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Emphysema - Problem Caused To Your Lungs

By: Kevin Pederson

It may be a fairly uncommon disease but emphysema is one of the most common reasons for the increasing number of death rates. It is a pulmonary disease which damages your lungs due to the toxic air we breathe. Some of the common chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. This condition takes place when the lung tissue loses it elasticity and finds it hard to maintain a normal breathing pattern. Many suffer through this disease and have lost their lives in this battle. Smoking is one of the common causes for this condition. The changing environmental conditions with increasing pollution and passive smokers fall victim to such condition.

Causes of Emphysema

-Lack of protein also known as alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) in your immune system makes you vulnerable for this disease

Symptoms of Emphysema

-A routine climb of stairs may cause shortness of breath
-Bouts of coughing
-Increasing production of mucus
-A slight bluish tint on the skin
-Loss of appetite

Self-Care Measures

-Ban smoking for life
-Do not be around smokers as passive smoking is equally bad
-Take precautions for the increasing pollution level
-Install an air purifier in your home to remove dust and any other particles
-Stay away from allergens

Home remedies for Emphysema

-To get relief from the coughing you can drink garlic, fennel and rose hips tea as it heals your throat thoroughly

-Rubbing eucalyptus or garlic oil on the chest helps in clearing the congestion

-You can consume comfrey and fenugreek capsules to alleviate congested mucus trouble

-Have a healthy eating habit and that too in number of small meals by chewing it properly

-Have fresh fruits which have a good source of vitamin C such as citrus fruits, strawberries as well as vegetables like peppers and broccoli

-You can increase the beta-carotene intake by having sweet potatoes, squash, carrots and many others

-Having a good and fit body by swimming, cycling and many other exercises which does not exert your body but helps in emphysema condition

-You can have Chinese medicinal mushroom cordyceps which helps with chronic lung disease problem

-Consuming 800gms of magnesium per day helps in clearing air passages due to it antihistamine properties

-Take grape seed extract daily as it avoids cell damage because of its strong and useful antioxidant properties

-Drink eight to ten glasses of water as it helps in thinning the mucus to make coughing much easier

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which gives information on Home remedies for Emphysema. By stopping smoking and using some home remedial tips you can treat this problem instantly.

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