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  • Seal Yourself in the Book of Life this Yom Kippur  By : Nina Amir
    This article tells you how to see the Jewish High Holiday process of introspection and repentance to "write" your own pages in the Book of Life for the New Year. It also looks at how we cocreate our life with God and how God has a hand in our destiny.
  • Believe that He Is  By : Jon Straumfjord
    Everyone wants to receive from God, but many people don't even meet God's very first requirement: �believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.� (Hebrews 11:6). But why should we believe that any God exists at all? �The heavens declare the glory of God� (Psalms 19:1) The Bible contains some very ancient information about the beginning of the universe which we are only now beginning to understand.
  • Buoyant Mind --- No More Tears  By : abi
    One can not imbibe steadfastness and buoyant spirits unless he has peace of mind within himself blooming with love. His positive approach in life will boost self�esteem and he has to leave the past dead. His success depends upon taking every challenge as a passion and never to curse his luck but look perkier. Such a person arrests every moment of life for best use and casts magic spell on others to pull them along with him. The life of such a person will be like swirling fields with changing seasons and strutting water streams with giggling and crackling sound. His activities of life are stressed on �Karma� (actions) as to be remembered and emulated by others as he is forward looking with fervent hope at every step which is the basis for our moment�to �moment life breath and is elated at every success and he is never tired or disillusioned at failures.
  • Experience Versus Truth - Which Do We Choose?  By : Rob Marshall
    Our beliefs are based on the experiences we've had throughout our lives. But should our beliefs be built on what we've experienced? Or is there something more reliable?
  • Speaking To Children About Speaking To God  By : Jim Brown
    Many parents want to make sure that their children begin speaking to God early in life. They will set up a routine for the children that will allow them to get into the habit of speaking to God every night before they go to bed.
  • Sikhism, A View of the Sikh Religion  By : Emma Snow
    Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world. It began as a progressive religion which rejected all distinctions of caste, creed, race, or sex. It recognized the full equality of women at a time when women were regarded as property or entertainment of men, when female infanticide and widow burning was common and even encouraged. The legacy of Sikhism is its emphasis on one�s devotion to God and truthful living.
  • BWA Historic Election Of New General Secretary  By : Marvia Lawes
    Worldwide Baptists created history recently when member delegates of the Baptist World Alliance elected Jamaica Baptist pastor Neville Callam as first non-white General Secretary.
  • Relying On Faith To Carry Us Through  By : Jim Brown
    Every time a parent visits their son in jail they are relying on Faith to keep their child safe from harm.
  • Gabby's Way  By : Karin Syren
    If you're looking for a simple guide to staying on track in your daily life, try Gabby's way. The simplicity of this 7 year old's system influenced her Nana. Why not try it yourself?.
  • One Foot in Heaven  By : Karin Syren
    If you have ever longed for a deeper communication with your heavenly Father, not only in those most difficult of life's challenges but to enrich your times of daily fellowship as well, try increasing your earthly impact by living One Foot in Heaven - every day.
  • Controlled Senses and A Krishna Conscious Diet  By : Victor Epand
    This article provides information about controlled senses and conscious diet.
  • The Secrets of A Mothers Touch � It�s Like No Other!  By : Iris Shamble
    When a mother dreams, she has visions of rearing children who will be loving, respectable, honest, compassionate, and successful in life. It takes work. It takes prayer. Most of all, it takes faith. Will you compromise your role as a mother for the few years they are under your touch?
  • Spirituality Articles  By : abi
    Adjustment is an important subject of social sciences. Adjustment culminates to unity and strong bond between people which is very necessary for the advancement and existence of society and the country.
  • Tips for Improving Your Spiritual Connection  By : L. M. Sherman
    7 daily practices to enhance your spirituality
  • Mastering The Principles Of Personal Power  By : Ada Porat
    True power is the currency of personal success. We all seek more power to overcome pain and suffering, to change circumstances or to fulfill our potential. Are you finding your true power or are you settling for less? Here are ten principles of true power to guide you toward your inner source of power so you can fulfill your highest potential.
