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Dating - Lying Hurts

By: Jane Saeman

In an online situation, an individual could choose to be anyone they would like to be. However, doing this could be harmful to other individuals. Lying is a horrible way to begin a relationship, either romantically or as friends. An individual could decide to be the person that they want to be. They may feel bad about themselves or about the situation they are in.

There are a few reasons an individual would use chat rooms, dating services or online games to communicate with people. They may be just looking for individuals to talk to, could be seeking friendships or a relationship. If a person begins with a lie, the lies become bigger and bigger until there is no way out.

Lying affects the other individual in various ways. A person could feel betrayed, destroyed or angry. Once the falsehood is outrageous, there is no way to escape the pain it could cause. When a person becomes infatuated with another, the truth has a way of coming out. This could be damaging to whatever type of relationship is present.

After a person lies, they cannot be believed anymore. If a person tells another that they have a fantastic job when they do not or a huge house when they do not, these lies will come out eventually. Every person would rather know the truth than hear fibs from someone they care about. It is vital to tell people as much truth about themselves as possible. This does not mean a person has to tell everyone, everything about them. A person could tell as much as they desire. However, lying will certainy put a huge roadblock into any relationship.

Every connection should be based on truth. If falsehoods begin to leak out of someone's mouth, it will be very difficult to take them back. Even though, if this mistake happens, a person may be able to talk their way out of this mess.

With an online relationship, everyone tells a story that may not be exactly true. Once the association develops into something deep the truth needs to be stated. It is important for a person to begin a romantic or deep friendship with honestly and openness.

Everyone lies at some point in their life. They may exaggerate or embellish who they are. However, this method may hurt and destroy an individual beyond recovery. It is vital for any relationship to be honest and trustworthy. It is more important for a person if their new friend is trustworthy than if they drive a Porsche.

An individual could be shallow and not like that a person drives a beat-up Ford. Would this be the type of person an individual would want to hang out with? Most of the time, it is not. Being honest is vital to any style of friendship. Do not taint something that could be fantastic with lies and falsehoods.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Jane Saeman runs a site called along with info on dating and relationship on her blog at at www.Hot-Firefighters.com/blog2

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