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Date Ideas For Those Who Are Tight On The Budget

By: Jim Brown

Planning for a special date doesn't have to cost a lot of money. With a bit of creative thinking, your date will still be as fun and enjoyable as it should be.

Lounging at a coffee shop sipping on your fave coffee concoction does not cost that much. Plus you get to know more about your date while you indulge in deep coffee conversations.

Your local dessert or ice cream shop can be a venue for some romantic time as you eat ice cream sitting close to each other.

A walk in the park gives both you and you date the chance to hold hands while enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. You can bring along with you your very own picnic basket for some munch time while sitting on a blanket surrounded by greenery. Your picnic meal can be made more special when you and your date will be shopping together for the food and drinks that you will be bringing along. This is a chance for you to discover what your date actually likes or dislikes when it comes to food.

Take a tour in your very own city or town. You can hop on a tourist bus and enjoy the sight seeing. You'll likely discover new places you may not even know existed.

Learning is such a great experience. There are many classes or lessons you can take from pottery class, golf lessons and others. There are many ballrooms and dance facilities that give group dance lessons to help you and your date learn new steps, have fun and get close. Take a cooking class as both of you cook your way to each other's heart.

Sharing any sport or physical activity can be a great date idea. If you are both interested, you can go for a game of golf or maybe tennis. You not only keep yourself in shape, you also get the chance to bond.

Rent a canoe or a kayak and go for a paddle on a nearby lagoon or a local lake. Fishing would be a great additional option.

If you both enjoy literary works and books, you can attend at your local book shop a reading of books and literary pieces. It is great to hear it straight from the author while he or she interprets his or her very own literary works. A follow up of coffee or dessert after could cap off your date.

A carnival or a festival is a great place to have fun and to bring out once again that inner child inside of you.

If you and your date share a passion for art, a visit to an art gallery or museum can give you a very lively conversation and topic to talk about as you both share your views and opinion on valuable art pieces.

A romantic walk at the beach with a picnic basket for a light snack will also be perfect as you and your date watch the sunset together.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

James Brown writes about Easyflirt coupon codes, DatingDisciples coupons and eharmony coupons

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