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  • An Overview Of The Depression Anxiety Illness  By : MIKE SELVON
    Depression anxiety is a fear that many people who experience depression have.
  • Beat Depression Before It Harms Your Health  By : Steve Kroening
    There's a simple way to help you overcome depression before it gets out of hand.
  • How to ease depression?  By : Mackster
    How can we help a depressed person? Are there any chances they can overcome depression? These are the questions that are needed to be answer.
  • Relieve Depression Naturally  By : Jennifer Kays
    The use of all natural health care products to relieve mild to moderate depression.
  • Understanding Treatment For Childhood Depression  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Treatment for childhood depression varies. What works for one child may not necessarily work for another.
  • Yoga Can Help Fight Depression  By : Scott Meyers
    Exercise can help to relax a person and so potentially lessen stress, which can then lessen the feeling of depression. Some people like to do meditative exercises because they appear to help some feel more in control of their lives.
  • Eight Tips to Fight Depression and Stress!  By : Scott Meyers
    Are you one of those people who impatiently waits for spring to arrive? The gloom of winter months and cloudy days depress you and sap your energy? Many Americans suffer from that condition aptly named Seasonal Affective Disorder.
  • The Dark Secret  By : qlcoach
    I believe there is a flip side to The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Her material is wonderful, but she misses an important point: there is a dark secret that prevents us from experiencing all the good we so righfully deserve.
  • The Truth About Depression Later in Life  By : Joseph J. Wood
    So many things cause depression later in life, but hormones are one of the leading reasons why someone will become depressed. When you are going through the change of life, your moods and feelings are all confusing, but then when you go through the change in life later it still has an effect on your moods and mental health, and can cuase depression later in life
  • Treating Depression And Battling The Demons  By : Jeff Austin
    Oh what a tough condition depression is to tackle.
  • Depression In Pregnancy  By : Jim Brown
    What should one do if they find themselves suffering for depression during pregnancy?
  • The Truth About Depression and Your Job  By : Joseph J. Wood
    Many times there are healthy people that have more problems than what we realize from just looking at them. Depression and your job is something that can be difficult to over come but with the right help, it is possible.
  • The Facts of Depression and Other Illnesses  By : Joseph J. Wood
    When it comes to depression, it is an chemical imbalance. This imbalance could end up having serious side effects on your health, thus depression and other illnesses.
  • How To Identify Depressed Behavior  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Only a member of the medical profession can properly diagnose your symptoms of depression and should be consulted if you, or a loved one is displaying signs of depressed behavior.
  • Depression And Symptoms  By : Jim Brown
    Perhaps you are one of many that has suffered from depression. If you are then you know how hopeless and sad you may become. It is not uncommon to stop feeling any pleasure from everything you do.
  • Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Depression  By : Jim Brown
    Do you have symptoms that may indicate depression? It is wise to ask and find out.
  • Depression Is No Joke!  By : Jim Brown
    Depression is a silent killer. If left untreated it has been known to result in one's death.
  • Depression In Children  By : Jim Brown
    Can your children really suffer from depression?
  • Fish oil and depression  By : David McEvoy
    It seems that everyone is talking about Omega 3 these days and the positive effect that fish oil can have on a whole range of health problems. The media continue to report on how fish oil can protect against heart disease,..
  • Shorter Hours of Sunlight Causes Depression  By : Scott Meyers
    Amongst the many different causes of depression, one that greatly affects the mood and creates depression is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as SAD). SAD can and should be treated.
  • Coping With and Understanding Depression  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Living with someone who is depressed is very challenging. Understanding depression is very difficult for a person who is not depressed.
  • What Are The Characteristics Of Depression  By : Faye B. Roberts
    Depression is a ailment that affects one in six people making it the most commonly diagnosed mental health problem. It affects your disposition,way of thinking,conduct,floods your mind with negative emotions and even your physical health.
