afraid to snoop around and ask personal questions to see who that person has met online. Unlike traditional means, asking friends about a person won t be possible, so try to find out as much information through other site members. This does sound like you will be conducting an investigation, however you have to be sure that the person you are meeting is genuine and not a psycho . Another good handy tip is to find out the person s real name and do a little Google searching for that name. You ll be surprised at what you can find through search engines. For example, Google can often reveal some personal information that person has made public in the past.

3. The Information technology revolution has opened the doors to so many different and wonderful ways of communicating. For those that have never heard of webcam, MSN chat and Skype, we highly recommend you invest a little time and money into these technologies. They will enable you to meet and see each other in cyberspace before you decide to take the real plunge and meet face to face. Again, it must be stressed, spend as much time as possible on live chat until you feel it is safe to see that person in the flesh . Also, don t be shy to ask if you can see other family members on the webcam. Knowing your potential partner s entourage is definitely a bonus.

4. The time has come to meet face to face, so where or how exactly do you plan to meet this person? Out of all the adult dating tips, it is important to ask the person what he / she is going to wear. This is not because you want to know what type of clothing brand they like, but such information will help you stakeout the person (from a distance) before you decide to meet. You can spy on the person from a distance and decide whether or not to approach them. If it isn t the same person you expected, then you can abort your meet and explain it to them in an email or by phone.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Rod hewitt is 27 years old and lives in Portland, Oregon, webprogrammer and web esigner, owner of Encontros a brazilian ating site.

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