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Grief and Worry with Expose can Develop more Severe Diseases.

By: Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S

Grief and Worry: We all know of individuals who were so grief stricken at the death of a loved one they also died a short time later. Just a year ago,I experienced such a situation. Two wealthy,spinster neighbors were inseparable. A year ago one did die and the other passed away just three days later.

Dr.Price reported a family of five girls who nursed their father through a long illness until his death of pernicious anemia. His problems had followed the death of the mother from a heart condition. These girls were not physically exhausted by their duties to their father because with five of them they were able to spread the work load among them.

However,each one developed rheumatic group lesions. One neuritis,two developed heart trouble,and two rheumatism. Oral examinations disclosed that all had infected teeth;removal relieved their illness. The stress to their immune systems was such that it could no longer cope with the bacteria hiding in their teeth.

Expose: It is common to hear someone say that due to a cold winter wind or draft they became ill. Another might get a stiff neck or shoulder from exposure to cold. Dr.Price reported the case of a man who was having infected teeth treated. The man was working in a factory when a water main line burst. In order to prevent damage to the factory,he worked outside in the cold of winter in icy water for two hours repairing the break.

He had been receiving dental treatment because of his neuritis and after this incident his condition became so bad his knees were drawn up to his chin for many weeks and one arm was almost useless from atrophy.

To test the ability of exposure to cold to cause illness, cultures were made from the teeth of a patient suffering rheumatism. Inoculations were made of these bacteria into four rabbits. Two were kept in a warm cage and the other two had their hind legs immersed in water with ice in it. The dosages in these cases were purposely kept small. All four rabbits received 12 inoculations at the same time over 1 32 day period.

All of the rabbits lost weight following the inoculations. The two control rabbits in warm cages lost 10 percent of their weight,while the two exposed to ice water lost 14 percent. The weight changes proved to be the least important finding.

The two control rabbits in warm cages lost 10 percent of their weight,while the two exposed to ice water lost 14 percent. The weight changes proved to be the least important finding. The two control rabbits not exposed to chilling did not develop any lesions from the inoculations. Both gained weight. One was still alive four months later and was so healthy it was used for another experiment subsequently.

However,the two exposed to chilling developed severe rheumatic lesions. One developed abscesses of the left shoulder extending into the muscle. The other rabbit developed arthritis of the right shoulder and left leg joint,which is comparable to our wrist.

The rabbit's response to cold illustrates how humans react, especially when there is any type of infection present. We also experience weight loss,stiff joints,rheumatism,etc. Inasmuch as the researchers found ionic calcium values reduced in those with dental infections,it is easy to see how exposure to cold could cause a further reduction of calcium that would be instrumental in the occurrence of ill health symptoms.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S

Article Source: http://wellnessarticles.net

Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year research program. To subscribe to the newsletter: Visit:www.1stultimategumsolution.com Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author

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