  • How Do You Treat Depression Naturally ?  By : Gaetane Ross
    Depression is one of the most common psychological and emotional problems American adults encounter. A study reports that about 13 to 20 percent of American adults have some form of depressive symptoms. Unfortunately, many severe cases of depression can ultimately lead to suicide.
  • Circadian Rhythm Disorder Can Cause Depression  By : Scott Meyers
    There are some people who feel that the main cause of depression is a disruption of the body's circadian rhythms. Some believe that our body clocks no longer run our bodies.
  • Depression and Alcohol Abuse - Is There an Alcohol and Depression Connection?  By : David Lee Buster
    A question to raise is does depression and alcohol abuse happen because of depression, or does alcohol and depression happen because too much alcohol was consumed, making the depression worse? Here are some observations about depression and alcohol.
  • How to Overcome a Bad First Impression with a Woman  By : Scott Patterson
    If you make a bad first impression with a woman, then must do something. In this article, you'll learn how to overcome a bad impression and focus on building attraction.
  • Information on Depression: Where to Look  By : Jonathan Sapling
    Information on depression abounds. To find information on depression suitable for your needs continue reading. The major sources of information on depression are professional journals, magazines, books, newspapers and of course, the Internet.
  • Alternative Medicine: Try Something Natural Against Depression  By : Scott Meyers
    Many of those who live with depression as part of their daily lives want to use something other than antidepressants to help them. Many depression sufferers are looking to natural alternatives to a lifetime of taking medication.
  • Depression Can Affect Anybody  By : Alan Richardson
    Depression affects millions and millions of people each year.Many people think that they can snap out of a depression,but they can't.
  • Knowing and Understanding the Different Types of Depression  By : Jonathan Sapling
    Learn how to differentiate between types of depression, signs, causes and treatment. This is the first step toward understanding depression, getting the appropriate treatment and taking that step.
  • Treating Depression with Magnetic Therapy  By : Scott Meyers
    Man has been dependent on traditional medicine for a long time. However, as time passes by, researchers and even medical experts see that even the most efficient of drugs can bring unsatisfactory results. One of the newest, "non traditional" methods of treatment for people undergoing depression is magnetic therapy whose leading mode is called "transcranial magnetic stimulation."
  • Trying Relaxation Therapy to help with Depression  By : Scott Meyers
    Relaxation therapy is another, though a bit controversial, method for curing or fighting depression. Even though it does not eliminate depression completely, it still has been noted to diminish some of the most difficult to deal with and confused feelings of a depression afflicted person.
  • Depression - is it the way you are thinking ?  By : Sara Dryburgh
    A psychotherapist explains how twisted thinking can cause depression, and how to overcome it.
  • The Purpose of Yoga: Solutions for Depression  By : Paul M. Jerard Jr.
    One way to lift your spirits is to practice Yoga postures (asanas), which will raise your endorphin levels. Endorphins are hormone-like substances. Endorphins naturally occur, within your body, containing amino acids, which attach to receptors, and stop pain signals to the brain.
  • Herbs for Depression - Curing Depression Without Drugs  By :
    Depression and anxiety are so common in the modern world, and no single drug offers an effective cure. However, there are many herbal remedies for depression that can help you. Find out what herbs for depression are the most effective and how to use them
  • Depression - the effect of twisted thinking  By : Sara Dryburgh
    A psychotherapist explains how twisted thinking can cause depression
  • How To Identify A Bipolar Symptom  By : Riley Hendersen
    Bipolar disorder is defined as a mental condition in which a person's moods can alternate between levels of depression and manic highs which may last for days, weeks or even months. Knowing what the condition is and signs of a bipolar symptom can help procure early treatment and enhance chances of maintaining a relatively normal lifestyle.
  • Can You Be Suffering From Bipolar Depression?  By : Riley Hendersen
    Bipolar depression is a condition that routinely persists in the daily life of some individuals. Such depression is not what many of us feel on occasion, but are extreme and severe episodes that affect personal lives and work, and ability to function on a daily basis.
