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Finding The Right Woman For You

By: Jimmy Cox

You're an adult! At last you will be free of home and parents, free to set your own course. From now on you are your own master, making your own rules. Make them well. On your decisions will rest the happiness of so many and at some point, one of these decisions is going to have to include marriage.

Should I marry?

Yes, by all means. Marriage is a fine thing and should certainly be tried, at least, by all males.

The wise young man, however, does not rush into marriage. Temptations will be on all sides. As soon as you are eligible, girls will know it. When asked how, scientists throw up their hands. How does the salmon know to swim upstream to spawn, or the robin to build its nest? It is a deep-seated instinct, part of the wonderland of nature.

The bachelor who is hasty is sure to regret it. Not only for his own sake, but for the sake of his future wife, it is important to pick and choose carefully.

You can have only one wife at a time, but the bachelor can be surrounded by girls of all kinds. Surround yourself.

The period of selection should not be dreaded - indeed many look forward to it. Bound only by moral responsibilities you will be free to flit from blossom to blossom. You will be showered with care and attention, which is stimulating and encouraging. It acts as a tonic, heightening the muscular tone, improving metabolism, sharpening the appetite, clearing the eye, improving the digestion, and generally adding to morale and sense of well-being.

Selecting the right fiancees is just as important as selecting the right wife, though you will select them for entirely different reasons.

The perfect fiance seldom makes a good wife, and vice-versa.

What to look for:

1. Fun-loving qualities

Being engaged should be a mad round of pleasure and fiancees should be picked with this in mind. A merry, even irresponsible attitude on the part of the fiance should be encouraged - though, as we will discover later, it is the last trait one seeks in the first wife.

Find a girl who is good at gay parties. The two of you will be asked everywhere. But find a girl who can bring real fun to a quiet evening at home, too.

2. Skill at games

Choose a girl who is skillful at all the many things a boy and girl can do together. Anyone can buy expensive entertainment, but the couple that can amuse themselves with little or no costly equipment will while away many happy hours.

3. A talent for dancing

By all means find a good dancer. Dancing with a skillful girl should be like driving a car with automatic transmission. The man should be in control at all times, and should always steer. Allow yourself to be led and you will lose the respect of your partner.

You need only a sturdy, all-purpose two-step, a sense of direction (even when whirled rapidly) and your glittering collection of bons mots. Almost without knowing it you will be doing sambas, rumbas, tangos, waltzes, fox trots, and mazurkas - and having a mighty good time, too.

Obviously there are many other good qualities that are desirable in a spouse, but there are just a couple to get your started in your search.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

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