  • Live By Following Your Spiritual Control Tower  By :
    You are a pilot flying a plane in the sky of life. As long as the skies are clear, you are able to see where you are going. But there are times when you run into dark clouds and you can�t see what is ahead of you. Your control tower knows the whole picture and is directing you to go through the clouds. You might resist and go a different direction instead because of fear, worry and insecurity.
  • Faith and Miracles  By : Jan Engels Smith
    Faith is built by the strength of one�s belief systems. The more you believe something to be true, the more faith you have in the processes associated with it.
  • Reincarnation - Is It Credible?  By : Victor Epand
    Reincarnation is a unifying concept that is irreplaceable from the concept of theism. It is the only explanation that justifies the different situations that all living entities are in, in a particular life. It is the most credible aspect to the intelligent theist.
  • Want to Know How To Make The Most of Motherhood?  By : Iris Shamble
    Being a mother can be so rewarding. We must not compromise our role as a mother. Our children�s success is in our hands.
  • How To Hold Onto Your Peace Daily  By : Iris Shamble
    Don�t let the cares of this world draw you away from your peace. Staying focused and standing firm on what is in your heart � will bring success in your life.
  • The Spiritual Challenge Of Modern Times  By : Louis Bonaventura
    To grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. Modern conveniences such as electronic equipment, gadgets and tools, as well as entertainment through television, magazines, and the web have predisposed us to confine our attention mostly to physical needs and wants. This article discusses the challenges facing us all in today's world.
  • Chinese Religion: Taoism  By : Emma Snow
    You are no doubt familiar with the harmonizing symbol of yin and yang: the mystical circle encasing rolling waves of black and white. Within the black wave rides a white dot, and conversely, a black dot is seen in the white wave. Most know its connection to the idea of yin and yang, but few know the origin of yin and yang, or anything more of Taoist thought.
  • Numerology & The Essence Numbers  By : Abhishek Lodha
    In numerology, there is an extra section that is associated with your name rather than your birthday. Numerology can transform your name into a solid set of numbers just like that. It is the study of prediction and occult with the use of names and numbers rather than the time and ascendant of your birth! Numerology was first discovered by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras.
  • Numerology & Your Past Deeds - The Karmic Debts  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The subject of numerology is based on the ancient idea and concept that we, human beings are mere soul or spiritual beings, who incarnate on Earth many a times, in order to attain the highest level of awareness. In numerology, numbers 1 to 9 have certain geometry. Numbers relate to a pattern of energies and vibrations.
  • What in Heaven�s Name is Collective Consciousness?  By : Jan Engels Smith
    Have you ever driven down the highway and found yourself angry and getting clenched fists shaken at you? First one does it, then another and your are boiling inside. That�s one way collective consciousness works.
  • Does Mind Power Work?  By : Jorj Elprehzleinn
    Can You Apply Mind Over Matter to Solve the Problems of Everyday Life in an Effective Way or is This Mind Power Stuff Just a Lot of Hype.
  • The Urgent Need For Meditation Before 2012 Arrives  By : Craig Howell
    There is a cut-off point coming for the souls of earth to achieve a certain higher level of awareness at this time. According to my source (and many other people's sources), this point will be around 2012, the point where the Mayan Calendar simply stopped after about 5,000 years. Will all the souls of earth make it, or will some be left behind?
  • I Want A Do Over  By :
    Sometimes I wished I had the ability to float and escape just like the feathers. However, it seems that once you begin on a certain path you must follow it no matter where it leads. I guess that's the reason why it suddenly dawned on me that I wanted a 'do over'.
  • Prescription for Being Prosperous? Invest in your future; Invest in you!  By : Iris Shamble
    It�s time to look at money in a different perspective. You must invest in your future � invest in you!
  • Destiny Calls: Will You Answer?  By : Iris Shamble
    Will you answer to the call God has on your life � or will you wonder in a lifetime of uncertainty? Wake up to the call of destiny, and walk in who you were created to be.
  • God in a Box  By : Duke Clarke
    Most people want to put God in a box. Find out what happens when you do that.
