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  • Perseverance - The Key To Answered Prayer  By : Rob Marshall
    If all things are possible for those who believe, then why do we struggle so much with our faith? The answer may be that we haven't allowed God to really work on it.
  • Consider the Secret of the Eagle's Power  By : Ann Stewart
    Can you identify with the eagle? Is this a spiritual picture of you?
  • Christian Dating Services - Quick Tips You Can Use Now  By :
    Free online Christian dating is readily available to Christians who are looking for friends or life partners.
  • Where Are the Christian Men  By : Caroline Therancy
    It is like a puzzle to find a Christian guy. Where do they hide?
  • Change The Past By Altering Your Perception Of It  By :
    You can literally change the past by altering your perception of it. The past has no effect except by its influence on the present. By changing the past that exist in your consciousness, you alter its connection to the present reality. Time does not exist, it is an illusion, so by �going back� in what we call �time� and changing your thoughts, you will influence what you are experiencing in the Now.
  • Asleep Too Long, Wake Up  By : Veronique Belmar
    Why are you sleeping? Can�t you hear the rolling thunder blasting the sky? Wake up, I tell you, wake up. See, the billows and the sky rolls, the winds furious, mountains and hills move from their base, and you are still asleep. Your enemies laugh because they see your fall. Continue sleeping and they will have the last laugh. Leave me alone, I�m just tired of your foolish talk, just back off Paul, Okay, Mary.
  • I Broke a Chair in Church. Will God Hate Me?  By : Amy Nutt
    No matter how modern and educated a society, superstitions prevail. For many people, it doesn't matter what they're doing or where they are... superstition can be hard to fight.
  • Prayer and the Power It Has  By : Dana Terrell
    Prayer is a powerful tool if used right, but many Christians today fall short of the mark when they pray. This article will show some of the pitfalls that Christians get caught in and how to avoid them.
  • Should Christian People Mourn the Death of A Man Who Promoted Hate  By :
    Newsmen hovered and ran to cover the newest breaking story. They were eager to proclaim the death of a powerful man of the Religious Right who had passed away from a massive heart attack.
  • Obstacles To A Christian Marriage  By : Jimmy Cox
    Marriage is an institution as old as the human race itself. It started in the Garden of Eden with our first parents. God blessed Adam and Eve: "Increase and multiply and fill the earth" (Gen. 1:28).
  • The Fundamentals of Christian Marriage  By : MIKE SELVON
    Understanding the fundamentals of Christian marriage can be complicated, but it is important to take a look at the history of the union for a man and a woman in order to discover a basis within Christianity.
  • Christian Home Based Businesses  By : Enrique Villalobos
    There are mass amounts of Christian home-based business opportunities in the community today, and there are many resources online that can help you start this kind of business at home....
  • Where's Your Joy Gone To?  By : Ann Stewart
    If the joy of the Lord is your strength, as the Bible says, then how come you so often are sad, stressed out and ready to throw in the towel?
  • Understanding Prosperity Christianity - Are Christians Supposed to Be Rich?  By : Jinger Jarrett
    Prosperity Christianity has gotten a bad rap. Too many think it's all about money, but there's a whole lot more to being a prosperous Christian than just having a lot of money.
  • Do You Want A Life That Makes A Heavenly Impact?  By : Jeff Newman
    Life is short. Use yours to make an impact for eternity. Read this article to learn how to lead people to spend eternity in Heaven.
  • Once Saved Always Saved?  By : Candace Marra
    This article addresses the contentious issue of eternal security. Is once-saved-always-saved Biblical?
  • Creative Ideas For Christian Women's Ministry  By : Robert Rizzo
    Is your Christian women's ministry in need of creative ideas that will strengthen the ministry and encourage attendance?
  • Take Your Women's Ministry Events To New Heights  By : Robert Rizzo
    Is your women's ministry just so-so? Are you in need of some new ideas?
  • Is the Bible Really the Inspired Word of God?  By : Candace Marra
    Many in the online community have argued that the Bible is not inspired by God. This article refutes those arguments and presents compelling evidence for the inspiration of the Scriptures.
  • Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People and Good Things Happen to Bad People?  By : Candace Marra
    This is a question theologians and laypeople alike have grappled with since the beginnings of Christianity. This article explores these questions.
  • Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?  By : Candace Marra
    Doubts about your salvation? This article helps to assess whether you're truly saved, and shows you how you can have assurance of your salvation.
  • The Unforgivable Sin--What Is It?  By : Candace Marra
    Many Christians have experienced a great deal of fear and doubt over the issue of "the unforgivable sin." Yet Christians have no reason to fear that they have committed this sin.
  • An Effective Three-Step Evangelism Plan  By : Mike Fletcher
    It's every Christian's job to be able to effectively tell others about Jesus. Do you know how? Here's a powerful way you can immediately start reaching others for the Savior.
  • What Makes A Person Good Or Bad  By :
    What makes a person good or bad? Is it their sexual orientation? Or rather is it what kind of person they are when they face problems. Does the person display integrity? Does he show, by his actions, that he is of high moral character?
  • Slay The Dragon  By :
    Christian soldiers, you have a mission! Be brave and true to your call to defend Jesus Christ your Savior from the evils of this world. Remember our fight is not against flesh and blood, it is against the wicked spiritual forces of evil. Evil, which wants to defeat love and all those who are good.
  • The Majesty of an Awesome God  By : Ann Stewart
    It is good to reflect often on the enormity of the majesty of God.
  • The Evil Dragon Satan  By :
    A gigantic dragon loomed within the clouds of the darkened sky. It's breath exhaled sparking burning rays of fire into the ominous night. The sky grew fierce and lightning bolts of flame reached out and touched one man and then another, until millions of people were connected helplessly to the terrifying sight of imminent destruction.
  • The Truth About Contrarian Couples  By : Carolyn Moynihan
    Do recent statistics from the US indicate a shift in attitudes towards contraception?
  • Meaning-of-Names Code from Adam to Jesus  By : Dean Coombs
    The combined meaning of the names in the lengthy genealogy from Adam to Christ reveal a lengthy prophecy as it surveys the history of man.
  • Jesus Christ, Superman Part Five  By :
    It's a bird. . It's a plane. . No! It's Jesus Christ, Superman, Savior of the world! Peter was shaking and crying without even realizing what he was doing, he denied Jesus three times! He thought he would be able to stand up to the pain and the suffering he saw Jesus going through and Be A Man!
  • Jesus Christ, Superman Part Four  By :
    It's a bird. . It's a plane. . No! It's Jesus Christ, Superman, Savior of the world! "Roll the stone away, Lazarus come out!" Commanded Jesus. Immediately Lazarus walked out from his rocky crypt pulling the grave clothes away from His face while taking a deep gulp of fresh air.
  • Jesus Christ, Superman Part Six  By :
    It's a bird. . It's a plane. . No! It's Jesus Christ, Superman, Savior of the world! At noon the whole country was covered with darkness, which lasted for three hours.
  • Jesus Christ, Superman Part Three  By :
    It's a bird. . It's a plane. . No! It's Jesus Christ, Superman, Savior of the world!
    An audience of beautiful shimmering angels stood before the magnificent throne of God. The power that emanated from the Lord God Almighty could be felt spreading a warm sensation of adoring love reverberating into the hearts of all those who stood before His presence.
  • Jesus Christ, Superman Part Two  By :
    Jesus Christ Superman was the Savior of the World. Following Him would take every ounce of strength. But when they placed their faith in Jesus they had the power to overcome the greatest world game of them all!
  • Holy Company and Mind Control  By : Abhishek Lodha
    Though difficult, but it is not absolutely impossible to control the human mind. Strengthening of will, meditation, yoga, importance of the right use of our imagination power does help us in controlling our mind to a great extent. Apart from these Holy Company too, greatly helps in exerting a control over our mind.
  • Five Steps To Christian Leadership  By : Mike Fletcher
    Leadership can be daunting. Here's how to stay on track.
  • You Are The Salt Of The Earth  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    In all of this, our power first begins at home. For us to take the city and the world, the first assignment and window God has opened up for us as the salt of the earth is to get our homes in order.
