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Articles in Home | Emotional Wellness | Grief & Loss

  • Loving Ways To Deal With Death and Dying  By :
    Death is a natural occurrence, a passageway. When we can accept human death as another cycle of life, we can enjoy our daily lives more because we won�t be in fear. Then we can also gracefully release others who are dying. Read the 23 suggestions that can help you deal with death and dying in a loving, healthy way.
  • Duration of Grief  By :
    When people are experiencing acute grief they believe the anguish and emotional pain will never go away. This article assures them that grief is a natrural and normal way to heal emotions after a loss. It takes a predictible course and in time gets easier to cope with. Grieving is a natural way to heal the feelings after a loss. There is life after grief!
  • Dealing with Betrayal  By : Duke Clarke
    Have you had to deal with betrayal? Have you ever felt God betrayed you? Find out more.
  • Coping in the Aftermath of Violence: Response to Virginia Tech and Beyond  By : Connie Hillman
    In the wake of the shootings at Virginia Tech, we are left to wonder how to cope with overwhelming, senseless violence. Here are reflections on how to begin the healing.
  • Grief and Worry with Expose can Develop more Severe Diseases.  By : Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S
    Grief and Worry: We all know of individuals who were so grief stricken at the death of a loved one they also died a short time later. Just a year ago,I experienced such a situation. Two wealthy,spinster neighbors were inseparable.
  • How Daniel Stayed Happy  By : David Deane Spread
    How Daniel stayed happy even though he had very little reason to be. How his father learned how to use Daniels' method when the unthinkable happened. Discover how you can use this method too.
  • Why Did My Child Die  By :
    A mother clasps the hands of a dying child and her prayers reach the heavens above with pleads for help. Gods angels are sent to perform miracles in that mothers life. If the child is destined to die then the angel gives the mother the strength she will need to endure the pain of loss. If the child is to live then the angel gives the mother a celebration over the miracle of life.
  • Heal Grief Connect With Spirit  By : Amirah Hall
    As the loss of a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges in life, learning to connect with spirit can be a life changing experience. Mediumship provides just one of the tools to help come to terms with the loss in a positive manner. This article lists the benefits of how you can heal grief by connecting with spirit.
  • Finding Grace in Facing Mortality  By : Jana Baldridge Vargas
    A exploration of experiences with illness and mortality, demonstrating how embracing life's temporary nature can lead to a state of grace.
  • Turning Death Into Triumph  By : Andrew Smith
    Explores the possibility that faith can turn death into a victory.
  • The New Character of Grief  By : Diana Burg
    When Lorelle and I first wrote this grief devotional, Mourning Glory, the world of grief, as well as the world at large, seemed much smaller.
  • Enduring Love  By : Ann Van Dyke
    It is a mystery - how in the midst of my husband's dying I can feel our shared love, our shared lives so poignantly and passionately while simultaneously withdrawing emotional energy from our relationship.
  • Of Death, Dying and the Possibility of a Hereafter  By : Richard Helfant
    Discussion by a cardiologist of how both he and a dying patient had a spiritual experience which convinced him that death is a transition, not an ending.
  • Relationship Advice - Our Dog Died Today: Grief Together  By : Steve Roberts
    The death of our dog gives opportunity to remember the lessons learned about couples grieving together.

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