  • Are There Bipolar Medication Treatment Options?  By : Riley Hendersen
    Bipolar disorder is difficult to identify and treat, it's important to know that the disease can strike any gender or age group. Normal high and low moments are experienced on a daily basis by millions, but bipolar disorder takes such feelings to an extreme. Ongoing and recurring episodes of both depression and happiness are often the first signs of the disorder.
  • Ambien Depression  By : David McEvoy
    Ambien is the brand name of a prescription drug containing the active ingredient Zolpidem. It is a type of sedative or sleeping pill and is often prescribed as a treatment for insomnia. Due to risks associated with long term use, in particular the risk of dependency, it is only used on a short term basis for no more than a few days or so.
  • Depression from a Spiritual Perspective  By : Friedrich Asen
    This article offers a spiritual outlook on depression, which is often ignored in our modern day society. This is a very deep issue, as the subject of depression cannot be separated from understanding life as it is.
  • Suffer From Depression? There's Hope And Help Available To You!  By : Kevin Sinclair
    It may surprising to learn that as many as 20 out of 100 people experience clinical depression every year. These aren't the normal blues most people experience at one time or other in their daily lives, usually related to a specific event or circumstance.
  • Are You Depressed, Anxious, or Tired? You Might Be Deficient in Vitamin B6  By :
    B6 or Pyridoxine is a powerhouse of a vitamin! According to Dr. Ellis from Mount Pleasant, TX, who studied vitamin B6 for more than 30 years,
  • Which Depression Treatment Is Right For You?  By : Andrew Bicknell
    Depression is a complex illness that requires substantial intervention by a psychiatrist or psychologist to cure. In addition to consistent counseling prescription medication is also an option in the fight against depression.
  • Using Exercise To Battle Depression  By : Andrew Bicknell
    If you suffer from depression it is imperative that you see your doctor or a therapist first, but don't be surprised if they prescribe some sort of exercise regimen for you to follow in addition to some of the more normal treatments for depression.
  • Recognizing The Physical Symptoms Of Depression  By : Andrew Bicknell
    Although it is primarily thought of as a mental condition depression can also inflict varying amounts of pain and discomfort that manifest as physical symptoms of depression.
  • Relieving Depression from the Inside  By :
    Everybody gets down or feels blue from time to time. It's a natural thing. But others get truly and seriously depressed - unable to cope with day-to-day life or to live their lives in anything resembling a normal fashion.
  • Successful Treatment of Bipolar Disease  By : Riley Hendersen
    Like many other mental disorders, Bipolar disease cannot be cured. With proper treatment, however, those suffering from Bipolar disease can manage their disorder. A good prognosis depends largely on the individual and the way in which they manage their disorder.
  • Resources For Bipolar Support  By : Andrew Bicknell
    Of all the ways to get support for bipolar disorder the first and best step is to seek out help from a mental health professional. This is true for those who believe they have this disease or for the friends and family of those who are close to someone they feel may need help.
  • The Signs Of Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder  By : Andrew Bicknell
    Because it is one of the most serious forms of bipolar disorder the prognosis for anyone afflicted with rapid cycling bipolar disorder is not always good. The mental health and brain function of people with this condition is highly compromised because of the rate at which they go from mania to depression and back again.
  • Bipolar Disease - Symptoms and Treatments  By : Andrew Bicknell
    In the world of psychological disorders there are few that are more difficult to deal with than bipolar disease.
  • Is Bipolar The Root of Genius?  By : Riley Hendersen
    Although it may not always be the case, it seems that as we look through history, some of the most creative people who have shared our planet have suffered from Bipolar Disorder. So does the emotional instability of Bipolar disorder bring about genius?