  • What Does The Bible Say About Giving?  By : Mike Fletcher
    What does the Bible say Christians are to give to the church? It's more about motive than money, and service instead of serve-us.
  • Get a New Mind  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2)
  • Can Christians Drink Alcohol?  By : Mike Fletcher
    Is it a sin to drink alcohol? What does the Bible say about it?
  • Fresh Women's Ministry Ideas are Available  By : Robert Rizzo
    Women's ministry resources have the difficult task of providing support and new ideas to established and recently started women's ministries.
  • Sharing your Christian Faith with the Culture  By : Mike Fletcher
    It's getting harder and harder to share your faith out there. Unless you become a walking billboard for Jesus. Here's how:
  • Keys to Great Women's Ministry  By : Robert Rizzo
    Women's ministries have taken a turn for the better over the last ten years, providing Christian women with more available resources than ever before. Understanding what it is to minister, what it means to provide hope and promise and joy to those in need, has lead to an expansion of resources.
  • Inexpensive Women's Ministry Resources  By : Robert Rizzo
    It can be remarkably frustrating when searching for women's ministry resources only to find that your budget for it isn't going to cover even half of the resources that would really make a positive impact on your ministry.
  • Jesus WAS Narrowminded!  By : Mike Fletcher
    Nobody likes to be called narrowminded. But in some spiritual matters, that's clearly what Scripture teaches us to be.
  • What the Apostle Paul Would Say to Your City  By : Mike Fletcher
    Paul was thwe most effectve evangelist the world has ever seen. In Athens, he spoke to a sophisticated culture and related their world to their spiritual condition. Ever wonder what he might say to your city?
  • God Has A Prophetic Word For All Of Us: Time To Manifest  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    God has a prophetic word for all of us: it is manifest time. God said to tell you to dust off all your dreams that haven't come to pass that He spoke to you; all the vision that He has given you. He is about to bring it to pass - with quickness.
  • Trust And Obey Part Four  By :
    So many times I asked God, if He made us like this, then why was the church and society so against us? God profoundly stated many churches have been deceived!
  • A Life of Grace  By : Mike Fletcher
    Grace is a powerful thing. As a Christian, it affects everything. And it leads to a joy beyond all human understanding.
  • Well and Truly Loved!  By : Ann Stewart
    He knew you and everything you're about to become before you were even conceived.
  • The Flavor of Relevance  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?
  • Touch Not My Anointed!  By : Ann Stewart
    "Jesus Christ ... hast made us unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign on the earth" (Rev. 5: 10)If you are are born of the Spirit (John 3: 6) you are indeed God's anointed, as are your fellow believers!
  • Trust And Obey Part Three  By :
    I was left in jail and mad at the predicament we were in. I had lost custody of my children, now Tori was about to lose custody of Brad. Prison was looming over both our heads for defying the court order and all I had done was trusted and obeyed God.
  • Listen, God Is Speaking  By :
    Some of the messages fell on those who thought they were meaningless and they ignored them. Others fell on believers who vowed to follow them, but when the trials of life occurred they quickly forgot. But there were a few messages that fell on ordinary people who took them to heart and shared them with those who would listen. I am one of those ordinary people.
  • I Made My New Years Resolutions  By :
    This year it was going to be different! A new house, a promise of a promotion at my job and of course an exercise program to shed the extra pounds. Everything was in place. I was energized and full of anticipation of making it the best year ever.
  • I Won The Lottery  By :
    Fame, fortune, the American Dream! It all happened in the blink of an eye. I had achieved what everyone only dreams of. I have everything I want. I could finally relax for I had attained my life purpose. Or did I?
  • A Christmas Of Secrets  By :
    This was going to be a real challenge to Christmas because her parents didn't know that I lived with her. Tori had fabricated an elaborate story surrounding her life. She was supposedly engaged to a man who was in the mafia.
  • Even The Wind And The Sea Obey!  By : Ann Stewart
    What do you do when thunderstorms and the like threaten your life? Do you prepare spiritually as well as you may do physically by storing emergency supplies and back-up power? Are you aware that the Power and Authority within you are infinitely more powerful than any force of nature?