  • The Real Heroes of Our Time Are Those Who Serve Others  By : Ed Bagley
    Words on a card are so inadequate to express how we feel when describing a tragedy. I find it difficult to accept the notion that death is part of life. One seems so alive and real, and the other so quiet and distant. I would be totally lost in accepting what is so natural and normal were it not for the fact that my life journey is also my faith journey. Thank goodness that God is in my life. He stands with us at our greatest hour of need.
  • Where are the Miracles Hiding When You're Down and Out?  By : Don McAvinchey
    Hard times test us. They challenge our beliefs that The Universe is a beautiful place, that we will be supported in what we are trying to accomplish in our lives, and they especially challenge our belief in ourselves. But sometimes, and I'm sure you've experienced this in your own life, sometimes it gets really, really hard to stay awake and aware of the miracles in our lives. Where are the miracles then, Oh Miracles Coach?!!
  • Never be envious again...  By : Duke Clarke
    You never have to envy anyone's job again once you understand, it's not what you do, but how you do it.
  • Bearing False Witness Against God  By : Gary Kurz
    The ignorant comment of a popular radio talk show host, where she blames God for evil, reflects an attitude that is found even among Christians. Believers need to guard themselves from falling into such an attitudinal rut.
  • Total Spiritual Makeover � Changing From The Inside Out  By : Iris Shamble
    Do you want more out of life � or do you want to stay in the same rut a lot of people walk in? Step up to the mirror and take inventory of your heart. From there be determined you will take the right steps for change to come in your life.
  • The Creative Force Of The Universe  By : Saleem Rana
    The creative force will help you solve any problem no matter how difficult it may seem.
  • Atheism at Its Worst  By : Gary Kurz
    Christianity is put on trial by a well-known atheist. Could it be that atheism serves society better than Christianity? A poignant look at atheism at it's worst.
  • Who Me? Hear the Holy Spirit?  By : DavidPaul Doyle
    Do you think it's possible to hear the Holy Spirit? What keeps you from hearing God's Voice in your life? Learn how to identify and overcome some of the barriers that keep you from accessing the Holy Spirit in your daily life.
  • How To Consciously Create Satisfying Life Experiences  By : Saleem Rana
    We can only create satisfying life experiences when we are present in the moment and can make rational choices.
  • Seeking God  By : Duke Clarke
    How should we seek God? What does it really mean?
  • Life Experiences�Choice�Karma�Unconditional Love  By : Jan Engels Smith
    Life experience, choice, karma, and unconditional love must be understood holistically. One without the other can bring confusion. Together, these terms explain the wonder of life.
  • Life is Not Fair  By : Duke Clarke
    Life is full of promise but it must be pursued. God desgined everything around us to give more back than we put in, but we must put something in to get a return. Happiness and prosperity is ours for the taken, but we must take it.
  • Homesick for Heaven  By : Gary Kurz
    A candid look at the differences in faith for young Christians (those young in the faith) and older, more seasoned Christians. New converts will learn much from this lesson.
  • Is the Gospel for the Poor?  By : Duke Clarke
    Is the Gospel for the poor only or is it for everyone? Is God against prosperity? Let's take a look and see what God really says.
  • What a Difference a Day Makes  By : Gary Kurz
    A candid look at the disparity between the world and Christianity over what day is the first day of the week. It may seem trivial to some, but as in most things, there are greater implications to one's view than can be seen on the surface of a matter.
  • Give Your Women's Ministry A Facelift  By : Robert Rizzo
    Do you have an existing women's ministry that is in major need of a facelift?
  • Making Women's Ministry Fun  By : Robert Rizzo
    In order to be successful, you must work really hard on making women's ministry fun.
  • Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Journeying  By : Jan Engels Smith
    Traditional therapy does not hae to be a long process. When coupled with Shamanic Journeying, the process is shortened because the person being healed is fully present.