  • Bankruptcy: A New Bipolar Symptom?  By : Riley Hendersen
    Imagine going out one day and buying 50 hats, or shopping for a baby or a pet that you don't have. Maybe you decide to buy a couple new cars and just go to the bank, get the money and do it. People in the manic phase of Bipolar Disorder often spend money in foolhardy, irresponsible ways.
  • Finding the Right Bipolar Medication for You  By : Riley Hendersen
    There are many types of Bipolar medicine on the market today. While some may produce desirable results in one patient, they may not help another. Only by working together with your doctor and therapist you can find a medication that best suites you and best controls your symptoms.
  • Depression Medicine  By : David McEvoy
    No one knows what causes depression and there are many variations in the way a depressive disorder can manifest itself. It isn�t possible to tell who is going to develop depression, and there is no way of knowing what medication might help or even exactly how each medicine works. What is known is that without assistance, it is possible for depression to continue for weeks, months or sometimes years and that medicine can help, but which one?
  • Conquer Your Depression Today  By : Anthony Stai
    Discover you reasons for feeling depressed and how you can manage those feelings. Learn to turn negatives into positives to achieve a more rewarding depression free life.
  • Depression and the Sensitive at Heart  By : Friedrich Asen
    The strong and unscrupulous control the world. Negativity is all pervading. Is there an alternative for sensitive people with a tender heart other than to escape into depression and frustration? This article will tell you that you might be closer to your power than you have ever expected. The sensitive shall reign the world.
  • Clinical Depression Symptoms  By : David McEvoy
    Clinical depression, sometimes known as unipolar depression or major depression, can be described as a type of depression where the symptoms are persistent and severe enough to warrant clinical intervention by a health professional. This is not the same as feeling fed up, down in the dumps or being moody.
  • Don't Take Bipolar Depression Lightly  By : Riley Hendersen
    In order to help someone suffering from a depressive episode, it is important to recognize the signs that some suffering a phase of depression may be considering suicide. Along with knowing the signs of suicidal behavior, you should also know who to contact to help this person.
  • Successful Online Dating Advice for a Single Women  By : Caroline Therancy
    Those online dating advice are meant to weed out most of the Mr. Wrong.
  • How To Love And Live With Someone Who Has Bipolar Disorder  By : Scott Shurian
    Giving unconditional love for Bipolar disorder patients is a tough job. It is not easy to express love when you are being turned away from, disrespected or even ill-treated.
  • Depression and Divorce: The New Person in Your Life  By : Sandy Baker
    Depression and divorce go hand in hand. Your marriage ends, and someone moves out, but someone also moves in. Like an unwanted house guest, depression becomes like a shadow, skulking in the background, right there,..
  • 8 Inviting Flirting Signs Women Will Send You  By : Scott Patterson
    There are certain signs of flirting which women send you. When you're able to discover these 8 signs, you'll instantly know she's attract to you.
  • Women Can Approach Any Guy For Conversation With This Technique  By : Joshua Uebergang
    Winning on the outside by successfully conversing with the guy you want starts by winning on the inside. You're inner self or what I like to call inner game tends to be overly negative that you are drowning yourself and suffocating any chances you had in starting a good conversation. Here is how to destroy approach anxiety for a woman.
  • Bipolar Disorder Is More Than Just Mood Swings  By : Riley Hendersen
    During the course of our lives, we all experience ups and downs. While we may find these mood changes bothersome, they do not disrupt our lives. In some people, more specifically those diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, mood changes are so drastic and severe that those suffering from the disorder often cannot function in the normal world.
  • Depression Disorder, Eating  By : David McEvoy
    The longer an eating disorder goes untreated, the greater the chance there is of developing a depressive disorder, and yet at the same time, depression and other mental health problems are also known to increase the risk of developing an eating disorder. The fact is there is a relationship between depression and eating disorders and other mental health problems can coexist with both
  • Depression Is No Match for Herbal Treatments  By : James Penn
    More and more consumers are approaching their doctors about getting natural herbal advice for their depression rather than being placed on synthetic anti-depressants. the most common herbal remedy is St. John's Wort...