  • How to Make Predictions Come True!  By : Ann Stewart
    What are you saying about yourself? Are you speaking His blessings over your life?
  • What's The Focus of Your Eye?  By : Ann Stewart
    Look not to the right, nor to the left.
  • Trust And Obey PartII  By :
    Joshua had to see the Spirit world that is hidden from the people of the world. He had to understand how the unseen world and our world co-exist for the purpose of helping human beings who were on the side of God. This knowledge would give him the ability to be strong and determined so he could trust and obey God as he began the awesome task of conquering the Promised Land.
  • In An Instant  By :
    When we are aware of how our environment changes then we go through the seasons of life and accept the climate differences. This is the way it should be when we are challenged in stressful situations in life.
  • Be Prepared For The Coming!  By : Sandra Hughes
    Are You Ready to Focus on Your Harvest Field?
  • Follow Me and I Will Make You  By : Sandra Hughes
    Jesus, when He was on the earth in the form of a man, had men and women turn their hearts and lives over to Him.
  • The Blessing of God Is Part of His Covenant  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    The whole bible is a story about a father and a son. It's a generational thing. Some are living better lives because of the generational transfer of those that came before.
  • Women, Listen Up/Physical Daddies and Spiritual Daddies  By : Bishop Eddie L. Long
    Ladies, you have more power than hell over the destiny of a man. All of us have been birthed by a physical daddy. A good many of us have been lost because of what happened with the relationship of our physical daddy.
  • Healing Distress, Debt, And Discontent  By : Sandra Hughes
    Everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was in discontent gathered to him. So [David] became captain over them.
    (1 Sam. 22:2 NKJV)
  • Who Is My Hero  By :
    The Lord God Almighty looked down upon the ragging firestorm and took flight into the night air abandoning the perfection of Heaven to fight for the children He loved. God strapped on His sword of righteousness and waged a great battle against the evil serpent of the world.
  • You Only Have Days to Live  By : Gary Kurz
    Christians literally only have days to do the work God has for them. A fresh look at how we should use them.
  • The Creator Of The Heavenly Lights  By :
    A sparkling white dove floated down leaving a trail of sunbeams in it's flight. It's wings were spread out and it's eyes showed a determination to bring a urgent message of love from Jesus Christ.
  • A Miracle in Monterrey  By : John Savage
    One by one, Paloma watches gang members walk out of the warm Monterrey sun, and into her tiny home.
  • As You Give, So Will You Receive  By : Ann Stewart
    "Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom."
  • How Strong Would You Like to Be?  By : Ann Stewart
    There is no denying that in this world you need to be strong. At certain times and circumstances you will require more strength than others. Whether you're looking for more physical energy, moral fortitude or spiritual authority, there never seems to be enough when you suddenly need it.
  • The Horoscope Of Jesus: Part 2  By : Dave Smith
    What must Mary have thought when she first opened the door and found a group of Iranian astrologers, there to celebrate the birth of her son? These characters seem so inappropriate in the Christmas narrative, but maybe that's the point?
  • The Horoscope Of Jesus: Part 1  By : Dave Smith
    What must Mary have thought when she first opened the door and found a group of Iranian astrologers, there to celebrate the birth of her son? These characters seem so inappropriate in the Christmas narrative, but maybe that's the point?
  • Gospel Music Artist Says Gospel Music Will Never Be the Same...  By : Don Alexander
    Why is there such a tendency toward performing rather than lifting up the Lord in gospel music today?
  • Amazing Discovery About Early Christianity  By : John Savage
    Few things are more important to a Central Asian than maintaining cultural traditions.
  • Father Dave's Review Of 'The Passion Of The Christ'  By : Dave Smith
    Father Dave's tribute to what he calls 'the greatest thing that has ever been done with celluloid.'The movie has polarised people, certainly, but so did Christ Himself. Dave does believe that this movie is something that God is using in our time.
  • Fate  By : Michael A. Verdicchio
    You are in life today where you are because of what you have believed and accepted as true. You can change your circumstances by changing your thinking. You can choose to focus on the things that you do desire instead of settling for the way things are now.