  • Faith and Culture Combine  By : Francesca Black
    Stroll into the small farming community of Shipshewana, Indiana and be surrounded by a culture rarely found anywhere. The town of around 536 people hosts about 500,000 visitors each year. What is the big attraction? This area of Northern Indiana is home to many of the Amish faith. Tourism has been encouraged by residents of Shipshewana, attracting people come from far and wide to experience the simple, beautiful life led by the Amish.
  • Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval  By : Jan Engles Smith
    Our culture suffers from soul loss. It is rare to know someone who responds and lives from wholeness instead of from his past's woundedness. If a person has voids from soul loss, these voids act as magnets filling up with any energy to get whole. Extracting negative energies, bringing back the lost soul energy, and then learning how to stay whole will heal the individual, restore personal power and begin to restore wholeness in our society too.
  • Difficult Verses in the Bible  By : Gary Kurz
    Why is it that believers shy away from difficult passages in scripture? Even the most popular commentaries seem to skip over them. The Bible says that some scripture is "hard to be understood", but by growing in grace we can come to an place of understanding.
  • Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval  By : Jan Engles Smith
    When soul theft occurs, an effort must be made to recover it. Shamanism emphasizes that all experiences affect your soul and that all healing comes through the soul.The shamanic belief is that a human being is first and foremost a soul having a human experience. If the soul is cared for properly, or is healed through the process of soul retrieval, other healings can then manifest in an individual.
  • What On Earth Are You Still Here For?  By : Mike Fletcher
    Have you ever wondered what God has in store for you? On this earth, you have a purpose. And in the next, you have a God-set appointment. the bottom line is we are on divine time schedule
  • How to Transform Easter from a Commercial Holiday to a Spiritual and Meaningful One  By : Nina Amir
    Tips on how to stop approaching Easter as a commercial holiday and make into a spiritual and meaningful one.
  • Can Science Uphold Reincarnation?  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The mystery of rebirth or reincarnation, whatever we call it, have been chasing human beings and especially the scientist, since decades. Though, man has been trying to find a solution to this mystery, but conclusive evidences have constantly eluded him. Now, comes the question - Is rebirth possible?
  • Dasas and Their Effects  By : Abhishek Lodha
    The Hindus take the exact position of the Moon at the time of birth, find out in which Nakshatra, the star Moon then was, and then after calculation, find out the order of the dasas that will be followed. Vimshoddari dasa have been found to be very simple, most accurate and scientific as well.
  • Runes & Its Significance - Part 1  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Runes are similar to that of Tarot. The word 'Rune' has been derived from the old-root word meaning 'hidden' and 'mysterious'. Dates back, Runes were used to carve inscriptions and designed to defeat the wiles of tomb-robbers Runes were even credited with the ability, when used by one gifted with occult powers, of restoring the dead to life.
  • Vision Quest  By : Jan Engles Smith
    Have you been crying for a vision in your life? Read Jan Engels-Smith's remarkable story of her Vision Quest and learn how her willingness showed her what unconditional love truly is.
  • The Law of Spiritual Attraction  By : Cheryline Lawson
    The creation of the earth, world or universe took place because a law was put in motion. This same law is what governs both the natural and the spiritual world that we exist in. The Law of Spiritual Attraction is not a religious fad, but it is largely an unchangeable concept that came into existence before creation.
  • Holistic Meditation  By : Rob Daniels
    We are told that meditation is natural, that when someone sleeps they go into a meditative state. To fully understand the purpose and functioning of meditation one has to observe the human as both a physical and spiritual or psychological being. From the dawn of time, meditation has been a vital part of self transformation and holistic health.
  • Muhurthas - The Auspicious Time....When To Start The Important Job  By : Abhishek Lodha
    As per the Hindus and the Hindu Astrology, Muhurtha refers to the selection of auspicious times for every new event. Muhurtha means auspicious. In English term, Muhurtha can be well interpreted as Election.
  • The Miraculous Mirror Box  By : Gary Kurz
    The theory behind one of the most extraordinary therapeutic ideas in psychology can be applied by a believer to their own life to draw them closer to the Lord. Too many Christians live frustrated spiritual lives because they simply cannot see themselves the way the Lord wants them to be.