  • Depression Zyban Wellbutrin  By : David McEvoy
    Both Zyban and Wellbutrin are brand name prescription drugs that contain the same active ingredient, which is Bupropion. Bupropion can be used both as an antidepressant, and as an aid to giving up smoking.
  • Depression in Men : Silent Suffering  By : Danna Schneider
    The image of the man as the strong, silent type, while a comforting one to many, is probably the biggest reason that men who suffer from depression tend to suffer in silence, never seeking the correct treatment they need to pull themselves out of the emotional doldrums that weigh on their heart and mind, and very likely also do irreversible damage to their physical health.
  • Fight Depression With Herbs  By : James Penn
    If you suffer from on-going depression, you should seek your doctor for treatment. However, in the meantime there are many herbs that have been proven to help you feel alive again. Let's take a look.
  • Depression and Experts  By : Friedrich Asen
    Doctor, heal thyself! A psychotherapist is as good as she/he is able to unconditionally love her/his patient. Developed personal integrity is crucial. How can you expect more than superficial help from someone, who hasn't mastered his own life to an advanced degree?
  • Depression Test  By : David McEvoy
    One way of finding out if you could be suffering from depression is to take a depression test. Depression tests are often used by health professionals in the first instance to assess whether depression is indicated, and if so, how severe the depression might be.
  • Natural Cures For Depression  By : Gary Tooth
    Depression is indeed a debilitation and awful condition of the mind. However, the term is often used loosely by folks that just feel fed up or bored with life, and this kind of mindset should not be confused with clinical depression.
  • Bipolar Depression  By : David McEvoy
    Bipolar depression, manic depression and bipolar affective disorder are all terms used to describe a highly complex and serious mood disorder that is characterised by extreme manic episodes (highs) and severe depressive episodes (lows). It usually begins in young adulthood, although not always, and continues for life.
  • If someone you know is suffering from depression, should you send them a get well card?  By : Mary Logan
    Two simple but powerful suggestions for staying in touch with people suffering from mental dis-ease in general and depression in particular.
  • Depression: A Problem That Affects The Whole Body  By : Adrian Adams
    While many people do go through times in their lives when they feel disheartened, sad and stressed. Depression is much more than feelings of sadness.
  • Three Things To Do To Snap Out Of Depression  By : Alexander Tretjakov
    There is nothing in this article that would be considered a cure. There is however my personal experience that hopefully will help someone out there to cope with what they are going through.
  • Taking Care of Mentally Challenged Family Member  By : Ken Hassman
    This article describes what it is like to live with a family member who is mentally challenged.
  • Type D Personality?  By : Ainsley Laing
    Research is beginning to show the effects of positive emotions on our health. Here's a discussion of them.
  • Depression Symptoms  By : David McEvoy
    There are a many different types of depression and although many of the symptoms that apply to each will be similar, there are some additional signs to look out for within each type of depressive disorder. The following is a list of some of the main types of depressive disorders and the kind of symptoms that can be associated with them.
  • Help for Depression  By : David McEvoy
    Depression is indicated if a number of symptoms persist for more than a couple of weeks and are severe enough to interfere with the ability to carry out normal routines
  • Clinical Depression  By : David McEvoy
    Clinical depression can be defined as a depression so severe as to require the intervention of a health professional. It is much more than feeling down, or fed up, something that all of us experience at times
  • All You Need To Know About Depression Treatment  By : Cindy Heller
    This article explains the various methods to treat depression, including the use of medication and lifestyle changes.
  • Beating the Blues. Depression Signs and Solutions  By : Graeme Lanham
    Depression is quickly becoming one of the biggest health problems in the world. According to a study by USA Magazine, 75% of doctor visits in the US are for stress and depression related illnesses. Clinical depression is Australia's fastest growing illness. How do you know if you are depressed?