  • Living in the Power of the Gospel  By : Roger and Eileen Himes
    Living in the power of the Gospel is really easy if we live God's way. What this involves is trusting him and responding to him in gratitude.
  • Marketing The Gospel - Is It A Contradiction In Terms?  By : Dave Smith
    'Marketing the Gospel' - is it a contradiction in terms? And at a glance, our Gospel text would suggest that, if there is such a thing as Gospel marketing, Jesus obviously didn't know how to do it!
  • The Tears of God  By : Gary Kurz
    What could cause the Son of God to cry? What could bring very God to tears?
  • Keeping The Faith  By :
    Confused and alone five year old Christy watched as her mother was jailed, injured, made homeless, and abandoned by family and friends. Christy grew up wondering how people justified telling her to hate her mother while teaching her that God is love.
  • Limited In Time and Space  By :
    Do you ever wonder what it would be like to jump off a cliff and fly like a bird? Wouldn't it be fun to breath under water and explore the ocean. No, I'm not talking about airplanes or submarines, I mean exploring the world with this kind of freedom in the our human bodies of flesh and blood.
  • Bible Stories  By : John Pawlett
    When I was young, I used to love to go to Sunday school just because I loved to hear the Bible stories.
  • Rescuing Eve - Setting the Record Straight  By : Gary Kurz
    Eve has borne the ire of Christians throughout the history of the human race for being the catalyst for the fall of mankind. The Bible places the blame elsewhere.
  • The Ten Suggestions of God  By : Gary Kurz
    The Ten Commandments are more than just commandments. They are sage suggestions on how one should live a life, replete with incentives.
  • Christians in America - An Unbelieving Generation?  By : Rob Marshall
    What would Jesus say about our faith? For most Christians the answer might be that He would be disappointed. Like His original disciples, we get too caught up in our problems and lose sight of His power.
  • God Brings Order to a Crazy Mixed Up Life  By : John Savage
    I used to frequent clubs, smoke whatever came my way, and date many wild girls.
  • Jesus Is The Light  By :
    As a small child I was given a burgundy book of Bible stories by my grandmother. At the time I couldn't read, but the pictures set my imagination into action and confronted me with questions.
  • Get Abundance and Prosperity By Being a Blessing  By : Dan Brown
    When Jesus said, "Ask the Father anything in My name," He meant that you should ask according to His will. Unless you ask according to His will your prayers will be ineffective.
  • Bible Studies Improve South African Communities  By : John Savage
    As South Africans turn their hearts towards Christ, communities are being changed.
  • Destined To Believe  By :
    I proclaim that everything that I have suffered in this life can not compare with the knowledge I have gained. I know I came to this world to do battle for God. I know that my life purpose was always to proclaim the Love of God.
  • You Cannot Advance by Looking Back  By : Ann Stewart
    Choose not to concentrate on your past, but keep your gaze steadfastly on Him!
  • Conversations With God  By : Saleem Rana
    The ultimate purpose of sentience appears to be to embrace the mystery, and for this it has evolved beings capable of creating sounds to penetrate the veils of existence in an attempt to suture the visible and the invisible worlds, the realm of effort with the effortless experience, the algorithmic with the non-algorithmic, and the conscious with the supra-conscious.
  • Prayers That Bring Results  By : Ann Stewart
    Are your prayers being heard? Have you been fervently praying for something for a long time and are just about at the point of giving up?
  • It's a Matter of Truth!  By : Ann Stewart
    The Truth shall make you free! (John 8: 31-32)
  • The Vital Power of Praise  By : Ann Stewart
    Are you going through a difficult situation? Don't lose hope; Don't give up now! There is a way out of every situation!
  • God Made Me Love  By :
    Scriptures filled the paper. Words I did not type. Ideas I had never understood before. It was as if the clouds parted and the light of the sun shone through. A bright light of wisdom.
  • To Get Results You Must Take Action  By : Dan Brown
    Why is it so hard to take action? Is it fear? Is it lack of belief? What's the deal, anyway?

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