  • The Awakening  By : Jan Engles Smith
    This is the story about an introduction to alternative healing in an extremely alternative manner. It provides an insight into the journey of self-discovery.
  • Oh Jesus, Why?  By :
    Are you afraid to be spiritual, to express you wisdom, or to teach what you have learned? Do you feel you are stifling yourself, and being what society and your family want you to be to stay safe? Are you concerned that you will be hurt or killed if you are truly yourself? Read about a fascinating case study and find out one of the possible causes.
  • Telepathic Communication Between Two People  By :
    How do two people become so connected that they are able to communicate without being in contact physically, speak to each other through telepathy and even feel the same pains? The ability to send to and receive from each other thoughts and feelings comes from a spiritual connection between the two of you. When two people are spiritually close to each other, they are often able to sense what the other is feeling or thinking.
  • When the Clouds Turn to Dust  By : Gary Kurz
    Many Christians buy into secular philosophy without even knowing they have done so. They forget that the enemy is clever, deceitful ad above all, subtle. If we focus on the greatness of God, many of the vain deceits of the world will not impact upon us.
  • The Basics of Becoming Yourself  By : Jan Engles Smith
    Learning how to become who you were meant to be is one of the most challenging and thrilling of life's adventures. Jan Engles-Smith of LightSong School of Shamanic Studies is a gifted teacher who delights in pointing out the way for others. �Your vision will become clear when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.� � Carl Jung
  • Three Things Passover and Easter have in Common  By : Nina Amir
    THis essay details three common themes running through both Pasover and Easter. It provides insight into both the origins of Christianity and Judaism and the reasons behind the observance of these spring holidays.
  • Winning Ideas for Women's Ministry Events  By : Robert Rizzo
    Great women's ministry resources typically include ministry events. Women's ministry resources which offer these events don't have to be extravagant.
  • Women's Ministry Resources in Abundance  By : Robert Rizzo
    Women's ministry resources have grown immensely in abundance over the past few years.
  • Nurses, Petition Your Angels For Help  By : Kate Loving Shenk
    Nurses are a group that are notorious for refusing help, and refusing to ask for help. They are a group that face trauma on a regular basis, who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and who do not get help for this condition. Petitioning the Angels is a sure fire remedy to this challenge all nurses face every day!
  • Spiritual Alchemy Made Simple  By : Saleem Rana
    All you have to do to turn things around in your life is to practice a few ideas of spiritual alchemy
  • I Am Not Jewish  By :
    God made all people. Yet today we persecute people in order to justify the doctrine handed down by the church fathers. Why is this happening?
  • Not Giving the Devil His Due  By : Gary Kurz
    Worldly cliches are tiresome and vexing to the soul. One of the most outrageous to this writer is "Give the Devil His Due". I have never understood the intent behind that statement, but it does make the meaning of the Apostle Paul's words much clearer in his letter to the Ephesians, where he writes "Neither give place to the Devil."
  • The King James Version, Inspired or Not  By : Gary Kurz
    If you put two Christians together they will find something to argue about in short order. The topic of "inspiration" is no exception as many vehement arguements have occured. It appears the root of the conflict is a misunderstanding of the words "inspiration" and "preservation".
  • Life Is A Struggle - Why Not Go For Your Dreams?  By : Rob Marshall
    The Bible tells us that our lives are going to be a struggle. So if it's going to be hard to reach even the most modest of goals, why not go for all we want?
  • A Love Letter from God  By : Gary Kurz
    A sailor makes a comparrision of love letters received from his wife to the Word of God.
  • All Things Are Possible, Even For A Nobody  By : Rob Marshall
    Before his epic battle with Goliath, David was just a lowly shepherd working for his dad. But even though he was a nobody, he had learned to trust God and that changed everything.