  • Discover Fish Oil's Powerful Ability for Fighting Depression and Violence  By : Kallore Gandhi
    There is a definitive and significant impact on mood and depression with the supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Manic Depression  By : David McEvoy
    Manic depression, also known as Bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme fluctuations in mood ranging from periods of intense �highs� or mania to periods of severe depression or �lows�, however, in reality it is much more complex than that as there is no clear pattern and some can even experience mixed state bipolar, with a combination of both mania and depression.
  • Depression Medication  By : David McEvoy
    There are many different types of anti-depressants available and the earlier ones include Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). Newer types include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and others, which may not fall into one specific category but which all work by impacting on the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for our mood and how we feel.
  • Treatment for depression  By : David McEvoy
    Depending on the diagnosis and the severity of the symptoms of depression, there are several types of treatments that might be recommended by your health care professional. The most common include various types of psychotherapy and anti-depressant medications, or perhaps a combination of these two approaches.
  • Seven Spiritual Exercises to Naturally Overcome Depression  By : Anisa Aven
    How to offset those pessimistic, gloomy thoughts and surrendering to the depression with wanting to manifest a more positive present and feel happy!
  • Depression: It's More Than Just The Gloomies  By : Ray La Foy
    Depression is when a wave of sadness engulfs you and you stay under for days, weeks, maybe even months.
  • Why Are Twenty Million People Depressed In The United States?  By :
    Depression plagues twenty million people in the United States. What is the root cause of depression? How can people find relief from this debilitating disease.
  • Do You Think You Are Prey To Depression? Take A Self Depression Test And Find Out  By : Eddie Lamb
    Depression is now a very common malady. It affects millions and millions of people all over the world. What before was thought of as a mental imbalance is today considered a normal disease as any other.
  • Beating Depression. Is Work Stress Getting You Down?  By : Graeme Lanham
    John was a hardworking and caring teacher. Of concern to his wife however was his occasional bouts of work related stress and depression. His heart attack in the staffroom was devastating for all concerned and led to a review of work place policies for dealing with stress.

    Read on to discover strategies you can use to deal with stress.
  • Understanding the Symptoms of Depression  By : Matt OConnor
    Depression is characterized by two things: (1) a sudden drop or loss of interest on the daily activities including those that he or she once enjoyed, and (2) a depressed mood. If one of these two symptoms is present then it's fair to say that the person in question may be suffering from depression, whether they know it or not.
  • What are the Common Symptoms of Clinical Depression?  By : Matt OConnor
    Two of the most common symptoms of clinical depression are sadness (be it mild, moderate or severe) in the period of 2 weeks and anhedonia, or the condition wherein the person finds no pleasure on pleasurable activities such as eating, playing, socializing, and sexual interactions.
  • Depression Can Cripple Your Spirit  By : Colin Pike
    If you always feel down and you do not want to be around other people, connect with them, share their happiness, if you always feel sad, it is better that you take the situation in your own hands before you lose it and go consult a psychiatrist.
  • What is Manic Depression?  By : Matt OConnor
    Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, is a kind of mental or mood disorder that is characterized by an extreme shift of one's mood in a period of time.
  • Pros and Cons of Taking Medication for Manic Depression  By : Matt OConnor
    Medication is not usually used as a first line of defense against manic depression. Often, the patient has to undergo psychotherapy before the doctor will finally decide if he or she needs to take antidepressants.
  • Bipolar Disorder: Which Treatment is Right for You?  By : Matt OConnor
    Bipolar disorder is a mental condition that imposes a great deal of danger to its sufferers. The exact cause or reasons why it happens are still unknown to experts, but treatments come in a wide variety: psychotherapy, medication, alternative treatments, electroconvulsive therapy, and light therapy.
  • Overcome Depression Naturally  By : Shari Ode
    Taking the natural approach in managing your depression is becoming more popular these days. Prescription drugs are not the only way as this article discusses.

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