  • Want Life-Enhancing Power? Try Sustainable Spirituality!  By : Don McAvinchey
    As human beings, we often know more than we think we know. Many times, we pretend not to know as a way to protect ourselves from our own power. When I become overwhelmed and think that I am alone, I use the 3 following strategies to maintain my connection with the Universe:
  • Reclaim Your Power through Your Miracle Stories  By : Don McAvinchey
    Miracles happen around us every day. However, they may pass us completely unless we're open to seeing them. The more we include our own miracles stories in our conversations with others, the more aware we become of seeing and hearing more and more miracles,
  • When Seeing Is Believing  By : Rob Marshall
    There are times when we end up rejecting biblical truths because of the way some people, or religions, have misused them. Visualization is a valuable tool for Christians, as long as we use it to strengthen our faith in God.
  • The Law of Sowing and Reaping  By : Rob Marshall
    Sometimes called the "Law of Laws," the Law of Sowing and Reaping effects every part of our lives, even if we aren't aware of it.
  • The Kingdom of God and The Farm  By : Rob Marshall
    In our fast-food society we've lost touch with the farmer's life. But if our faith is going to bring us a harvest of blessings, we need to relearn some valuable principles.
  • Trust And Obey Part I  By :
    Joshua stood at the Jordan river and wondered if God would really use him to lead the great people of Israel into the Promised Land. His human weaknesses doubted his ability to do it, but his belief in the miracle working power of God made him Trust and Obey.
  • Affirmative Prayer - One Key To Power  By : Alan Tutt
    Prayer is a potent tool, yet many people do not get the results they want from their prayers. This article shows how to get results every time.
  • Going Back To The Basics  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    In order for us to talk about nations and kingdoms, there has to come a peace within each of us. God needs men and women to line up with His word. All of the things that God ordained will automatically happen when order hits.
  • Sex, Guilt, and Spirituality  By : William Frank Diedrich
    It's difficult to get through a day without thinking about sex. That's not a confession, but an observation of the world we live in. We are surrounded by messages pertaining to sex. I can't help but think about sex when I go through the grocery line.
  • Why Your Prayers Don't Get Answered  By : Rob Marshall
    The greatest enemy of our faith isn't something that comes against us, it's something that rises up within us.
  • How to Believe in Miracles  By : Gary Kurz
    The results of a poll of Christians that asked the question "which miracles of the Bible do you least believe" are shocking. A good example is offered to show why we should never doubt the Word of God.
  • Together To Gather/Your Calling is Holy  By : Sandra Hughes
    The seeds sown into missions and outreaches are eternal and have far reaching effects. We will never comprehend or appreciate its complete value until we step over into eternity.
  • Five Ways To Hear From God  By : Sandra Hughes
    I never seem to hear God say anything to me... Does that sound familiar? We all want and need to hear God's voice. We need His guidance, wisdom, and direction.
  • Becoming Spiritually Fruitful  By : Sandra Hughes
    I was surprised to find out the words tutti fruitti actually meant all fruit in Italian. Christians are to be tutti fruitti! This would be someone who has cultivated and developed the seed of God's divine nature.
  • Dealing with Hurtful Words  By : Sandra Hughes
    James chapter one says, Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
  • Viva Italia-God is Faithful  By : Sandra Hughes
    In 1908, my grandmother was three years old when she, her younger brother, and her parents (my great-grandparents) came to the United States from Italy. Shortly after settling in New Orleans, my great-grandmother, Mama Bea, discovered she was carrying her third child.
  • Your Calling is Holy  By : Sandra Hughes
    (God) who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity (2 Tim. 1:9 NAS).
  • Heaven Is Going to Be A Shock to You  By : Gary Kurz
    Many a theologian have stated that heaven will be whatever it takes to make you happy. Is this true? Is that what the Bible teaches or are most believers in for a big shock?
  • Treat Nature With Respect To Avoid Destruction  By : Steven Fu
    The moment one species begin to cause massive damage and harm the existence of another species, it is just a matter of time before Nature does its work.
  • Peace from Within  By : William Frank Diedrich
    The world we observe and participate in is a reflection of the thoughts we hold. This is our world. The helping, the hurting, the peacemaking, the war making, the blaming and the blessing are all reflections of us. The key to creating a more peaceful world lies in creating a more peaceful you.
  • Fantasy  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    Fantasy is an �imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need; an unrealistic or improbable supposition.� Your goals are not a fantasy.

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